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Originally Posted by ColaCheater View Post
Yeah, when you have the Account in your Contact list the Pidgin plugin should hande this.
I thought you talked about finding new contacts - the process of checking if anyone in your Contacts has WhatsApp. I dunno how this works but if it usually would send the whole contact list of you to the server I thought it may would be better when we would be able to integrate some options so that not the whole adress book is sent to WhatsApp but instead only the Numbers you want to check

Edit: But I think the most important at the moment is that we find somebody who knows how XAMPP works and who can Programm the (Pidgin) plugin for the N900 (and maybe also for the N9)... - I failed at trying to do something like this
i believe that the xmpp is a protocol thats already installed into pidigin and plugins use it like the gtalk ?
but correct me if am wrong ... is the 'pidigin' am talking about is the same as the one we access by clicking the clock area to set online/offline/busy status ? i mean the default im in n900 ?
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about WhatsApp and a password being sent;
All I got when using it via nitroid on my n900 was a text message with "+447624803777: WhatsApp Code 000".
The code are just three numbers (not 000 of course) I couldn't find related to imei# nor telephone#.
Whether this is supposed to be a password or not - dunno.
...Oh yea and I didn't got it to work on nitroid to actually send the messages. At least they are not received by the contact as they are with Symbian based on WhatsApp on a e71.
Posts: 24 | Thanked: 40 times | Joined on Feb 2012 @ Germany
Originally Posted by teamer View Post
i believe that the xmpp is a protocol thats already installed into pidigin and plugins use it like the gtalk ?
but correct me if am wrong ... is the 'pidigin' am talking about is the same as the one we access by clicking the clock area to set online/offline/busy status ? i mean the default im in n900 ?
As far as I understood it you can use Pidgin-Plugins for the conversations on the N900. So if you have a libpurple-Plugin you can use it, maybe with some small modifications, with the N900-Conversations what means it integreates like Skype/GTalk etc. what you can already add and change the status in the "clock-area".

Also I thought that Pidgin just offers a "framework" which loads different Plugins for the different Chat-Protocols like a XAMPP-Plugin when you are choosing XAMPP or the gtalk plugin would be a modified XAMPP Plugin (maybe only modified so that the gmail-servers are set by default).
I don't know exactly how Pidgin is working but thats just the way I thought it would work: Pidgin offers the "framework" with the GUI etc. and the sending/recieving of messages are done by an Plugin.

But because I don't know how these things work we would need somebody that knows how to do it or has time and motivation to have a look at it...

Oh, btw: Did you find anything regarding to the "1 Year free" etc.?
I think the check if you have paid for it or not is client-based and not happening at the server because i.e. iPhone and Android have different costs and so on. In this case we wouldn't be affected by this when we programm our own client, or?!

Originally Posted by RX-51 View Post
about WhatsApp and a password being sent;
All I got when using it via nitroid on my n900 was a text message with "+447624803777: WhatsApp Code 000".
The code are just three numbers (not 000 of course) I couldn't find related to imei# nor telephone#.
Whether this is supposed to be a password or not - dunno.
...Oh yea and I didn't got it to work on nitroid to actually send the messages. At least they are not received by the contact as they are with Symbian based on WhatsApp on a e71.
The code you get via SMS is like the confirmation that your phone number is correct and is needed to register a new account.
It isn't the pw you need to log in later and it also isn't connected to your IMEI or Phone numer I guess, it's just a random number/code that is generated and then saved on the server. It just confirms that you are allowed to register and also prevents "mass registration" I think
Why WhatsApp isn't working on nitdorid at you I don't know but I haven't nitdoird installed on my N900 and I also don't know how the Android-Version of WhatsApp works.
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Originally Posted by teamer View Post
Hi all ,
I would like to port whatsapp to n900 , i am an experienced programmer but i have no clue on how to build stuff for the n900 .

so anyone who knows how , instead of leaving me looking for some answers please if you know the answer to the following questions please do answer :

1 - any links/stuff on how to build plugins like the google talk/skype/facebook chat
2 - any information about whatsapp protocol (will do ARP and MITM anyway)
3 - anyone have any phone with whatsapp installed and would like to help ?

Edit :
Found something that might help with ARP & MITM attacks :

Got everything set up , some little info is still needed YOU MIGHT have it even if you're not a programmer/developer
+ a java programmer needed for couple of questions
please visit this post

Got everything set up finally will start developing the plugin by the end of the week stay tuned !!!
I'd love you forever if you can make this to work
I'm new to Meamo, don't be too hard on me.
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Originally Posted by teamer View Post
Nice idea , but whats the use of it when it comes to whatsapp uses your phone number ? they will identify you by that one thing !
Yes the standard Whatsapp uses phone number. Correct me if i'm wrong, but this phone number was also used only during registration process like sending confirmation SMS. Once we are registered, we'll only use that phone number as part of username for XMPP. Even when we're changing our simcard in our device, whatsapp will still using the old phone number, doesn't it? So it'll be cool if our whatsapp provides selectable Phonenumber and Password(or imei) field. Hahaha.. but it's just an idea... Don't hate me if you disagree..

