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When I type mkdir ~/a2dp. It reads: directory not found. And how do I know if it's set as user and how do I switch to root? Sorry, I'm a newbie. I bought Motorola S9 bt headset and I can't get past this obstacle. I appreciate any input on this. Thanks!

QUOTE=Milhouse;70757]Read and follow the instructions carefully - don't pass the bluetooth address as a parameter when you are the root user, pass it only when you are the normal user "user". Then switch to root and run again but this time *without* the bluetooth parameter.

If I get time maybe I'll change the script so that you only need to run once as user (and have it switch to root automatically when required) but for now it's a two step process that requires you to follow the instructions. [/QUOTE]

Last edited by drcueto; 2007-10-17 at 03:17.
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To tell if you logged in as "user" (non-privileged account) or "root" (super user, the most privileged account possible) type the command "whoami" in xterm, the response will be either "user" or "root". When you first open xterm you will be logged in as "user", and you have to execute the command "sudo gainroot" to become "root" (the command prompt will also have a # appended to differentiate "root" from "user").

While logged in as "root" you can return to the "user" account by typing the command "exit" which logs you out of the "root" account - if you type "exit" when logged in as "user", xterm will close as you have now logged out of your session!

I'm not sure why directory creation (mkdir ~/a2dp) is failing, make sure you execute this command when logged in as "user".
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Using the instructions I was able to get to the second to the point where I have to enter the address of the bluetooth headphone. I too receive the message sbc-svn_20070608-1_armel.deb not found.
If I ignore that and gainroot then issue ./install sh I receive install not found.

Tried to follow your corrective procedure but nothing worked. Nothing listed in Application Manager to uninstall. Don't know where to go from here. Can't find armel.deb either.

Had the N800 2 days but I have a pair of Lubix bluetooth headphones and want to be able to use them.
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I recently updated my firmware and follwed every step of milhouse to the word, well i downoaded and installled wget from so other than thay just follow each and every step to the word. If it still doesnt work try to make a back up and then reinstall the firmware and then restore backup after you go through the procedure. Like i said just follow the instructions with a brand new frmware and it worked for me..... so it should also for you.
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Originally Posted by paulmorin View Post
I too receive the message sbc-svn_20070608-1_armel.deb not found.

It's there, maybe you experienced a temporary network glitch - try again. If your N800 WiFi connection is flakey, refer to bug #1636 for a solution.

Originally Posted by paulmorin View Post
If I ignore that and gainroot then issue ./install sh I receive install not found.
It's ./ - there is a period (.) and not a space between install and sh.

The instructions don't get much simpler than this. Read slowly and carefully, cut & paste the commands you need to run rather than typing them if you're not comfortable with xterm.

If you follow the instructions this will work, but if it doesn't you've almost certainly missed a step or entered a command incorrectly.

Last edited by Milhouse; 2007-10-20 at 12:06.
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Great work, KUDOs to Millhouse. I took advantage of the N800 price drop and rvc'd my N800 yesterday. I was shocked (and saddened) to findout that Skype, and the media players will not pipe audio to my Mot. HS850 mono bluetooth headset. I tediously / methodically careful did all the things described by Millhouse to get A2DP into KAGU. Great job by him there. Everything "appears" to work but no sound eminates from my Mot. HS850. I play a MP3 file in Kagu, click the bluetooth icon in the KAgu upper right screen portion, the sound stops flowing from the N800 speakers (I seem to have to press play again to get the digital progress to resume incrementing), there is no sound from either the HS850 or the N800. Yet the player appears to be playing the MP3. If I view the N800 home screen I see the bluetooth icon has changed color, also I know the HS850 is properly paired because whenever I press the HS850's button the icon on the N800's home page does change color (status). I have listened to MP3 on WIndows Pocket PC's with this Mot. HS850 so I know the HS850 can do A2DP (I used my Dell X30 advanced). HERE IS MY QUESTION: Is it possible that this thing from Millhouse isn't working for me because my Bluetooth headset is MONO? (not stereo). Seems odd bu that is all I can figure is the issue. What say you Millhouse? Thanks in advance for your response. M5
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I remember reading somewhere that these A2DP drivers do not support mono headsets.
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Thank you. That seems to be the case. Everything looked like I should have heard music via bluetooth with Kagu after doing the Milhouse functions, and clicking the bluetooth icon in Kagu. When I pressed the bluettoth icon in Kagu a second time it toggled the N800 speakers back on (switched from external BT audio back to internal speaker audio). Can anyone substantiate that my Motorola HS850 is the issue? Odd how my Dell Pocket PC Axim X30 sent audio to the Mot. HS850 successfully, bu the N800 refuses. Regards.
Posts: 54 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Feb 2006
I can confirm that Millhouse's hack works with A2DP on my Sony DR-BT10CX headphones.

In the Bluetooth spec, mono audio is not handled by the A2DP profile at all. They handled completely differently, with different codecs and even different layers of the Bluetooth protocol stack. I am pretty sure Millhouse has only implemented A2DP so no mono...
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Does it matter if the Player: selected within Kagu is OSSO, or MPLAYER to get the audio to flow to the bluetooth ? Thanks.

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