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Originally Posted by gnuite View Post
It's feasible that a popup or sound could be presented when you near a POI (such as a hotspot, or a gas station) within a certain radius. This would notify you of a nearby hotspot, at which point you could utilize the rest of the device's capabilities to connect to the hotspot and download whatever you like.
if you could do this with a selectable list of poi types, this would fill the last gap in which MM still is less preferable than TomTom (in my needs), at least when I'm travelling on a highway and far from home (you know speed radars, do you? )

Making the "POI nearby" selectable by type of POI wiuld be great!
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hi gnuite. i love you're program and i like your ideas for 2.0. i'm interested in hearing how you plan to implement rotation and perspective.

i also have a few ideas for 2.0:
- allow importing large images (scanned maps for instance) into the map database. when importing it would ask for a couple lat/long points within the image for calibration and could crop & scale for various zoom levels.
- fix the crash that occurs when the gps is turned off while connected to maemo mapper
- consider breaking maemo-mapper.c into multiple files. at nearly 15000 lines of code, people may be less intimidated to help on the project if it were more modular.

mike morrison
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Originally Posted by mikemorrison View Post
hi gnuite. i love you're program and i like your ideas for 2.0. i'm interested in hearing how you plan to implement rotation and perspective.
Because I have more memory to work with in the N800, I'll just have to extend the current in-memory image to extend to a square the width of at least the diagonal of the fullscreen display plus one tile, which equates to a 5x5 tile square (1280x1280). Then I'll use standard GDK image processing to rotate and center that image as necessary, optionally using smoothing to keep it readable. It'll probably require at least 4 times as much memory (twice the number of pixels in memory, plus an intermediate buffer for the rotation processing), plus a lot more CPU requirements, but people have been asking for rotation for a while, and with the N800, it's a lot easier to digest.

Originally Posted by mikemorrison View Post
- allow importing large images (scanned maps for instance) into the map database. when importing it would ask for a couple lat/long points within the image for calibration and could crop & scale for various zoom levels.
This might be nice for a third-party application (even if it's written by me) to consider doing. I don't think it belongs in Maemo Mapper proper.
Originally Posted by mikemorrison View Post
- fix the crash that occurs when the gps is turned off while connected to maemo mapper
I think that's up to Nokia. I have done everything I can to debug this, but the seg fault is in GLIB code, which (to me) implies an improper handling of the "out-of-range" or "device-turned-off" event. Note that this bug is not present on the 770 (even though Maemo Mapper's code is identical).
Originally Posted by mikemorrison View Post
- consider breaking maemo-mapper.c into multiple files. at nearly 15000 lines of code, people may be less intimidated to help on the project if it were more modular.
That is already in progress. For what it's worth, the very first version of Maemo Mapper was less than 1,000 lines long, and I kept it in a single file to ease development and to improve performance (it's easier for the compiler to optimize code in a single object file). Obviously, the project has grown considerably since then.

Thanks for the feedback.
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i found a minor bug in mm. when you have a "&" ampersand in the name of a POI, an click on the POI to display its name, you only get the "i" icon, and not the name of the POI. replacing the "&" with "and" will display the name of the POI.
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Originally Posted by brendan View Post
i found a minor bug in mm. when you have a "&" ampersand in the name of a POI, an click on the POI to display its name, you only get the "i" icon, and not the name of the POI. replacing the "&" with "and" will display the name of the POI.
Yeah, that sounds reasonable. That display uses HTML, so angle brackets may fail as well (but it also means you can use <i> and <u>). Try using "&amp;" instead of "&" - that might be a workaround in the meantime.
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This might be slightly off topic, if so I appologize - I'm new to the n800 and gps functionality.


Does MaemoMapper offer any sort of waypoint creation stuff via the camera?
I'm interested in being able to use the gps data to mark when/where I took a picture or video (I'm off on an expedition with my new n800 to explore some mayan ruins and it'd be awesome to be able to easily take that kind of 'notes' without having to mess with the on screen keyboard etc).

If there's some other type of software that does that then I appologize for intruding on the thread.

Thx, Fer
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Problem with the latest Maemo Mapper. Finally got my GPSlim236 and tested it out had the program up and quit on me twice.
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Originally Posted by feron View Post
MaemoMapper offer any sort of waypoint creation stuff via the camera?
No. There is currently no N800-specific code in Maemo Mapper.
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This is by far my top used app on my 770. One thing I would like to see is a distance count-down window to each way point. I know you can do that by clicking on the waypoint, but that's hard to do when driving and I find flite to be hard to understand plus it seems to cause stability problems for me.

On another note, while I look forward to version 2.0 and probably giving another monetary donation on top of that, I also hope the original design concept of mameo mapper stays in tack in terms of being a quick, small and nibble application and doesn't grow to include a ton of features that maybe 1% of people asked for but 99% us will never be used. While the golf course suggestion was a nice idea I believe this falls in to my prior statement.

With all the ideas and suggestion that seem to come in for Maemo mapper, maybe it would be a good idea to create a poll to see which one's people are looking for the most and concentrate on those initially; my 2 cents.
Bail's Avatar
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I don't really have anything to say/suggest other than I have no issues with a total change of the way it stores maps, and to simply thank you for your time and effort in creating meamo mapper. Which is by far the best and most used application on my n800 and I wish you all the best with 2.0

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