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Qole, that's really interesting because it's an example of something you can do with a non-Phone that you wouldn't want to do with a phone (because you always keep your phone in your pocket).

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@jolouis: I agree with you that anyone thinking about IR blasters actually connected to the tablet are missing the big picture. Or they want to control sh*t that's not theirs. Let's face it, some day one-way IR will be a thing of the past. But maybe not in your lifetime. So just accept that one-way IR is gonna be here for a while; as is one-way X10. With that said and if you haven't already, please read the irreco thread and this post and you'll see how some of us already use our n8x0's. The first steps have been taken.
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Originally Posted by jolouis View Post
Home automation integration - Come on guys... everyone's talking about ir blasters... forget that, go big AND go home... what about, say, controlling the lights, stereo system etc from your tablet. Go one step further... how about when you get close to your house the tablet automatically associates with the local AP and turns the lights on for you if it's dark, adjusts the thermostat/etc. You could go one further and have it so that if you've got a cell/3g/whatever connection, it monitors your GPS location and does things like thermostat changes/etc when you get closer/farther from your house.
Something like this whihc Nokia is developing ?

That would indeed be cool.
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software wise I would love to see:

- ability to print. Yes, I would like to be able to have a print option in my text file/pdf and wirelessly print to my network printer. This idea seemed very odd to people some threads ago when I mentioned it. But sometimes I just need a hard copy of a document and transfering it to a computer just to print a list is just ... inconvenient. Hell, my old Nokia cell phone could print to a IR enabled printer years ago. My even older handspring PDA's were able to do it and an N800 is light years ahead of it in terms of technology.

- NO MORE STUPID CELL PHONE GUI. Man, when is nokia going to stop with the tiny cell phone thinking. Why are dialog boxes to open/save need to be small. Why can't we move or expand columns (widths). I have file names that are longer than 12 characters long yet even in full screen mode, I can't read them, yet... the stupid file size column is unnecessarily wide! Also Let us change the 3 iconson the left to things we need.

- How about a media player that IS NOT so finicky about what it can or cannot play?!?! Mplayer is great but I am not going to type in a terminal just to play a video, and the GUI is just stupid. Thank goodness for apps like KMplayer but the built in osso player should be more robust.

- oh, and how about a way to lock down applets....

Now for the "wouldn't it be cool" part.

- it would be cool is there was an app like "Puppet Master" ( for my old Nokia 6230 cell phone. It has the BEST mousemode I have ever seen and it worked in my 4 year old phone! Imagine controling your home computer's cursor from your cell from miles from your house and seeing what is exactly on your monitor(s). I loved this app. I was able to control winamp connected to my stereo from another room via my cell phone. Yeh I know about VNC and VNC viewer, but it's just not quite there yet.

- it would be cool if there was an app like Mobiluck ( Essentially it was a method to see around you who had their bluetooth on and send them a message. It was fun at bars and corner restaurants. I met quite a few people randomly picking a bluetooth name that popped up. Also at crowded malls or on busy streets, it was cool to know if someone on your friends list was within bluetooth range.

- it would be cool if there was an app like "ConverterII" from Nokia S40/60 cells. It converted one measurement for another. Is there an app like that? I couldn't find one in I hate having to remember the ft--->meter thing or f-->c temp etc.

- it would be cool if there was an app like "UpcodeBasic" that read upcode glyphs ( The N8XX has a camera and should be able to do the job. It would also be cool if more stores/restaurants/companies would use the technology. If a old cell phone can do it, why can't an IT?

- it would be cool if there was an app like "bar code lookup" that would read a barcode and look up the item on google/ebay/etc or even review sites. It would really come in handy this holiday season.
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Originally Posted by gigabites View Post
Yeh I know about VNC and VNC viewer, but it's just not quite there yet.
Sorry, what's not there yet? It works great for me! Granted, the tablet's 800x480 screen only shows me a part of my home computer's big desktop, so I have to scroll around a bit, but everything else works really well, including mouse and keyboard.

Originally Posted by gigabites View Post
- it would be cool if there was an app like Mobiluck ( Essentially it was a method to see around you who had their bluetooth on and send them a message. It was fun at bars and corner restaurants. I met quite a few people randomly picking a bluetooth name that popped up. Also at crowded malls or on busy streets, it was cool to know if someone on your friends list was within bluetooth range.
Well, we've got something like that, link-local messaging. It works with anyone on the same local network. I was able to successfully test it at the Maemo Summit. But something like this on bluetooth would be cool, and fairly easy to implement, I would think. Do both people need to have the mobiluck client?

Originally Posted by gigabites View Post
- it would be cool if there was an app like "bar code lookup" that would read a barcode and look up the item on google/ebay/etc or even review sites. It would really come in handy this holiday season.
A bunch of guys are working on something like this, but it is still pretty alpha at this point.
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Originally Posted by jolouis View Post
These tablets have so much potential for very cool applications, let's stop worrying about "oh the hardware is missing this piece" as inevitably hardware will change according to demand, and instead focus on the bigger picture of "what cool things" are possible/do you want to do.
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Originally Posted by qole View Post
Sorry, what's not there yet? It works great for me!
It works ok on my Macs, but on XP it's clunky, and on Vista, it doesn't work at all. Puppet Master had specific apps it also controlled in a very simple way. VNC viewer isn't as reponsive as well, it might be the IT itself but double clicking is a bit awkward.

Originally Posted by qole View Post
Well, we've got something like that, link-local messaging. It works with anyone on the same local network. I was able to successfully test it at the Maemo Summit. But something like this on bluetooth would be cool, and fairly easy to implement, I would think. Do both people need to have the mobiluck client?
yeh I don't care about people on local networks. It would be the opposite of the point of the app. It's about social networking in very public spaces, usually with no available wifi. No, people don't need the app to recieve a message (at least on cell phones) it just showed up as a text message (not like sms). You didn't even need Mobiluck to send a message. But it just made it easier to do (without digging thru various menus) and managing friends lists and keeping track if people on those friends lists were in range. Example, I was shopping in downtown San Francisco and in a crowded Macy's, Mobiluck let me know that 3 people on my friends list were near by and I sent them a message and we met up.

Originally Posted by qole View Post
A bunch of guys are working on something like this, but it is still pretty alpha at this point.

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