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Originally Posted by sevo View Post
Datebk3/4/5 beat the GPE calendar. But the original? A calendar app incapable of handling events that go past midnight or happen in other time zones is not really the best example to model a better calendar on - and the phone book was even worse...
The address book beats the N800's contacts app by a mile, for one simple reason: without adding any external software, I could keep my palm address book in sync with my desktop address books, giving me 1 consistent address book across all of my systems.
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It runs much faster under OS2008. When testing with 770 (OS2006 or 7) and with N800 with latest OS2007 Bejeweled game was unplayable like slideshow with stuttering sound. I was wonderin why they dared to mention it on Garnet VM page. With OS2008-based N800 it flies and even music plays almost with no hiccup :-)
Not sure if it is due to faster system libraries or 400MHz CPU, perhaps both.
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A note for the hyjack portion of the thread...

I loved OS/2. I don't think it failed for windows emulation though.

It failed because there wasn't a consumer pricing model. Windows at the time sold to 'people' at about 1/3 the price of 'businesses'. OS/2 was a premium over both and had no 'individual use' discount.

So... Windows ended up in homes. Because of support for games, it stayed in homes. Businesses realized that Windows had a massive self-trained install base, and went with it.

Did you know that Windows NT 3.51 and OS/2 3.0 shared a lot of binaries? You could have NT 3.51 or NT 4.0 address OS/2's HPFS file system through renaming a file called 'pinball' and activating it in the config.

Warp had one of the -best- user interfaces ever. RIP.
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A note for the Garnet on N800 portion of the thread...

So, from cold start to the contacts list or calendar... how long does it take and how many taps/buttons?

And yes, a native PIM would be VERY nice. Its been 3 years since the 770 came out and not one has been made that is a viable substitute for Palm's original 'Address' and 'Date Book' applications.

The lack of a PIM support on the device (Not requiring a network connection) IS hurting sales of this device. Storing contacts online is slower than a Rolodex.

Like it or not, PIM support isn't a nifty add on feature on a device like this, it is a pre-requisite. Without it, this is a toy. With it it becomes a tool.

I've been watching these forums for over a year looking for PIM and big card support. The big cards are here.

Is the Garnet emulation a viable PIM? I.e. is it faster to open and find a contact or calendar date in it than it would be in a Rolodex or Franklin Planner?
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Bleh. I just excitedy looked thru a large number of Palm apps that mostly looked dull. If I can hotsync news I'll be happy, but not much else looked appealing. I saw an rss readerr that looked better than what we have, with only a ten day free trial. Then when I tried to install it it needs java.

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Originally Posted by JeffElkins View Post
No, I'm Jeff Elkins I mainly sysoped at GEnie and for a while, CIS, then MSN.
In all fairness, Tim Martin isn't Tim Martin, but if you've never been an regular of comp.os.os2.advocacy, it'd take mightily long to explain.
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Has anyone testing this with slingplayer application - palm OS?
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Originally Posted by Karel Jansens View Post
In all fairness, Tim Martin isn't Tim Martin, but if you've never been an regular of comp.os.os2.advocacy, it'd take mightily long to explain.
Ohhh, you mean the Warp City guy

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You should try out the vm first before calling it bog slow.
not slow at all.
Now with some descent feedback I'm pretty sure the individuals who
brung out this great port, will do their best to resolve that screen size issue.

But you should really give it a try before calling it bog slow.

Originally Posted by rickh View Post
i'm with Karel on this one. Instead of asking "if only we could do such and such with an emulator" we should be asking "if only we had a native calendar app that wipes the floor with anything out there".

Seriously, wouldn't we prefer to have apps made for the device, rather than some bog-slow emulation of a 10 year old (or more) app?

My opinion, of course.


Last edited by unique311; 2007-11-13 at 23:30.
Karel Jansens's Avatar
Posts: 3,220 | Thanked: 326 times | Joined on Oct 2005 @ "Almost there!" (Monte Christo, Count of)
Originally Posted by JeffElkins View Post
Ohhh, you mean the Warp City guy

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Aaahhhh.... (there appears to be no nostalgia emoticon available -- an unfortunate design oversight )

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