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Hmm. If MeeGo devices really should overcome N-series release date should be somewhere September-October with announcement in April. This way it will be true successor of N8.
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You guys are giving too much credit to Nokia.
I'm still quite sure that the Michael-Dallas specs (4", 1ghz A8, etc.) are still true.
Eldar and source over MR that has been spot on till now and both are still saying "old" N9 is very much alive but badly delayed as the OS and UI still need lots of work. According to the MR dual core Nokia phone would be seen at the earliest in next Nokia World.

Not to put too much negative stigma to this but looking how much S^3 and N8 got delayed or Nokia's past 3 years.... well while people should have high expections i would not get my hopes as high as so many here does.

Last edited by tissot; 2010-12-07 at 20:06.
Posts: 1,746 | Thanked: 2,100 times | Joined on Sep 2009
Originally Posted by tissot View Post
You guys are giving too much credit to Nokia.
I'm still quite sure that the Michael-Dallas specs (4", 1ghz A8, etc.) are still true.
If Elop were to allow the release of an A8 device when other vendors were releasing A9s, he will have failed as CEO out of the gate. No release and a delay would be better.
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Originally Posted by tissot View Post
You guys are giving too much credit to Nokia.
I'm still quite sure that the Michael-Dallas specs (4", 1ghz A8, etc.) are still true.
Eldar and source over MR that has been spot on till now and both are still saying "old" N9 is very much alive but badly delayed as the OS and UI still need lots of work. According to the MR dual core Nokia phone would be seen at the earliest in next Nokia World.

Not to put too much negative stigma to this but looking how much S^3 and N8 got delayed or Nokia's past 3 years.... well while people should have high expections i would not get my hopes as high as so many here does.
Just look att the Meego wiki testpages etc... to see the progress... Its going... well... slow...

yet another reason Nokia should get more recources working on Meego instead of symbian. But I guess they doesnt want to sell good N series phones and stick with symbian yet some years...

Until Microsoft buys them and going winmobile... sarcasm with a bit of true maybe.... hope not....

And yes I know this rumors but I would be supriced if it will be delayed to Meego 1.3 in October 2011...
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Originally Posted by wmarone View Post
If Elop were to allow the release of an A8 device when other vendors were releasing A9s, he will have failed as CEO out of the gate. No release and a delay would be better.
I agree in that we would still be waiting for that real wow phone from Nokia, but releasing the harmattan N9 around March as dual cores would be just arriving to phones at that time would unfortunately fit all too well to Nokia's past 3 years.

Though i will be surprised, but also first on line if Nokia manages to release MeeGo device with their UI in 1h next year plus dual core. I have gone thru many Symbian phones, ios, Maemo 5, Android 2.2 and MeeGo to me still easily seems the most promising OS.

Last edited by tissot; 2010-12-07 at 20:26.
Posts: 55 | Thanked: 55 times | Joined on Sep 2010
Originally Posted by tissot View Post
I agree in that we would still be waiting for that real wow phone from Nokia, but releasing the harmattan N9 around March as dual cores would be just arriving to phones at that time would unfortunately fit all too well to Nokia's past 3 years.

Though i will be surprised, but also first on line if Nokia manages to release MeeGo device with their UI in 1h next year plus dual core. I have gone thru many Symbian phones, ios, Maemo 5, Android 2.2 and MeeGo to me still easily seems the most promising OS.
releasing a harmattan device I don't think will help them much. people will buy it and then have high expectations like updates and will face the same situation like N900 cause nokia will be more focus to meego devices, and this kind of things just lower the brand power and make users move to competition.
I also agree that they should release a dual core A9 in the first half even if it's the end of june, even if it will have bugs, because this way they will be able to improve the OS much faster, and prepare a much better version for meego 1.3 which should be pushed much more to masses with a N8-01 camera phone-keyboard-less phone and probably an E7-01 business phone.
they should also release in 1H a meego tablet. That will be nice.

But I'm still thinking that we'll not see any nokia meego device until Q3-Q4 (not official at least)
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nokia are working on 3 devices and a tablet i'm told whether these are all harmattan-meego or real meego for later in the year is another thing,
more than 1 spec sheet could be true

hatersgonnahate, one more, useless thread

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