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Originally Posted by artkavanagh View Post
This happened to me, too, when I tried to "click" on the link in the N800's own email client. However, when I clicked on the same link on my notebook, it brought me to the EULA and download link. I then coped the .deb file onto my SD card and installed it from there. A bit of a roundabout way to go about it, I know.
That is a bug in the e-mail client. It misinterprets the & character as " instead, which causes the link to be wrong when clicked upon. Try replacing any "s with &s and also removing %3E at the end of the link as well.
Karel Jansens's Avatar
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Originally Posted by JeffElkins View Post
Just a note of caution here.

I'm a former long-time OS/2 user and I've always felt that one of the things that ended up hurting OS/2 was it's ability to seamlessly run Win3.X programs. Why? Because many developers simply wrote for the Microsoft platform, knowing that OS/2 users could run the applications mainly hassle-free.

We need a vibrant developer community and native applications more than emulation software.
I'm with you that I'm not enthousiatically jumping up and down about this, but for a different reason (I feel your OS/2 pain though, brother):

Why are we even wasting time on this? This is Palm Garnet, people. Stone age technology that nobody wants anymore.

Please don't try to convince me that giving up three quarters of my N800's screen is a good deal. Heck, I can't even use the N800's HWR on this thing. Graffiti?? WTF???

If we are going to incorporate Palm's software into the ITs, then this

is a much more commendable effort, rough at the edges as it may be.

[OS/2 sidenote: Did we ever meet in cyberspace? On Usenet's cooa perchance? Wait... You're not Tim Martin, aren't you? Are you????]
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Originally Posted by spotdog14 View Post
Come on no one?
I had the same problem, when I tried to install the n800 deb (the direct link that was posted some time ago) on my nokia 770. My be you should try the correct deb (same link but replace n800 by n770) - there are three different debs!
harknell's Avatar
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Does anyone know which palm hardware this emulator most resembles? In some cases you need to get the software version for a particular palm hardware version for it to work best--just curious to know which hardware would match up to this best.
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Originally Posted by Karel Jansens View Post
Why are we even wasting time on this? This is Palm Garnet, people. Stone age technology that nobody wants anymore.
I'm in for just one thing - the palm calendar. It wipes the floor with anything available for N800. Now if only we could use the whole screen and have a handy way of launching directly to the calendar.

Seriously, I'm willing to bet good money on that the screen will be better utilised. After going through all this trouble of bringing the VM to Maemo, it would be crazy not to fix such an obvious issue. I'm thinking flipping it 90 degrees CCW and scaling up. That way you even have the 4way pointer pretty near where it is in Palm devices.
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Originally Posted by Naranek View Post
I'm in for just one thing - the palm calendar. It wipes the floor with anything available for N800. Now if only we could use the whole screen and have a handy way of launching directly to the calendar.
i'm with Karel on this one. Instead of asking "if only we could do such and such with an emulator" we should be asking "if only we had a native calendar app that wipes the floor with anything out there".

Seriously, wouldn't we prefer to have apps made for the device, rather than some bog-slow emulation of a 10 year old (or more) app?

My opinion, of course.

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Originally Posted by Karel Jansens View Post
Why are we even wasting time on this? This is Palm Garnet, people. Stone age technology that nobody wants anymore.
Yup. However it removes the requirement to maintain that piece of dying stone age hardware if you still need a few legacy apps that have no Linux or Maemo equivalent.

But using Garnet VM as a PIM is silly - the Palm PIM apps aren't particularily glorious, and even the third party improvements on them are somewhat bland once they lose the total system integration they had on the Palm. In terms of screen estate and PIM capabilities, the Palm was a setback compared to my HP 200LX.

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Originally Posted by Karel Jansens View Post
[OS/2 sidenote: Did we ever meet in cyberspace? On Usenet's cooa perchance? Wait... You're not Tim Martin, aren't you? Are you????]
No, I'm Jeff Elkins I mainly sysoped at GEnie and for a while, CIS, then MSN.
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Originally Posted by rickh View Post
Seriously, wouldn't we prefer to have apps made for the device, rather than some bog-slow emulation of a 10 year old (or more) app?
Of course. But right now, that's vaporware. What are you going to use _now_ that has the right feature set and ability to sync to a desktop?

A clunky VM is, IMO, a good thing. It's not as good as native apps by a long shot (not even as good as Win16 apps on OS/2 ... the problem there was that Win16 apps were good enough that you didn't _need_ an OS/2 version; here, the display limitations of how the VM displays palm apps might just be enough difference to keep that from happening) ... yet it gives access to legacy apps/data to get you through until the existence of a native app. It is middle ground. It is something you can use _now_.

IMO, it's not about whether or not Access should provide this VM, and whether or not we should use it. It's "how do we get the app vendors to see that they've now got a market opportunity". If they attract users to the app that runs under the VM, then they build a userbase which will both demand, and justify, making a native version.


1) find palm versions of apps you wish you had on maemo
2) contact the vendor about running it on the garnet VM
3) start pressuring/lobbying them to make a native version

(oh, and, if Nokia starts to wonder if this is going to be another Win16/OS2 situation, they should attack it from the other side: use the same strategy to lure vendors to porting native apps to maemo, fill in the missing pieces like desktop sync'ing software, etc.)
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Originally Posted by Naranek View Post
I'm in for just one thing - the palm calendar. It wipes the floor with anything available for N800.
Datebk3/4/5 beat the GPE calendar. But the original? A calendar app incapable of handling events that go past midnight or happen in other time zones is not really the best example to model a better calendar on - and the phone book was even worse...


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