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Originally Posted by ceroberts75 View Post
ok, just tried to dpkg again.

Aegis rejecting python-gst0.10._0.10.21-maemo1+0m6_armel.deb:  Could not open debian archive aegis aborting dpkg -- all listed package files rejected
Do you've "allow installation from non-store sources" enabled in settings ?

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Do you have the setting in app manager to allow installation from external sources or whatever it says enabled?

--ETA Damn.. beat by dsa
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pyRadio - Pandora Radio on your N900, N810 or N800!
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ffs!!! it worked.

all i did was use the up arrows to make sure the commands were the same. wth?!

on the login, it seems to be forcing a "capitol" of the first letter for my email and my password even after i enter it in the lower-case.

ie-i enter and entering the "email" part is fine, but after entering the @ sign, it turns to "Email" and i cannot go back and change it.

the same must be happening for my password because i cannot log in.
Posts: 1,067 | Thanked: 313 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ USA
awww dang it...ok. i figured out if i tap on the swype one that i actualy want, it will not force the capitol.

nice. it logs in. no audio and the drop down is not working. only one channel showing.
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Can you provide some terminal output for diagnostic?

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pyRadio - Pandora Radio on your N900, N810 or N800!
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oh, and yes. i am not totally new to terminal or using the device. my n900 is completely "remodeled" but not having the repos like we did there has made some things different.

i found that i really do not like the "only through the store" model at all.

btw, thank you all for the help. hope this makes its way to a nicer gui and if need be, into the store. :/
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I'm confused.

Is it working or isnt it? And do you have an N900 or an N9?
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pyRadio - Pandora Radio on your N900, N810 or N800!
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it is launching, and i can log in. i can only see one station but it will not play.

i have 2 n9's and 6 n900's.

so, yes, yes, yes and ... yes. lol.
Posts: 3,428 | Thanked: 2,856 times | Joined on Jul 2008
Ok can you get me the output on the terminal for the N9 then to see why it's not working?
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pyRadio - Pandora Radio on your N900, N810 or N800!
Posts: 3,428 | Thanked: 2,856 times | Joined on Jul 2008
Also, does pyRadio work on your N900?

I've known some people before had issues if they had shared or strange stations on Pandora that I didn't know how to handle. Does the same account work on the N900 and not the N9 or does it work on neither?
If I've helped you or you use any of my packages feel free to help me out.
pyRadio - Pandora Radio on your N900, N810 or N800!

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