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Originally Posted by deprecated View Post
until I am no longer able to fix it or buy replacement parts for when I make mistakes.

I've replaced the LCD, the digitizer and a battery. Plus I've spent countless dollars on locating the best screen protector/armor for my needs. I'd say all in all, mine has cost me around $1000 USD. Minimum 4 year investment.
I love this phone so much that I have replaced the digitizer for cosmetic reasons. And in the process of removing the framing, there ended up being a gap on one side of it. You can tell it was separated. Really bothered me, so replaced the framing today

That is the hardest part of taking apart the n900, the framing.

Have a martins field on there, getting annoying and might just take it off soon.

Great to hear everyone loves their n900.
Posts: 244 | Thanked: 354 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Scotland
Originally Posted by maverick788us View Post
I purchased my N900 over last month. I wanted for 7 months to buy this amazing piece of gadget. The only thing that I missed is multi-touch. It is a powerful device

Its not that every year you see devices like N900 and N95 being released by Nokia. I will keep this for atleast 3 yrs
Same for me. Been salivating ever since the pre-release of the N900, but could not justify to myself the cost of the unit. Managed to cope with my E90 up until now, then suddenly spotted a BuyItNow N900 on Ebay for £250.

Not been disappointed either. It's exactly what I hoped it would be. Love the fact you can get right into the core of the thing (caveats as I acknowledge some of the closed driver issues). E.g. playing with pulseaudio trying to find a sweeter spot than the current setup, or the fact you can chuck any old software at it and get it running.

I'll admit, it will definitely be a frustrating experience for those who have not been initiated in the art of Linux, but in my case, it's exactly what I've been looking for all these years.
Posts: 604 | Thanked: 108 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Phoenix, WA
I know nothing of linux, and love my N900 all the same If I broke it today, I would order another.

Im waiting for the "N9", asuming it is the next MeeGo phone with a hardware keyboard... I hope I can hang on to it until this N9 comes out, and proves itself to be an awesome device. This will be the first time, ever, that I will be hesitant to buy a top-end Nokia phone...
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i think about 2-3years.

depends on MeeGo and Maemo 5.x an the apps/updates for the N900.
My last phone was a N95 8GB and I used it longer than 2 years.
Posts: 50 | Thanked: 42 times | Joined on May 2010 @ United Kingdom
well mines is already gone and I can say I am a very happy owner of the HD2, stuff just works, nice interface, none of the headache from a substandard product manufactured by a coterie of incompetent buffoons.

Sayonara you piece of **** "internet programming device"
Posts: 170 | Thanked: 24 times | Joined on Nov 2009
the n900 is kind of stale but it does have its uses like video recording so i'm keeping it jump back in forth between it and a Motorola cliq rooted running android 2.1 with pro launcher and its awesome :P i ordered a samsung vibrant for my sister that phone is amazing im so glad im back with android its so heavenly i really missed Google maps with directions built in so so convenient i ride the bus and it tells your the schedules for public transportation
Posts: 446 | Thanked: 79 times | Joined on Mar 2010
th first nokia dvic with a tmo radio, kyboard, 5mp camra or hihr, touch scrn capaacitiv scrn or rsistv as lon as its fluid, loadsof mmory, waaay mor ram, and stylish looks will b in my pockt. procssor spd is not as mportat as ram
Posts: 267 | Thanked: 183 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Campinas, SP, Brazil
Until a decent Meego device with a physical keyboard and a stylus (be it capacitive or resistive) appears. Might take some time.

Really, even though people complain a lot here (myself included), the N900 is a fantastic device like none other. I became dependent on it. Real GNU/Linux on the mobile, what an experience! No Windows Phone 7, Android or iPhone can't even get close to this.
My nickname on freenode is ptl, that is, the consonants of my nickname here. Kind of a long story.
Posts: 267 | Thanked: 183 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Campinas, SP, Brazil
Originally Posted by andraeseus1 View Post
th first nokia dvic with a tmo radio, kyboard, 5mp camra or hihr, touch scrn capaacitiv scrn or rsistv as lon as its fluid, loadsof mmory, waaay mor ram, and stylish looks will b in my pockt. procssor spd is not as mportat as ram
Wow... What do you have against vowels? Lots of pain to read and trying to decipher your post. Think about the ones who are reading, pal. Please write whole words...
My nickname on freenode is ptl, that is, the consonants of my nickname here. Kind of a long story.
Posts: 284 | Thanked: 75 times | Joined on Nov 2009
I'll be holding out for a Meego phone with a qwerty keyboard... So whenever that comes out I guess! I'm happy with my N900 anyway... I've still got 2 level packs to complete on Angry Birds so that'll take up my time!

Tags, until its sold

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