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djjaku why you have touch screen vibration on?
Posts: 41 | Thanked: 39 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ ireland
no i don't think to have it enabled but just to make sure, what's exactly "off"? ehehe i still didn't get it completely.

Also, it just died now and I am trying to recharge it with an old Nokia recharger and adapter... but it's not turning on and the light blinks quickly... getting frustrated
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I have to agree, that "always on" (3G) sucks the battery dry within a few hours (I'd say 10 to 16 hours depending on usage of the phone) , but I usually can make it through the day.

I cannot agree with comparisons to other phones like the E71. I do have an E71 too and I really love it. Nevertheless, when "always on" (3G) the E71's battery is empty within twice the time, so let's say 25 to 40 hours with the battery having a slightly higher capacity.
Of course, this is definitely longer than the N900. However, it absolutely does not offer me all the possibilities the N900 does. That's starts with the screen and ends with the input capabilities. Compared to the iPhone: it may have a longer runtime, but again... in my opinion it's not as pleasant to use.

Still, battery runtime is an issue, but in my opinion, it's not that bad. As said, one big disadvantage the N900 has: it's so convenient to use you can't let your hands of it
Posts: 273 | Thanked: 113 times | Joined on Feb 2008 @ Germany
I think the whole thread clearly shows that we need a proper way to measure the used energy in a way the Nokia Energy Profiler allowed on Symbian.

This way we would be able to see what exactly takes the power.

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Posts: 318 | Thanked: 49 times | Joined on Nov 2009
I have gps off, gsm only, 2 bar brightness, no widgets. If I leave IM off (either msn or pidgin) I can get a maximum of 3 hours web browsing via 2G gprs and then the battery dies. If I have msn online it is probably 1.5 hours, is this normal? IM really seems to draw alot of battery even on standby, very unfortunate since it shortens the life too much to be usable...

I wonder if leaving this running in a browser instead will use less battery than IM or pidgin.....
schettj's Avatar
Posts: 501 | Thanked: 292 times | Joined on Nov 2009
Good battery test results here:

That guy got 3.5 hours talk time. Most of that time the display would be off. Realistically, browsing power load is not less then talk, but more, since its likely the CPU is doing work, and the display is on.

Like I said before, you can count on 3 hours of fully powered up and running time (ie, data link or wifi, screen on, cpu humming along) or about 450ma average power load, which get you to 1350mah total capacity used in 3 hours.

If you've got IM or some other network connected process running all the time, the device will do its best to keep the actual duty cycle down to some smaller % of fully on, such that your average load is in the low 100s or even high double digits. "Standby" load where its powered up and able to receive a call should be under 50ma for ~27 hours between charges.

if you're running even 10% of the time fully powered up (again, I am guessing 450ma as its probably in the ball park) then you're drawing (450*6 + 50*54)/60=90ma/hour on average, for 15 hours total run time.

Add in an hour or so of actual full time use (some email, some surfing, for example) and your total time between charges is now 11 hours (1 hour at 450ma, leaving 900mah, or 10 hours.)

My actual usage falls in the range of 11-15 hours off charger so my usage pattern is between those two cases.

Use it for a couple hours, and you've got 900mah used, 450mah left for "idle" @ 90ma, or 5 more hours, for 7 hours total. For example, you talk for an hour, and browse/email/im/whatever on network for an hour, your n900 will be out of gas after 7 hours total off charger.

I think these are fairly typical of all high end devices. It tracks exactly with the HTC VGA or bigger CDMA devices I've used, and it matches the iPhone 3G as well.
Posts: 318 | Thanked: 49 times | Joined on Nov 2009
I guess I got too used to the E71 with it's great battery life. Of course such comparisons are not fair seeing that the E71 did not have a large touchscreen, cpu power etc.
It's too bad Nokia didn't ship the n900 with the same large battery as the E71, perhaps in the Maemo 6 device
Posts: 247 | Thanked: 91 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ London/M4 Corridor
Originally Posted by chrismint View Post
Don't get me wrong I'm not saying I don't love the thing but its a love hate relationship at the moment. The thing seriously can't stay awake long enough to get me to and from work, and I don't live far from work. I'm beginning to think it has narcolepsy.
What are your Availability settings and are you using Skype? When I am available, it seems that the GPS may be running even though I am set to "district" rather than street level of info. There's also the traffic updating Skype with changes in location. There seems to be less battery used when I am set to "not available".

These are early thoughts only, and not proven.
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i have 4 desktop, a lot of shortcuts, a few widgets, 5 bars of brightness.
i used to have 3g turned off (gsm only).
now i turned dual-mode on yesterday and to be honest, i didnt felt any much difference (except the internet being much faster)
but i'll keep an eye on it the next few days.
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Posts: 857 | Thanked: 1,206 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Chertsey in the Thames, United Kingdom
After the PR1.1 OTA update my battery life, especially with WiFi was down to under 6hrs on standby.
Here are some of the issues I was having when I update OTA to this latest release.:-
Rapid Battery drain
Video not playing
Music player taking ages to play track in shuffle mode.
Media player not finding any media
Picture viewer fragmenting picture
Device becomming slow and laggy
impromtu re-boots
and many more minor irritations...

I was beginning to dispair as the device was worse than the day in early december that i bought it. However excellent after advice on here I went to a re-flash.

Wow, what a difference. Fast, no issues and battery seems to last for ages, even on wifi.

Was a bit of hassle to re-flash as I could not get it to work with Win 7 64. It worked on Win 7 32 fine, the whole process including restore of data and apps was no more than 30mins.

Well worth giving it a go.
Reflash was not as daunting as I thought. So I would give it a try, but make sure you back up first.

Here is the flashing guide I used.

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