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pipeline's Avatar
Posts: 693 | Thanked: 502 times | Joined on Jul 2007
Oh, then go to :

from your n800 and search for becomeroot and that should show repository which has it... click on green arrow to install repo, then look in application manager to install becomeroot

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Slixor's Avatar
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w000t i finnaly golt it working!!! ty pipe!! you rock!!

but 1 last question, how can i start the game on the main screen, not straight into a level?
pipeline's Avatar
Posts: 693 | Thanked: 502 times | Joined on Jul 2007
u cant... tthe quetoo source this was built from removed menus. zerion used to have nice launcher to pick level but removed for 2008 due to issues. theres only 3 levels in demo anyways.. when u exit it should save... run quetoo load icon to resume or quetoo new to start over

congrats and enjoy

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penguinbait's Avatar
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Originally Posted by pipeline View Post
Penguin, launcher is python (glade) front end launcher... not sure if that would be kde compatible. Just try the latest non-chinook build or grab the python files from 2007 build and use executable from 2008 version if kde shares same lib dependencies which required the 2008 build in first place.

The memory cards are mounted as drives (at least on xp)... what is your desktop ... windows xp?

Slixor : Have you installed becomeroot and set root password yet?

I did not realize this before, but network games can be played by typing

connect "IP ADDRESS"

Anyone tried to compile quake2world yet?

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OMG, I want to thank, and I will you guys for this port, I am playing quake 2 on my n800 multiplayer with all my buttons on my logitech cordless rumblepad2. I just ordered a bt mouse, I am hoping to get it working... finger crossed...

Are there any q2 servers setup, I like q2dm1 (The Edge) with sv_gravity 80...hehehe boing boing

Thanks, this is freaking awesome!!!!
pipeline's Avatar
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Heh yea this game/port really is great... i imagine with a BT keyboard or 810 keypad the console becomes very powerful.

He had a server running just for us maemo people but its probably real lonely there since most 2008 users cant use launcher to get to it anymore.

You might try some of these servers :

Not sure if those results are live but its saying they are. Be prepared to be humiliated though

try doing a set game ctf then map q2ctf1 at console to see if thats working right now.
penguinbait's Avatar
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Originally Posted by pipeline View Post
Heh yea this game/port really is great... i imagine with a BT keyboard or 810 keypad the console becomes very powerful.

He had a server running just for us maemo people but its probably real lonely there since most 2008 users cant use launcher to get to it anymore.

You might try some of these servers :

Not sure if those results are live but its saying they are. Be prepared to be humiliated though

try doing a set game ctf then map q2ctf1 at console to see if thats working right now.

Connected to a couple, ah the good ole days.. No ctf servers though, several servers said quetoo not allowed

Is there a maemo server up, where is it?

I wonder how long a n800 will run on a full battery while playing quake online with a USB wifi adapter game controller
pipeline's Avatar
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Since this is a good 'Showcase' application, I went through the trouble of repacking the OS2008 build of Zerion's Quetoo to be 'Ready2Run', using the q2 demo data files. This shareware/demo data is only three levels so dont expect an epic romp, more like a field trip.

Zerion: let me know if you have any issues with my doing this... i give full credit of port to you in installer, so i doubt you'll object.

Ok- heres the damage :

Although the installer claims 52megs, the filesystem is compressed and the actual footprint is 39megs.

810 users, no problem just install and be patient... you'll lose about 39megs of usable flash memory storage when its done.

800 users, the end toll is also 39Megs but installer itself is 39megs so you should probably save the installer to mmc and launch it from there. Installing straight from link might require near 80Megs free space on your device to perform/complete the install! (after its done, though it still 39)

Ok, so all you users with new 800/810s who want to see what your machine is capable of (and dont own q2), can just install this and run. The icons seem messed up (default) but i'm just going to leave them like that for now.

Just start a new game and whenever you quit (escape key/button) it will save... next time launch with 'Quetoo (Load Game)' instead of 'Quetoo (New Game)'

Grab Quetoo OS2008 Ready2Run installer here :

Last edited by pipeline; 2008-01-15 at 12:28.

The Following User Says Thank You to pipeline For This Useful Post:
Posts: 3 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jan 2008
Damn this is awesome! Just played ctf with 12 players with my
n810 and you have really done a great job it runs smoothly. Only problem, though, is that I can't write numbers in the console -- the fn button doesn't work in the in-game console. Don't know if that could be changed... I'll try to play some single player and figure out how the n810 keyboard best fits with the Q2 controls and perhaps post my configurations later... BTW it's cool to be able to do in-game chatting and also use the console it really makes it feel complete
anidel's Avatar
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Looking for good key bindings for my N810... awesome work !

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