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Originally Posted by Thesandlord View Post
Its an alternate universe. So those things are possible. Don't you love loopholes?
The comic is even more "unbelievable". The later suits are composed of nanoparticles that are stored in his bones, so they come out and form a suit when he needs it. The original suits could fit into suitcases as well. But its awesome!
What you call "loopholes" are what I call "magic". I don't mind magic, but you need to make it very clear that you are operating in an alternate reality; either way off in the future, where we've figured out how to do hyperspace and transporters, or way off in an alternate reality like Lord of the Rings or whatever.

Don't get me started on Harry Potter. As soon as she started mixing magic with something that was supposed to be present-day Britain, it began to irk me to no end. She tried to back out of the whole technology and magic problem in later books, but it was too late, I began to ask the hard questions. Why not make a gun that shoots either normal or magically enhanced bullets? The gun would work in no-magic zones, and it would penetrate magical shields (the bullets would also travel too fast for most counter-spells to be cast), and the bullets could be made to do terrible things once they hit the target. It would be like that scene from Indiana Jones where the guy waves his sword around and Indy just shoots him.

Aaanyway. Just my skeptical opinion.
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whats the saying? all sufficently advanced technology is magic?
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yeahhh, but....


All queens are women, but not all women are queens. (in the OED definition of the word, not the modern slang definition )

Not all magic is acceptable as sufficiently advanced technology.
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Last edited by qole; 2008-10-07 at 00:17.
eliagp's Avatar
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Originally Posted by qole View Post
What you call "loopholes" are what I call "magic". I don't mind magic, but you need to make it very clear that you are operating in an alternate reality; either way off in the future, where we've figured out how to do hyperspace and transporters, or way off in an alternate reality like Lord of the Rings or whatever.

Don't get me started on Harry Potter. As soon as she started mixing magic with something that was supposed to be present-day Britain, it began to irk me to no end. She tried to back out of the whole technology and magic problem in later books, but it was too late, I began to ask the hard questions. Why not make a gun that shoots either normal or magically enhanced bullets? The gun would work in no-magic zones, and it would penetrate magical shields (the bullets would also travel too fast for most counter-spells to be cast), and the bullets could be made to do terrible things once they hit the target. It would be like that scene from Indiana Jones where the guy waves his sword around and Indy just shoots him.

Aaanyway. Just my skeptical opinion.
Someone is reading way too much into a kids book. XD
I don't have quite a problem with HP, since I just see it as its own kind of world with its closed rules. the "present day britain" hasn't got quite an impact on the story, far from the "oh, so thats what a subway is".
I really hope you are not watching heroes. There you have a lot of loopholes. There are a few carachters so stupidly powerful, one has to wonder why they don't use their powers once, kill all the good/bad guys and get it over with.
I get fed up with US comics, the "alternative" or "paralel" realitys give me a headache. can anyone tell me whats wrong with a linear story? maybe time happening for the characters? anyone?
I'll stick to manga, thank you very much. I prefer story over colors.

*I just found out I'm a senior member ^^ neat. Even if I'm still a newbie when it comes to the tablet XD

Last edited by eliagp; 2008-10-07 at 03:44.
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Geek Kid Gets Accepted into Hogwarts

Mom: Hey Billy, you got this fancy letter in the mail!
Billy: Cool, what is it?
Mom: It says Hogwarts on it.
Billy: WTF? Let me see

Dear Billy,
For some random reason, you have been accepted into Hogwarts. Its Magik. Good day.

Billy: Ok, Im going to Hogwarts!

At Hogwarts:

Billy: ??? WTF, my cellphone is not working. Wait, neither is my iPod. What is this?

Random Magician: Oh, look. Technology. That is too good for us. Even though we can solve all the worlds problems and stuff, we are greedy. That is why the God of Magik has punished us and not allowed us to use computters.


There are only a few things that mix "reality" with "fiction" well. Harry Potter is NOT one of them.
GeneralAntilles's Avatar
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Originally Posted by qole View Post
Why not make a gun that shoots either normal or magically enhanced bullets?
Ahahaha! I always said that boy needed a 12-gauge!
Ryan Abel
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Originally Posted by Thesandlord View Post
Geek Kid Gets Accepted into Hogwarts...

At Hogwarts:

Billy: ??? WTF, my cellphone is not working. Wait, neither is my iPod. What is this?

Random Magician: Oh, look. Technology. That is too good for us. Even though we can solve all the worlds problems and stuff, we are greedy. That is why the God of Magik has punished us and not allowed us to use computters.


There are only a few things that mix "reality" with "fiction" well. Harry Potter is NOT one of them.
Yeah, the first book was fun, but then she started taking herself Seriously and trying to develop Themes.

I long ago decided that I would hate to be cursed with the HP magic gene.
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Originally Posted by qole View Post
I long ago decided that I would hate to be cursed with the HP magic gene.
But the ATA gene would be soooo cool (if only you could get to Antarctica).
Andrew Flegg -- |
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while the movies and the books dont really match up, im sure i spotted a kid playing a handheld gaming device inside hogwarts in one of the movies...

as i understood it, computers and other technology could work fine, its just that the magic users didnt take the time to learn as magic was just as flexible, and available. why type search terms into google when you can walk into a library, speak some words and have all the books of interest drop down on your table in a instant?

two different means to the same end, pick one.

and if one really want to explore the tech/magic crossover, one should take a look at the backstory for a roleplaying game: mage: the ascension.
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Originally Posted by qole View Post
yeahhh, but....


All queens are women, but not all women are queens. (in the OED definition of the word, not the modern slang definition )

Not all magic is acceptable as sufficiently advanced technology.
I dunno.. I fail to see how Fully Developed AI and a 3D HUD is considered "magic"?

Sure we aren't there yet.. but it's realistic enough to be conceivable.

Now if he somehow developed a way for his suit to walk through walls without touching the matter around it..... I could see that..

They did paint a sort of "alternate" reality/futuristic sense because of the impressively developed weapons they had made at his company.. the rockets that blanketed the entire mountain side and things like that.

The only "magic" I saw was the Chest Piece.
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