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don't worry about the calendar, it's probably nothing, i'd wait for 5mins like janszoon said and try top again.

also, does anyone know if that statusbar load applet uses a lot of cpu cycles? i removed it 'cause i figured if it's polling once a few seconds then it's gotta drain the battery. anyone has any actual experience though?
Posts: 87 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Germany
Okay, sorry for the late reply, but before submitting a bug, I wanted to check this behaviour further.
Over the weekend my N900 was under low, medium at best usage. I couldn't reproduce nor find the same strange power drain from the first day after the firmware update. Battery was "ok" for N900 standards and my experience.

Today I have the same working hours like thursday and my N900 is behaving normaly. Charged over night, unplugged at 4am and right now - as I am typing with it - battery is about 40%. And usage was heavier than before, two and a half horus MP3 via headset, quite some internet and youtube. Even downloaded three applications from Ovi.
So it seems like it was a one-time thing.

The only difference I can really recall from the day the power drain happened would be the Mediaplayer widget. It was enabled that day and after the drain I disabled it.

Other desktop things running:
OMweather widget
calender widget
quite some application shortcuts
a few contacts
four bookmarks
RSS widget with two feeds

RSS gets updated every 2 hours.
E-Mail every 1 hour.
OMweather daily.
Posts: 42 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Originally Posted by Taigatrommel View Post
Okay, sorry for the late reply, but before submitting a bug, I wanted to check this behaviour further.
Over the weekend my N900 was under low, medium at best usage. I couldn't reproduce nor find the same strange power drain from the first day after the firmware update. Battery was "ok" for N900 standards and my experience.
I had lower than normal charge cycle after the update (battery lasted ~12h). But after letting the battery exhaust and then recharge I got ~48 h with moderate usage (many calls, few sms, browsing, listening to music). This is what I expect from the device compared to the ridiculous ~4-5 h I got in the beginning.
Posts: 116 | Thanked: 86 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ New Orleans, LA, USA
I wanted to read through 8 pages of comments, but my edge is acting up . Seems that my pr1.1 battery drain is the IM services. using XMPP and Skype only. My battery was draining about 30% faster than usual. In an 8 hour work day with moderate use (about 2 hours of on device time) I'd close the work day at around 70%. With heavy use, I'd close at about 50-40%. Since the upgrade, Im closing with light, moderate or heavy use in the 40-30%. On a tip from Speedevil and the ever helpful Pupnik, I stopped using the IM services, and have been using pidgin. My battery life has actually now gone up a little bit, today after 8 hours of very heavy use, I closed the day at about 40%. I was probably on the device using IM, playing Angry Birds, and updating my blog, as well as RDP'ing into 2 desktops and a server, for about 6 1/2 hours, out of the 8. Certainly a huge upgrade from the upgrade . Still looking forward to a bigger Mugen battery, thats a must have with an always connected device like this. I mean, whats another 1/4" in thickness honestly?

For those who are interested. Both Pre and Post upgrade, I have been using the same desktop configuration. And I restored my program backup and used the optify script to relink all of my games. On my 3 desktops, I have the facebook widget, the rss widget (8 feeds), the conversations widget, the eyes widget, ohmweather widget with 1 city (non GPS), the calendar widget, the music player widget, and about 30 icons. Additionally my brightness is set to level 2/5 by default, and appears to autoscale based on the light hitting the front camera(?).

If anyone knows of any issues with any of my widgets (powersave ignoring for example), please let me know, even though Im happy with the battery life, I'd still like to maximize it in any way possible.

Last edited by shinkamui; 2010-01-18 at 21:43.
Posts: 47 | Thanked: 33 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Czerwionka, Poland
Contrary to topic, I have impression that after update power usage of N900 increased in idle with wifi on.

As far as I remember before update it was about 2% per hour. Is it possible? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Now it's about 5%-7% per hour.

What are your observations?
Posts: 31 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Dec 2009
After updating to PR1.1 I noticed a drastic increase in battery drain. Long story short, I figured out it was Firefox that caused it and uninstalled it. The battery was fine the whole day, didn't drain almost at all, since I didn't do much with the phone.

I went to bed, battery fully charged, device idle, no wireless connections.

The next day it had turned itself off. I tried to turn it on, but it said that the battery was low and turned itself off again. Suspicious, I connected it to the charger and let it charge for a few hours until the indicator light turned green.

The rest of the day went without problems. As I didn't do much with it, the battery stayed full, only showing a small decrease towards the end of the day. I went to bed, battery (almost) full, device idle, no wireless connections.

You can imagine my surprise the next day when the N900 was turned off AGAIN. Battery empty.

Tl;dr: The battery doesn't drain during the day, but during the night it magically purges all of its contents.