Originally Posted by ColaCheater View Post
Yeah, as said you can choose any password during the registration.
The Problem just is that if you are using a password that is different from the default passwords you may can get caught for using a "non-official Program".
I don't know how whatsapp saves the passwords but if they save them in plain-text (what they shouldn't do) they can delete/block your account even when you already did register.

Yeah, that seems possible. I still don't understand why whatsapp behave like that, They do get extra money when people installs whatsapp in N900, don't they?

But i think there is a way to reset the password, isn't it? Suppose if we lost our cell phone, we'll be able to get the same phone number but i highly doubt that we can get a phone with the same imei. So in a case like this, when we install whatsapp, we'll have to update our password in server, right?
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we have skype intregated, so please use it!!
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Originally Posted by ibrakalifa View Post
we have skype intregated, so please use it!!
not many of people use it.
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Originally Posted by didik.wahyono View Post
Yes the standard Whatsapp uses phone number. Correct me if i'm wrong, but this phone number was also used only during registration process like sending confirmation SMS. Once we are registered, we'll only use that phone number as part of username for XMPP. Even when we're changing our simcard in our device, whatsapp will still using the old phone number, doesn't it? So it'll be cool if our whatsapp provides selectable Phonenumber and Password(or imei) field. Hahaha.. but it's just an idea... Don't hate me if you disagree..
You're right with you interpretation where WhatsApp is using your Phone Number.
The only thing that is different is, that the default WhatsApp Apps are asking the phone for the number every start (or even while the App runs) so when you change your SIM you would need to register a new Account for this number and you can't use your old Account anymore

The option to select an own phonenumber/IMEI/pw should be doable but I personally would implement the way WhatsApp is doing it "official" as default and just making an "expert mode" where you can set it manually.
That would make it easier for people just wanting to use WhatsApp

Originally Posted by didik.wahyono View Post
Yeah, that seems possible. I still don't understand why whatsapp behave like that, They do get extra money when people installs whatsapp in N900, don't they?
No, they don't. If we program our own client you don't pay any money to WhatsApp for the client and thats the only way WhatsApp is doing Money I think.

Originally Posted by didik.wahyono View Post
But i think there is a way to reset the password, isn't it? Suppose if we lost our cell phone, we'll be able to get the same phone number but i highly doubt that we can get a phone with the same imei. So in a case like this, when we install whatsapp, we'll have to update our password in server, right?
I must admit I don't really know how this works but I think when you request a new registration code and then register again with a different pw they will just change the pw and it is like a "forgot pw" functionality.
But because of the fact that usually your pw is connected with the IMEI of your phone and the IMEI is unique they didn't implement a "forgot pw" function - The only thing that would be possible is that you change the SIM to a new phone which comes to end with a new IMEI and with that a new pw. But when you have a new Phone you have to reinstall the App (or even on the old phone with the new number you have to reinstall - thats described in the WhatsApp FAQ) and then the registration-process starts from the beginning again
-> If you want to try: Just do the registration-process as described by me here again but with a different password. It should work (if you do this please save the XML's you get as answer and if there are differences to the first registration please let us know)
Posts: 49 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Oct 2010 @ Borneo
Originally Posted by ColaCheater View Post
The only thing that is different is, that the default WhatsApp Apps are asking the phone for the number every start (or even while the App runs) so when you change your SIM you would need to register a new Account for this number and you can't use your old Account anymore
Hmm :-? i've installed whatsapp in my Nitdroid using my old number. This Whatsapp installation is never asking me a phone number even when i've changed my simcard in it. I also have a friend using Samsung Galaxy who has the same scheme. She has a whatsapp with her old number installed even when she has changed her cellphone number long time ago.

Originally Posted by ColaCheater View Post
-> If you want to try: Just do the registration-process as described by me here again but with a different password. It should work (if you do this please save the XML's you get as answer and if there are differences to the first registration please let us know)
I have tried it and the xml response was just like the first time i did the new registration. It seems like they don't even bother whether I'm registered already or not.

<code><response status="success-sent" result="30"/></code>

<register><response status="ok" login="myphonenumber" result="new"/></register>

<exist><response status="ok" result="myphonenumber"/></exist>

Last edited by didik.wahyono; 2012-02-06 at 07:17.

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Wow, that was faster than expected. Teamer, do you still need help? I should have some time now, so if you need help just tell me where you are and I'll have a look as well.

I'd personally like a telepathy plugin so my idea is to create a libwhatsapp which can then easily be used in telepathy and in a standalone application. I guess you didn't start on a telepathy plugin yet, so I'd like to help out at least there.

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