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Poll: Should create and support a dark theme like the original ITT?
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Should create and support a dark theme like the original ITT?

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timsamoff's Avatar
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Originally Posted by penguinbait View Post
I and 67 other feel its's job to fix it.
Even though you haven't noticed, I am supporting what you want. We just don't agree on how it should be done. Because, again I say... is "us." Is it really that hard to understand?

If this website were a corporate site -- which it isn't, believe me -- this would be an easy thing to get done. But, your request is a lot easier said than done when we are relying on our own bandwidth to do it.

I'm sorry you think voting for me was a mistake. Nevertheless, I would have volunteered to help redesign the website whether or not I was a Council member.


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penguinbait's Avatar
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Originally Posted by timsamoff View Post
Even though you haven't noticed, I am supporting what you want. We just don't agree on how it should be done. Because, again I say... is "us." Is it really that hard to understand?

If this website were a corporate site -- which it isn't, believe me -- this would be an easy thing to get done. But, your request is a lot easier said than done when we are relying on our own bandwidth to do it.

I'm sorry you think voting for me was a mistake. Nevertheless, I would have volunteered to help redesign the website whether or not I was a Council member.

Its not Tim, its the illusion of support that keeps being portrayed.

If this was something that was supported by Council and Reggie and Quim, it would be on an agenda and a timeline for completion would be set. Then you could say, in 1 month we will have some options. Or in two or three months we can have some options.

If you support it, what list is it on, and when will it be completed.

At least at that point, you could then rightly say. "qwit yer b*tchin" it'll be here in three months.

I have not seem one thing done to move this forward by council, Quim, or Reggie. If you don't support it fine, but don't act like you do, then do nothing to try to move it forward accept tell me to shut up and make my own.

Is there an echo in here?
To all my Maemo friends. I will no longer be monitoring any of my threads here on a regular basis. I am no longer supporting anything I did under maemo at If you need some help with something you can reach me at or I have disabled my PM's here, and removed myself from Council email and Community mailing list. There has been some fun times, see you around.

Last edited by penguinbait; 2009-05-08 at 18:57.
timsamoff's Avatar
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It's been almost 17 whole days since the launch -- which was the fruition of 8 months of work. Give us a break already! (Said half jokingly.)

You were at the Sprint meeting the other day. Why wasn't this proposed when we were talking about all of the tasks for the upcoming month?

Sure, it was said here (plenty). But our personal bandwidth can only stand so much. (I'm extra active here today due to being bored with what I'm supposed to be working on, but otherwise, I would have never been able to talk this much -- probably for the better.)

Reggie's Avatar
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Enough already!

I hope this would make everyone happy:
Reggie Suplido

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penguinbait's Avatar
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Originally Posted by timsamoff View Post
It's been almost 17 whole days since the launch -- which was the fruition of 8 months of work. Give us a break already! (Said half jokingly.)

You were at the Sprint meeting the other day. Why wasn't this proposed when we were talking about all of the tasks for the upcoming month?

Sure, it was said here (plenty). But our personal bandwidth can only stand so much. (I'm extra active here today due to being bored with what I'm supposed to be working on, but otherwise, I would have never been able to talk this much -- probably for the better.)

Forgive me for not jumping into a chat room with You, GA, Quim, Jaffa and mostly the other poeple who disagree with me and start telling you what to do in your meeting. I was merely an observer, and I offered to help Qole, if he wants my help.

I think that you all in the meeting were aware, but again, aparrently council does not agree, so its not worth discussing. Well not worth discussing coming up with a resolution.

Seriously how could you have a meeting and not discuss it, oh, because you are not planning on doing anything about it.

To me, COUNCIL should be putting it on the agenda, supporting the people who voted them to their position.
To all my Maemo friends. I will no longer be monitoring any of my threads here on a regular basis. I am no longer supporting anything I did under maemo at If you need some help with something you can reach me at or I have disabled my PM's here, and removed myself from Council email and Community mailing list. There has been some fun times, see you around.
penguinbait's Avatar
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Thanks Reggie for making A dark theme

And a light theme too
To all my Maemo friends. I will no longer be monitoring any of my threads here on a regular basis. I am no longer supporting anything I did under maemo at If you need some help with something you can reach me at or I have disabled my PM's here, and removed myself from Council email and Community mailing list. There has been some fun times, see you around.

Last edited by penguinbait; 2009-05-08 at 19:26.
debernardis's Avatar
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Reggie did it. Time to stop flames maybe.
Ernesto de Bernardis


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danramos's Avatar
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OMG.. MUCH better.. finally! Thanks so so so much!!
fpp's Avatar
Posts: 2,853 | Thanked: 968 times | Joined on Nov 2005
Okay, so now we have FOUR themes... with Minimalist soon undergoing a major overhaul, probably offering two colour schemes as well... I guess we can go back to talking about the tablets now ? :-)

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Bundyo's Avatar
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You forget one more
Technically, there are three determinate states the cat could be in: Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious.

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