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Originally Posted by Liam1 View Post
the link provided by Yss shows that while the n800 does better than some of the competition, the only time its actually loads a website below 10 seconds in for Google news, which barely has any thing on it (text with some very small pics). For most websites as per the tester, >15 secs is the norm for the n800. Please refer to the quotation below per Yss's post
Again: that's not an absolute. My load times have varied, even on the same page with no changing content, depending on my wifi environment. I've been at hotels where the loads were so slow I wanted to scream. But here at home, yeah, my toy is definitely superpowered. Not too shabby at work either. 10 to 15 second load times? Pish. Not. More like 2 to 5.

Oh, and nice posts, ysss. You have a way with words.
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I have owned a Palm Tungsten for 4 years or so, the case is falling to bits, the second battery is on it's last legs and the screen is well scuffed.

The included software for browsing and reading docs is fine, the PIM is excellent.

I have a 2GB sd card with some music, it gets probably 2-3 hours use daily, I can SMS and control my Mythtv box with it over BT - it's great.

I had been looking at the N800 for about 6 months, delaying a purchase cos it seemed too expensive compared with replacing it with a Palm TX.

Eventually when Expansys started selling off N770 at £80 I took the plunge.

I have to say that the comparison with the Palm Tungsten is unfair, Palm's have been around for a log time so there is far more sw available.

I do like the way you ( sorry I must not speak for YOU ) I am long sighted, so being able to quickly resize text is great. What else is there ?

There are some pretty poor design features on the N770, such as :-

having the wire connectors on the long edge, so I cannot plug in my headphones and pop N770 in my pocket

no 5v out in/out on the usb port

no hot sync

kludgy Opera web browser - no where near as easy to use as the Palm one

Poor battery life if you forget to switch off Bluetooth and Wifi

Whilst Skype would be "nice", where would I use it ? not in my office - we like our network security -I can make free calls anyway, not on the train, not in my car, yep I could use it in my house, but I have 2 PCs there so why should I ?

So I would sum up and say that I feel I got a good deal at £80, but is the N800 at £250 a good piece of kit - not at the moment. Give me a decent PIM with syncing capability,a cut down version of OpenOffice and I would say we have a class leading device
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Originally Posted by flyinghigh View Post
Give me a decent PIM with syncing capability,a cut down version of OpenOffice and I would say we have a class leading device
Yet more people that think the N800 is a PDA.
Posts: 22 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jul 2007
Yet more people that think the N800 is a PDA.
Flyinghigh never said that the n800 is a PDA. He said that if it had PIM capabilities, the n800 would rock his world for the price.
The n800 is not a PDA, so he's not purchasing it at the moment until it or a future version does.
Greyghost's Avatar
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My first computer was a toy...did anyone here buy a Commodore VIC 20? I did, and I was thrilled with it! But then, I can also remember punch cards. Now, I don't have one handy but I'll bet the N800 is smaller than one of those cards and well, not the same thing as the toy I bought back in 1984!

I use my 'toy' every day at work, pulling out my tablet quietly and unobrtusively getting back to work in the few minutes I have before the meeting actually starts as my colleagues struggle with their laptops. Usually I'll have answered an email and logged in to resume a chat with someone I 'left' at my desk, all minutes before the folks around me have enjoyed the lovely Microsoft melody from the creaking behemoths aligned on the tables before them.

Ok I exaggerate but you know where I'm going. The N800 is the tool (andf toy) I've been looking for since I wasn't looking! And just think, it is going to get better!
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You know, i've had the same thing happen with my iBook... While other college students are booting up their windows computers, I just open my mac up and start working. I have my 770 on the way and im sure that it'll be even faster of a "reconnecting" with the WWW than with my mac. In other words, I'm excited.
-Collecting one gadget at a time
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Originally Posted by tayedrumma View Post
You know, i've had the same thing happen with my iBook... While other college students are booting up their windows computers, I just open my mac up and start working. I have my 770 on the way and im sure that it'll be even faster of a "reconnecting" with the WWW than with my mac. In other words, I'm excited.
I use a Mac the majority of the time and just recently got my N800. Two indispensible apps I have found to use in conjuction with the Mac OS are the OS X version of Media Converter for video files and SyncTunes for syncing music from my iTunes playlists to my tablet. Both apps are free and you will thank yourself for downloading them after you have your 770 in hand. Here are the links:

Media Converter: http://mediaconverter.garage.maemo.o...Converter.html
iball's Avatar
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Originally Posted by flyinghigh View Post
I had been looking at the N800 for about 6 months, delaying a purchase cos it seemed too expensive compared with replacing it with a Palm TX.

Eventually when Expansys started selling off N770 at £80 I took the plunge.

I have to say that the comparison with the Palm Tungsten is unfair, Palm's have been around for a log time so there is far more sw available.

I do like the way you ( sorry I must not speak for YOU ) I am long sighted, so being able to quickly resize text is great. What else is there ?

There are some pretty poor design features on the N770, such as :-

having the wire connectors on the long edge, so I cannot plug in my headphones and pop N770 in my pocket

no 5v out in/out on the usb port

no hot sync

kludgy Opera web browser - no where near as easy to use as the Palm one

Poor battery life if you forget to switch off Bluetooth and Wifi

Whilst Skype would be "nice", where would I use it ? not in my office - we like our network security -I can make free calls anyway, not on the train, not in my car, yep I could use it in my house, but I have 2 PCs there so why should I ?

So I would sum up and say that I feel I got a good deal at £80, but is the N800 at £250 a good piece of kit - not at the moment. Give me a decent PIM with syncing capability,a cut down version of OpenOffice and I would say we have a class leading device
So you've decided to judge the entire Nokia internet tablet line based off of a tablet you bought that you weren't even looking for in the first place?
Hey buddy, you get what you pay for and I think that at 80 quid you got one hell of a device.
Obviously you've never bothered to search to the PalmOS emulator that runs just fine - and quick - on the N800. Then you can have your proverbial PalmOS "cake" and eat it too.
And for the record, Palm hasn't really brought anything new to the table since 2002 and the Foleo will probably wind up sinking the company.
Can you compile code directly on a Palm device? You can on the N770 or N800.

p.s. I also had a Vic-20 w/a 300-baud modem and a Compuserve account!

Last edited by iball; 2007-08-22 at 03:32.
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Ibooks? VIC-20s? Punch cards?

You dagganit youngsters, what's wrong with good ole' slate, a chisel and a mallet? Heck, if 'twere good enough for granpah Erectus, it be good enough for you lahdidad sapiens, daggit!

Now where did I park that apatosaur again...
Posts: 21 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Aug 2007 @ Dresden, Germany
Originally Posted by iball View Post
Can you compile code directly on a Palm device? You can on the N770 or N800.
Yes, on Palm you can do it as well. There is OnBoardC suite, quite nice thing. I know one brave guy who developed several full-fledged strategy games with it.
Nokia 770 ITOS 2006

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