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debernardis's Avatar
Posts: 2,142 | Thanked: 2,054 times | Joined on Dec 2006 @ Sicily
I'm 0b101001.
Here's my first computer:

Here's my second computer:

I feel young, though (at times).
Ernesto de Bernardis

fpp's Avatar
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I was just short of nine years old when Apollo 11 landed Armstrong on the Moon. I still remember my parents waking me up in the middle of the night to watch his first steps on the grainy, B&W TV.

Got started with computers late, we didn't have that sort of money then. My first one was a Canon X-07 in 1984 (and in eastern Gabon, of all places :-) :

My first PDA was a Psion Series5, followed by a couple of 5mx and a Sharp Zaurus C760. Then came the tablets...

I don't feel especially young nor old, I just feel... like the geek I've always been :-)

Last edited by fpp; 2007-12-22 at 17:26.
Posts: 14 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ Buffalo NY
I was born more than 6 months after the fall of the Soviet Union. Do the math
brendan's Avatar
Posts: 531 | Thanked: 79 times | Joined on Oct 2006 @ This side of insane, that side of genius
31 here. first computer i worked with was the PET that read audio cassette tapes, that had programs on them.
Nokia n800
OS 2008
Pharos iGPS 360-BT
ElmScan 5 BlueTooth
BlackBerry Bold (9000)
AT&T Wireless
Posts: 28 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Aug 2007 @ LA
God. Should I admit this?

I turned the big four-oh this year. I am so nearsighted that I have to take off my glasses to read the screen on the n800 half the time.

I wanted a timex computer sooo bad back in the '80s, but we wuz poor. The first computer that I could afford to purchase was a mac at 24 after divorcing my husband. So I have spent 16 years on the learning curve.

I wanted a Newton, again $$ so again my first handheld was after 24 with a palm V. Loved it, loved it, loved it, and the many that followed. I first programmed my hp calculator when I was 19 and that emulator was a big part of why I bought the n800, with the added bonus of linux. I've taught myself the basics of unix on the mac (OSX).

Now I want to learn how to take some palm programs and make them work on the nokia (yes I use garnet vm, but for the challenge).

Anyway, I like being here amongst the mental giants - even the yungun's.
"The smallest feline is a masterpiece." - Leonardo da Vinci
morrison's Avatar
Posts: 90 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Dec 2007
Originally Posted by Hedgecore View Post
I've still got a fully configured, fully modded copy of Renegade BBS sitting around on a 3.5" floppy. It's never seen the light of day but it's the slickest looking board I've ever seen. I should set it up telnet sometime.
I used to run a BBS using Renegade and I really liked it. Come to think of it, I also had a fully configured instance of it zipped up into one file for possible future use/reference. It sat on my hard drive for years but I deleted it in the early 2000s. I wish I still had it, just as an antique if not for anything else. I also remember having a fully configured PCBoard, archived too. I had both Renegade and PCBoard configured with FidoNet.... I can't remember the name of the front end s/w which answered the telephone and routed to BBS or FidoNet functions depending what the initial query was.

Last edited by morrison; 2007-12-22 at 19:08.
Posts: 326 | Thanked: 39 times | Joined on Jul 2007
Well, because I do not care to give my age right off the bat, I'll say I was born the same day Mount Pinatubo exploded (and no, I am not Philippino). I suppose that would make me the youngest one that has responded so far. I have been using Internet Tablets for just about six months. Sold the N770 recently, and just got my N800 today.
Posts: 961 | Thanked: 565 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Tyneside, North East England
I'm 42, been fiddling with computers, both personally and professionally since 1982. I've been employed in the same IT dept for a NHS hospital in the UK for 17 years (possibly a record in IT?)

First computer was a zx81, then sinclair zx spectrum with opus 3.5" disk drive, sinclair zx spectrum +3, sinclair QL
Zenith 286 Pc with 2 5.25" disks
Amiga 600 with 60MB hard disk
clone 486
Psion organiser LZ64 (still have), series 3, 3a (still have), 3MX (still have several), 2 x 5MX
Various homebuilt clone PCs.
Nokia 770, 800 from the 25th!
I've also been using Linux since 1998, and have had a media server since then, running Mythtv for 4 and a half years.

One of the fun things which occasionally happens at work is the discovery of some old kit which has never been chucked out. Recently I have come across an IBM AT dated 1985, a pile of sinclair microdrive cartridges, several Psion II organisers, and on of those sharp pocket computers similar to the photo in a earlier post.
lilavati's Avatar
Posts: 40 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Sep 2007
I'm 22, using computers since the age of 5 or 6. I'm studying math and CS at the Warsaw University.
Scarflash's Avatar
Posts: 193 | Thanked: 23 times | Joined on Aug 2007
Originally Posted by bartsimpson123844 View Post
Well, because I do not care to give my age right off the bat, I'll say I was born the same day Mount Pinatubo exploded (and no, I am not Philippino). I suppose that would make me the youngest one that has responded so far. I have been using Internet Tablets for just about six months. Sold the N770 recently, and just got my N800 today.
Ummmm. actually i'm younger born in 93', first used linux in 2006. I've been wanting the n800 since around August and finally got it around the end of december. I switched over to ubuntu when my m$xp comp. crashed for the second time and my birthday is the same day the dapper drake came out.

farting dust

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