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@ Bucharest
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@ Looking at y'all and sighing
But of course, it would be much much easier (and faster) to implement
those features, if nokia would had made this gui-parts open source.
Instead of that, I had to recreate the whole gui-parts from scratch.
(the same goes for other ui-components (calendar/mediaplayer widget, phone-ui,
contacts-ui). And I really don't get it, what would nokia lose, if those gui-parts
would have been open source.There are so much possibilities for
the community to make this device better and fulfill more
user wishes).
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@ Germany
As you can see, a long filename pushes the sliders out.
What the original CPA will do is g_strndup it before setting the HildonButton's value label. Alternatively, but that's rather clunky...
It's a shame that HildonButton won't allow access to its labels, as I think gtk_label_set_ellipsize is awesome...
Best regards,
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@ Germany
I had two tiny issues with ProfilesX
1. I just tried Custom Ringtones but after I change profile, two ringtones (from profilesX and Custom Ringtones) would be trigger when receiving a call
2. so I uninstalled both, but the ProfilesX option would still show when I open Settings (will disappear 1-2 secs later)
rm -f /home/user/.cache/launch/
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, 19:42
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I don't know how "custom ringtones" work, but with profilesx you
can add extra profiles, maybe custom ringtones require to
have only the built-in profiles.
The controlpanel app makes a screenshot and shows this while
loading the control panel plugins. To update this screenshot, you can delete it
and the controlpanel app will create a new one.Code:rm -f /home/user/.cache/launch/
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@ Israel
I've also reported it to Custom Ringtones ...
where I hope something could be worked out
Thanks for your great work on ProfilesX and Calendar widget - using them both and am very happy with them.
If you are considering some other features/application suggestions, I'd like to request profile-changer that's based on calendar events.
I really miss this feature from Symbian, where nearly every profile changer had this implemented. And since you're now familiar with both calendar and profiles API, I can't think of person that would do this better.
Don't know how this feature is usually implemented, but the simplest I can think of is:
1) Write a daemon/utility that starts once/twice/[some times] a day and on startup.
2) The daemon would find all calendar events (for the following day) that contain provided strings and grab their start/end time
3) Schedule profile change event to provided profile at event start time
4) Optional - save active profile somewhere
5) Schedule profile change event to default profile (or previously saved active profile) at event end time.
This can also be implemented as a feature for your calendar widget. It shows forthcoming events successfully - so you've got point 1) implemented already.
Implementing such feature would give profilesX much better chances in the competition with tweakr =)
Use 2 keyboard layouts on N900? Vote for this bug to enable layout switching when nothing is typed.
Another bug on dual layouts: several symbols are written in wrong layout when typing in just opened contact chooser. Please vote.
Third one: ctrl types in A in Russian layout on the desktop.
Last edited by little_beat; 2010-06-24 at 16:24.