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Thanks for your great work on ProfilesX and Calendar widget - using them both and am very happy with them.
If you are considering some other features/application suggestions, I'd like to request profile-changer that's based on calendar events.
I really miss this feature from Symbian, where nearly every profile changer had this implemented. And since you're now familiar with both calendar and profiles API, I can't think of person that would do this better.
Don't know how this feature is usually implemented, but the simplest I can think of is:
1) Write a daemon/utility that starts once/twice/[some times] a day and on startup.
2) The daemon would find all calendar events (for the following day) that contain provided strings and grab their start/end time
3) Schedule profile change event to provided profile at event start time
4) Optional - save active profile somewhere
5) Schedule profile change event to default profile (or previously saved active profile) at event end time.

This can also be implemented as a feature for your calendar widget. It shows forthcoming events successfully - so you've got point 1) implemented already.

Implementing such feature would give profilesX much better chances in the competition with tweakr =)
Use 2 keyboard layouts on N900? Vote for this bug to enable layout switching when nothing is typed.
Another bug on dual layouts: several symbols are written in wrong layout when typing in just opened contact chooser. Please vote.
Third one: ctrl types in A in Russian layout on the desktop.

Last edited by little_beat; 2010-06-24 at 16:24.

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Hi Nicolai,

I use this app as well and am very grateful to your amazing work as my life would've been such a pain without customizable profiles...

One quick question though (that I couldn't find in the thread) - is it possible to hide/remove the standard 2 profiles? Since I get both of them on the short power press drop down menu, sometimes it can be a bit confusing...

Many thanks in advance!
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Originally Posted by nicolai View Post
But of course, it would be much much easier (and faster) to implement
those features, if nokia would had made this gui-parts open source.
Instead of that, I had to recreate the whole gui-parts from scratch.
(the same goes for other ui-components (calendar/mediaplayer widget, phone-ui,
contacts-ui). And I really don't get it, what would nokia lose, if those gui-parts
would have been open source.There are so much possibilities for
the community to make this device better and fulfill more
user wishes).
Glad to know I'm not the only one who feels this way.

In fact, the inspiration for comes from your World Clock applet.

Anyway, minor bug:

Original CPA:

Your CPA:

As you can see, a long filename pushes the sliders out.

What the original CPA will do is g_strndup it before setting the HildonButton's value label. Alternatively, but that's rather clunky...

It's a shame that HildonButton won't allow access to its labels, as I think gtk_label_set_ellipsize is awesome...

Best regards,

Last edited by qwerty12; 2010-06-25 at 11:29. Reason: Oops, I a word

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Frm where can I find the link for it? anyone plz help?
Posts: 95 | Thanked: 12 times | Joined on Feb 2010
help plz? giv me the link
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Originally Posted by qwerty12 View Post

As you can see, a long filename pushes the sliders out.

What the original CPA will do is g_strndup it before setting the HildonButton's value label. Alternatively, but that's rather clunky...

It's a shame that HildonButton won't allow access to its labels, as I think gtk_label_set_ellipsize is awesome...

Best regards,
New version 0.7 in extras-devel.
Applied some patches from qwerty12 to fix this bug with
long filenames. And some more UI enhancements to let
the app look more like the original one.


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I had two tiny issues with ProfilesX

1. I just tried Custom Ringtones but after I change profile, two ringtones (from profilesX and Custom Ringtones) would be trigger when receiving a call

2. so I uninstalled both, but the ProfilesX option would still show when I open Settings (will disappear 1-2 secs later)

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Originally Posted by roodmurning View Post
I had two tiny issues with ProfilesX

1. I just tried Custom Ringtones but after I change profile, two ringtones (from profilesX and Custom Ringtones) would be trigger when receiving a call
I don't know how "custom ringtones" work, but with profilesx you
can add extra profiles, maybe custom ringtones require to
have only the built-in profiles.

Originally Posted by roodmurning View Post
2. so I uninstalled both, but the ProfilesX option would still show when I open Settings (will disappear 1-2 secs later)

The controlpanel app makes a screenshot and shows this while
loading the control panel plugins. To update this screenshot, you can delete it
rm -f /home/user/.cache/launch/
and the controlpanel app will create a new one.

Posts: 9 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jun 2010
Originally Posted by nicolai View Post

I don't know how "custom ringtones" work, but with profilesx you
can add extra profiles, maybe custom ringtones require to
have only the built-in profiles.

The controlpanel app makes a screenshot and shows this while
loading the control panel plugins. To update this screenshot, you can delete it
rm -f /home/user/.cache/launch/
and the controlpanel app will create a new one.


I've also reported it to Custom Ringtones ...
where I hope something could be worked out
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Originally Posted by roodmurning View Post
I've also reported it to Custom Ringtones ...
where I hope something could be worked out
I know to about the problem with "Custom ringtones for your contacts" and here I opened this thread and sent the mail to creator, but for now is no answer... Meanwhile I removed this application because I miss the calls...

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