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Originally Posted by NvyUs View Post
i preferred the name rover to n900
i'd like a name for the next device too but i just know it will get a letter and a number
Some Finnish users have started calling N900 a Mönkijä (or mön900kijä), which would somewhat correspond to Rover and does sport pretty cool heavy metal umlauts.
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For some reason i find myself drawn to this thread ...

So far i think there have been both good and bad names , and thanks that some of the posters have spend so much time, explaining the semantics behind there choices for names , puts things in perspective.

And here's my suggestion for a name.

Originally Posted by allnameswereout View Post
Ah, in that case lets call it Nick which is short for both 'Nickname' as well as 'N1k' aka 'N1000'.
This suggestion made the most sense for me, although Nick might not be as catchy a name.
(sounds rather old n stiff ... no offense to all the Nicks out there)

As for the N900,
I'd proberbly choose something that has a reference to the model number, something simply and catchy that people will remember.

* Both the development and the release of this phone was prolly one of the biggest events in 200-9

* The designations is N 9-00

* Burton's movie "9" was also release in the fall of 2009 and also the movietrailer was used for demonstrational purposes of the N900's media capabilities.


N900 - Nokia NINE

N920 - Nokia NINE2

N1000 - Nokia ONEO (1.0 - or Ohhh NEW)
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How come wrong numbers are never busy?
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Nokia has always been like this. If they started using names for some models but not them all some people would still want to know the exact model numbers. They can't use names for all of their models either because there are too many.

Nokia has a series/number system there, the N is for Nerd and the number is for how kick-*** the device is. 900 is not over 9000 but it's better than 810 I guess (Just kidding.)

It's pretty engineerish solution. Perhaps they could achieve some extra oomph by thinking the whole thinkg over...
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Someone (who's organization had done extensive research on the subject) once told me that numbers like the n900 play better in european markets, and names like iPhone, Razr etc... play better in the US.

I was told this trend applies to motorcycles as well.
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I have thought long and hard about this question, our device in terms of awesome suggests 'awesome' don't do it justice, but it more defines the n900 as being only awesomely awesome in the hardware department.

The software department of the n900 is a black hole of vast proportions, why the FM receiver does not have software yet is a Nokia n900 scandal of the worst kind, the same chip in a Samsung mobile is apparently working fine, but I digress.

The n900 has not the bling name of an Android or an iphone, so Nokia n900 sounds, quiet frankly, rather boring.

I have thought of (what I think) is a very good title for our device of potential geeky heaven.

Here is my line of reasoning.

Many moons ago, a book called Gulliver's travels got written

In it he has minature people called the 'Lilliputians' so what I thought was, can the name Lilliputian be assimilated?

My first thought, lets call it a 'Lilly' sounded rather silly so back to the drawing board I went.

Hows about a 'Putian'?

Nah it makes it sound like it promotes Putin, NO WAY.

Then I had a brain wave, lots of times on the 'net you will see people refer to their computers as their 'puters'

So here is my suggestion for a revolution in pocket hardware.

(c) 'The Nokia Pute' (c) rhymes with cute, yes our device is enormously cute, but I think calling it a 'cute' is gilding the Lilly.
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nPhone - lol
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Just call it George. "Have you met George? You'll love George!"
Nokia 770 Internet Tablet = best device ever made

Deuteronomy 13:6-10; 2 Kings 2:23-24; Judges 19:22-29
Posts: 111 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on Dec 2009
This may sound dumb but I think the name should sound open and expanding. I'm thinking in a Columbus sort of way. The world has yet to be explored. The world does not conform to a flat world theory but an open round world theory. I would of called it the Nokia Sphere or the Nokia Horizon or like Nokia frontier. I don't know I just think N900 is a bad idea. Bad marketing. But who am I to say? On 2nd thought I really like the name the Nokia frontier. Frontier sounds exploring and has a luxury feel to it.

Last edited by mas5acre; 2009-12-30 at 21:18.
Posts: 14 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Most unlocked phones have numbers as their model "number". If an operator picks it up and subsidizes it they will give it a name.

Motorola A855 is called Droid not by motorola but by Verizon.

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