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doh. thanks.
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I've been a little busy, but here's a quick update on my status...

libsqlite3-0 is now in the gregale repository. There should be no more problems with trying to install Maemo Mapper from a fresh flash of the latest firmware on the 770.

Sorry about the icons - will be fixed in the next release.

I added a dialog box that pops up when Maemo Mapper fails to connect to the GPS receiver. It will be available in the next release.

I'm adding some built-in route generation functionality (right-click menu items to add points and waypoints to the route).

And, finally, I'm adding some on-device documentation, including context-sensitive help and a quick start section. Hopefully, this begins to address the abysmal documentation problem.

Next release should be this weekend.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and the next release will have Finnish localization - thanks to Marko Vertainen.
YoDude's Avatar
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Originally Posted by gnuite View Post
I've been a little busy, but here's a quick update on my status...

libsqlite3-0 is now in the gregale repository. There should be no more problems with trying to install Maemo Mapper from a fresh flash of the latest firmware on the 770.

Sorry about the icons - will be fixed in the next release.

I added a dialog box that pops up when Maemo Mapper fails to connect to the GPS receiver. It will be available in the next release.

I'm adding some built-in route generation functionality (right-click menu items to add points and waypoints to the route).

And, finally, I'm adding some on-device documentation, including context-sensitive help and a quick start section. Hopefully, this begins to address the abysmal documentation problem.

Next release should be this weekend.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and the next release will have Finnish localization - thanks to Marko Vertainen.
You rock!
With all this talk of what the N800 has or doesn't have you guys delivered what some envisioned all along. A stand alone app that uses data found on-line that can be stored and used on the device while not connected.

Lets hope this is just the beginning of many more such apps for PIM, web mail, and news readers.

Do you have a the ability to accept donations to the cause and would it be acceptable to post a link in this thread?
Posts: 3 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Feb 2007
Another feature request:
If no GPS is conneted copy the current position to the GPS position.
This makes "Download Route to..." and "Show Distance to" more usable.

A new menuitem in the Location Menu like "Copy Lat/Lon to GPS" can do this with the code:
static gboolean
cmenu_cb_loc_gps_latlon(GtkAction *action)
guint unitx, unity;
gfloat lat, lon;

printf("%s()\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);

unitx = x2unit(_cmenu_position_x);
unity = y2unit(_cmenu_position_y);
unit2latlon(unitx, unity, lat, lon);

_gps.latitude = lat;
_gps.longitude = lon;

vprintf("%s(): return TRUE\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
return TRUE;
kempja's Avatar
Posts: 26 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ UK
Ah you've been busy Gnuite!

Remember I asked you about using your own scanned maps a week ago on the old thread; I had no joy with Mapfit as i'ts not supported by MM 1.4. However, I have found a microsoft research tool that will allow you to geo reference your own maps - good bit....then it will render that 'warped-to-fit map' into the constiuent 256x256 png bitmaps, naming them as well, at various (or user specified) zoom levels - the neat bit!

All you have to do then is file them correctly, or point to them in the repository some how.......your bit!

MapCruncher is here
- it took about 20 mins to place the tie points for a 4000x4000 UTM projected 1/25k topo map; then 5 minutes processing by the programme.

It also generates an xml file, which may help...this details what tiles have been named how and at what zoom level; this could be used to generate and place tiles into the MM directory structure... I can't seem to attach it, though

See what you think - the fit is v usable - see attachment.

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Last edited by kempja; 2007-02-23 at 15:31.
GeneralAntilles's Avatar
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I wonder if anybody knows of a nautical repository. It would be great if I could use this on the water.
gnuite's Avatar
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Originally Posted by YoDude View Post
You rock!
With all this talk of what the N800 has or doesn't have you guys delivered what some envisioned all along. A stand alone app that uses data found on-line that can be stored and used on the device while not connected.

Lets hope this is just the beginning of many more such apps for PIM, web mail, and news readers.

Do you have a the ability to accept donations to the cause and would it be acceptable to post a link in this thread?
Thanks for your kind words!

There is a link to donate to the Maemo Mapper cause on the Maemo Mapper Home Page:

Just click the "Make a Donation" button. And thanks!
gnuite's Avatar
Posts: 1,245 | Thanked: 421 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Originally Posted by TheMax View Post
Another feature request:
If no GPS is conneted copy the current position to the GPS position.
This makes "Download Route to..." and "Show Distance to" more usable.
Those context menus are getting a little crowded, but if there's room, I'll add it in.

Thanks for the suggestion.
gnuite's Avatar
Posts: 1,245 | Thanked: 421 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Originally Posted by kempja View Post
Ah you've been busy Gnuite!

Remember I asked you about using your own scanned maps a week ago on the old thread; I had no joy with Mapfit as i'ts not supported by MM 1.4. However, I have found a microsoft research tool that will allow you to geo reference your own maps - good bit....then it will render that 'warped-to-fit map' into the constiuent 256x256 png bitmaps, naming them as well, at various (or user specified) zoom levels - the neat bit!

All you have to do then is file them correctly, or point to them in the repository some how.......your bit!
It sounds like it's possible to write a script that could re-hierarchize the MapCruncher-generated map images into Maemo Mapper's expected directory hierarchy, possibly using the XML file as a guide?

The code for converting lat/lon to tile number (and vice versa) is in the Maemo Mapper source code, if you want to use it - it's GPL, after all.
kempja's Avatar
Posts: 26 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ UK
The last thing I maganged to program was a new VCR! Progamming is not in my arsenal - although I did a bit of BASIC at school 30 years ago!

Mapcrucher produces a sample web page from which I took that screenshot sample attached on my post; perhaps it would be easier to point the map repository at that page with the appropriate URL, then just download as normal?
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Last edited by kempja; 2007-02-26 at 17:29.

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