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Nitesky's Avatar
Posts: 102 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Dec 2007
I have an answer to my own question
I just received an email from Access telling me that I need to flash to Diablo to be able to download the new Garnet beta 3. So that means I start all other apps from scratch. The ones that I really need are FBReader, Maemopad+, Notes, doc reader, Xournal, maybe evince, and of course Garnet VM.
Please, could someone tell me which of these I will be able to download using Diablo??
Posts: 123 | Thanked: 20 times | Joined on Jul 2008
all of those are available on diablo, however you have to get the chinook version for xournal. just add the chinook repository.

anyway i had more luck installing stuff on the new version by uninstalling, restarting the tablet, reinstalling garnet and reformatting 64mb of mem. also dont forget run the emulator in the background and return to the launcher to install apps via the install button. i found that the this way of backing up the is very effective. so make incremental backups as you install new apps.

note: i used the cp commands, not the tar ones. and i made a shortcut in personal launcher for both backup and restore to automate the process.

Last edited by lazuli; 2008-12-13 at 03:28.
Nitesky's Avatar
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Does abiword work in Diablo?
If not, where can I find antiword and doc reader to use in Diablo? I have looked, but wasn't successful.
I use Notes quite a bit and it seems ok so far for me.
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Originally Posted by Nitesky View Post
Does abiword work in Diablo?...
The answer is Yes. (Too short does not post)

Posts: 348 | Thanked: 61 times | Joined on Dec 2007
When I finally got around to flashing Diablo, almost all my apps were reinstalled, and I didn't lose much of anything. I still haven't gotten around to getting GVM.
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Originally Posted by HowHH View Post
...Access Garnet was just too much work all around. Too difficult to install anything more than a very basic app, too long to launch an app, a kludge to back up and restore....
Different folk, different stroke.
I think access 3 is great. I used it mainly for my contacts as I have NOT learned how to do it otherwise with the N800. I use my contacts as my notepad, anything I think I may need it and forget, I will make a new contact entry. I sync with outlook as it automatically sync with my other desktops. I have lost 0 of my contacts ever since outlook launched in 1997! Whenever one version of the contacts messed up, or disappear because of battery power (early palms), I can ALWAYS get the not messed up version from other desktops.

All the other installed apps are bonus, e.g., it work, its great. It does not work, it is fine. For me, access is my contacts for my tablet.

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alas, i have given up hope in the latest version of garnet. i have tried every possible way of installing my skyscape/medical apps to no avail. i just set date back to 2008 and installed the previous beta. so much for a new year!
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Originally Posted by lazuli View Post
alas, i have given up hope in the latest version of garnet. i have tried every possible way of installing my skyscape/medical apps to no avail. i just set date back to 2008 and installed the previous beta. so much for a new year!
Wait a minute........what is the problem? I have installed 6 tablets of those on N800 and N810 using SD boot. The installation is kind of tricky, but is absolutely doable. I like to help,....where do you stuck?

I am using Harrison, Merck (Professiional)... I guess that is it for the time being, oh yes, epocrates.

Do you have the right version?

Just for the record........I have re-installed ALL my apps, ALL, re-installation, not copy back, I mean each and everyone of them, one by one, re-install, with not even one single glitch on the GVM3. Either I am lucky or .... post if problemms,

On the hotsync, I first dissabled ALL but just address sync, and then, one by one, I added some more function back, and when sync failed, I backtracked and unchecked the function, I have managed to sync address and progs installation, I have very little use of todo and calender, so I did not bother.

Ummm..... I did remember I had problem with installation. But they all disappeared after I upgraded to 43-7.
N8x0/5.2008.43-7/SD boot


Last edited by bunanson; 2009-01-04 at 18:10.
Posts: 123 | Thanked: 20 times | Joined on Jul 2008
here's what i have installed on GVM2 aside from the default apps:

5minute clinical consult (2008)
isilo v3.25 with pdbs of yanoff ophthalmology, Manual of Ocular Diagnosis, Will's Eye manual, William's Obstetrics
Eponyms (freeware)
Bejeweled 2, v1.2
Clickdeluxe 2
Tennis Addict

pocket companion to cecil textbook of medicine (2002)
Dorland's Pocket Medical Dictionary (2002)
Davis's Drug Guide for Physicians (2003)
Essentials of Diagnosis & Treatment, Second Edition (2003)
Stedman's Concise Medical Dictionary (2003)
Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary (2003)

all of the above worked perfectly. Skyscape apps were linked seamlessly and games were perfectly playable. i installed all of these manually. when i updated to GVM3, i only managed to install 5minCC, when i try to install more than one skyscape app the gets wiped clean. i tried manual install, hotsync, even changing sync settings to no avail.

as you can see all these apps are essential to my student life, i simply cannot make do with only one or two installs.
Posts: 348 | Thanked: 61 times | Joined on Dec 2007
If you absolutely have to run Palm apps, get a Palm. Are those books not available in any other format? FBReader uses Palm Plucker format easily, and if you can find it in almost any format there should be a Linux app that can open it.

garnet, palm

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