Running the top command, or Conky, doesn't show anything weird.

Any ideas what's going on?
Posts: 17 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jan 2010
Originally Posted by stlpaul View Post
It's just general lithium-ion battery advice. Also, slower, low-power charges are better. So the AC wall charger which puts out 1200mA an charged the N900 really fast is actually worse for its battery long-term than the day-long USB 500mA recharges. Go figure
can you tell me why the battery is so bad????
when i'm using my phone for internet a little bit music and txt messages it,s on half battery after 2 hours.... and it's 1 week old...

Kevin, Denmark
Posts: 14 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Central NY
yeah mine is horrible as well. I pulled 6 1/2 hours today and it was dead with very little use and brightness to the lowest setting.
Posts: 17 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jan 2010
Originally Posted by bugelrex View Post
I installed PR1.1 via OTA this morning then fully recharged and rebooted 2-3 times. I do have the browse portrait easter egg enabled bu the browse was not open/running at the time

-no wifi
- using at&t 2G
- no apps running(or in background), only xterminal, phone is pretty much idle
- configured for nokia messaging, 30 mins update
- logged into google/skpye accounts

I've been tracking my battery life over the last 7 days and today I've noticed a huge battery drain. It went from 78% - 62% free in 1.5 hours. I would usually only drain 2-3% in 1.5 hours.

My phone is completely stock, no apps installed. I was tracking the battery from 09:30 - 12:30, everything looked great

at 13:00 I noticed the red exclaimation circle telling me I'm unable to login to google IM. I left it for 15 mins and then checked battery. drained to 72%. Noticed the phone warmer than usual

I then disabled both google/skpye IM account. Noted the availability circle gone, assumed I have logged out.
30 mins later, the battery drops from 72% to 62%. I try to log in to google IM again.. no luck

- 12:30 I had 78% battery left
- 13:00 I had 72% battery left
- 13:30 I had 62% battery left

I reboot and can immediately login to google IM.

There is no change to my usage pattern or location, I can say for sure that PR1.1 or the prior minor firmware has caused this battery drain bug. Not sure if it only happens once IM accounts cannot login or something has caused the IM account unable to login and needs a reboot.

Looks like we have a new drain bug which occurs outside of wifi! horrible!
This needs to be investigated ASAP!

i do not have problems with the im but my battery is so bad... i can be on the internet listen to music and txt and then after 2 hours my battery is so much down like 60-50%

what to do, i've got the newest update and so on..

Kevin, Denmark
Posts: 7 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Ok i think i found the BIG BUG on the system that causing the RARE troubles with the Battery ...

I was very happy with my Battery life with the 1.01 os ...

Anyway i decided to get more life by buying another BL-5J battery ...

Just in case i need it one day of too much N900 doing things ...

the same day that i upgrade OS... i recieve the new battery ...

So, to my knowledge, a new battery came with a 50% of charge ...

But to my surprise when i put the new battery the system show me 100% of charge ... anyway i thought rare but ok ... may be the battery came fully charged? ... so i continue using without problem ...

The same day after a few hours ... the Battery indicator display 100% yet? ... i thought ... wow amazing battery or amazing os upgrade! ..

but suddenly ... alarm!!! and red indicator! ...

So... just at may be 1% or 2% of the real battery charge the system recognize that real charge and showed ... the new battery really was at 50% of charge not at 100% that display the os indicator...

Then! ... ok i connected the charger .. and leave the phone totally OFF to get a good charge ...

After a few hours ... ok Green light on .. fully charged ... right?

Ok turn it ON and the bat indicator show 100% ... ok good ...

Then again ... heavy use ... few hours later .. the indicator show about 70% .. i thougt (wrong again) .. oh nice bat or nice upgrade...

Nope ... i installed a third party app bat indicator... and that app showed near dead battery (as must be) and the OS indicator display near 50% ...

So conclusion... the new battery NEVER was fully charged, only to 50% ... and i can't fully charge because the OS think that it's already full at the 50% ...

And here is the most rare of all things ... this behavior ... do not occur with the original Battery ... ... may be because that battery was fully charged many times with the older OS version? ... the original battery could be charged to 100% without problem and i can get nice time of usage and both indicator show the same info ... OS and 3rd party bat indicator ..

Please! some body test this... use 2 batteries ... and test!

There you will understand why some people talk about quick drain... itīs because the OS never fully charge those batteries and it's lying displaying WRONG bat info level ...

So, there ir a serius HUGE problem with the OS about Battery levels and charging ... don't know why this happend on the upgraded 1.1 ... but i can't confirm how it was using 2 batteries with 1.01... may be the same? may be not?

Ok.. OS guys ... work on that!!


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