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Posts: 31 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Apr 2006 @ Vilnius, Lithuania
Originally Posted by Demostenes
Yes, it could be. I have selected 'spanish' and yes, the decimal separator is comma (How do you have deduced that I am not english? My fluent english, maybe? )
No, just a lucky guess, and some problems I've encoutered with Gnumeric in the Lithuanian locale (which also uses ',' as a decimal separator).

Originally Posted by Demostenes
Really is 'c' funtion 'atof' in linux language dependant? I have been a windows/dos programmer for long time and never base functions in c have been language dependant. If that's true, I have to take care for future developments in linux .
It is not Linux-specific, the ANSI C standard says atof and strtod use the locale-dependent decimal point. However you will not notice that if your program does not explicitly call setlocale.
Posts: 47 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Apr 2006

after having seen maemo-mapper I could'nt resist and bought a gps receiver, it is the nokia LD-3W model.

I probably missed something important, but I could'nt get it work.

When I start maemo-mapper it get the right macaddress in the settings window, but after hitting ok the system pops up a modal window 'pair the phone' asking to enter the code for the phone that has the same macaddress of the gps.

then, maemo-mapper crashes after 'enabling gpsfix' message .

What am I doing wrong?

Any idea?

Last edited by elpaso; 2006-05-13 at 21:15.
Posts: 14 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ USA
Originally Posted by Robert Newman
I downloaded the program, since I don't have a GPS I set it to 00:00:00:00:00:00, set the URI as in the sample, and Voila! a map of the world appeared. I zoomed into San Antonio, Texas and right down to street level in my neighborhood. I was amazed! But once I ended the app, and later ran it again, it does not work. All that I get is a progress bar saying "downloading maps" but it is just a black screen. I can zoom up or down but still only see a black screen. I tried removing, and reinstalling the app, with no success. Any suggestions, Ireally want this to work. I am OS X savy, but limited Linux knowledge. Thanks.
I have the same problem. I see the message that the is map is downloading with no error messages. But all I see is a black screen.
Any idea how to fix this?
Posts: 481 | Thanked: 190 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Salem, OR
make sure the you have the right directory in settings and make sure the directory exists (you have to create it)
Posts: 481 | Thanked: 190 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Salem, OR
for those who use windows at home, I made a windows application to help you download maps for maemo-mapper on your computer and transfer them on your nokia 770 when you need them. here is the link:
the app maps are comparible with maemo-mapper, I used qnuite's code (converted to delphi) to download the maps.
the source code is included

Posts: 6 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Feb 2006
Hi 2 all!

I have one problem when using maemo-mapper: I use Globalsat BT-338 as GPS receiver. Maemo-mapper can`t connect whith it. After enter MAC and "enable GPS" apears banner "Searching fo GPS receiver", after some time, when bt-338 connected to 770 banner start blinging. The GPS position be about Africa i point whith coordinates (1,1). I have waiting and i have`t right result. Can anybody help me?

to Demostenes and HardCoder: Guys can you take out some screenshots of normal worked maemo-mapper?
Posts: 39 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Originally Posted by zApe
Hi 2 all!

I have one problem when using maemo-mapper: I use Globalsat BT-338 as GPS receiver. Maemo-mapper can`t connect whith it. After enter MAC and "enable GPS" apears banner "Searching fo GPS receiver", after some time, when bt-338 connected to 770 banner start blinging. The GPS position be about Africa i point whith coordinates (1,1). I have waiting and i have`t right result. Can anybody help me?

to Demostenes and HardCoder: Guys can you take out some screenshots of normal worked maemo-mapper?
Well, I have the same GPS reciever that you have, and mine works great both with Maemo-mapper and GpsDrive. Maemo-mapper does however crash if i try to connect to the GPS before it got a fix. The solution is to wait until the GPS got a fix. (green light flashes on the GPS).

EDIT: I am of course using the fix from Demostenes, because of the atof/localization problem.

And here are some screenshoots.
(Sorry for the crappy quality)
Attached Images

Last edited by HardCoder; 2006-05-14 at 10:52.
Posts: 6 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Feb 2006
to HardCoder:
Of course i using the fix version of mm. Maybe something wrong in maemo software version (my is SE2005_5_2006_13_7).
By the way, what about the root-mode? Is it enable?

thx for sceens its perfect!
Posts: 6 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on May 2006
Originally Posted by gnuite
Oh, yeah, sorry, I should have mentioned that I optimized that GPX Driving Directions page to work on the Nokia 770's web browser. And for some reason, I had to set the MIME type to text/xml, otherwise it would not save the file correctly, or it would append a ".html" to the filename.

If you use the GPX Driving Directions page on the Nokia 770 and save the result to your device, it should work fine.

I thought everyone was having problems with the integrated Route Downloading in Maemo Mapper itself - is that not the case?

I must say this application, in its first version is already awesome. Congratulations and thanks for your work.

Regarding GPX import, the problem is indeed accented characters. The problem arises when any trackpoint comment has such a character (despite the origin and destination don't have it).

I've tried to replace such characters and the problematic route is opened without trouble.

I'll give a look at the code to see the xml parser code. I hope, I can send a patch soon.

Posts: 39 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Originally Posted by zApe
to HardCoder:
Of course i using the fix version of mm. Maybe something wrong in maemo software version (my is SE2005_5_2006_13_7).
By the way, what about the root-mode? Is it enable?

thx for sceens its perfect!
I am using the latest version of the firmware and I do have the root mode enabled.

Does GpsDrive work for you?

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