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pelago's Avatar
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When viewing a season, the menu has two items A-Z or Z-A which sort the episode list as either latest at bottom or latest at top. Given that episodes have numbers rather than letters, I was going to file a bug suggesting that "A-Z" and "Z-A" aren't very good labels.

But then I wondered - does anyone actually even use Z-A sorting, i.e. latest episodes at the top? If no-one uses that option, then maybe the two sorting methods could just be removed.

Last edited by pelago; 2010-08-13 at 09:31.
Posts: 92 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Mar 2010
It would be nice if some date related issues would be solved in this app.
Like when you add a show it show how many episodes you haven't watched, this would be great if these episodes had already been aired, but even if a episode isn't aired yet it still show up as not watched.

Also it would be nice if the app showed what episodes have been aired since the last time you opened up the app. Like when I open up SeriesFinale on 13 august, I close it. on 14 august Show x ep y get aired and when I open up SeriesFinale on 15 august it could show that Show x ep y had been aired and you could mark it if you have it watched.

I don't know if the author reads this forum but I hope so
Posts: 435 | Thanked: 197 times | Joined on Feb 2010
finally, we can remove the "Special" season for each show! i was waiting for that feature for soo long lol. it was kinda annoying. and Portrait Mode is supported now. thanks jrocha, great work

This is definitively one of my favorite, must-have app for Maemo... i love it so much, is there any way to port this to Windows by any chance? :S
Posts: 539 | Thanked: 165 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Berlin, Germany
Bug or feature? After updating all images were lost and SF had to re-load them which took about an hour.

Despite of that I really like the new features. Deleting complete seasons is really helpful when havin played around with descriptions etc.

One suggestion for sorting the seasons. For people who want to have the special seasons displayed it might be annoying seeing them between regular seasons just because first special got added after season X. Could you offer a setting to have special season always listed as first (like season 0) or last (like season 999)?
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Originally Posted by ivgalvez View Post
Sometimes, when adding a new TV series, the newly added show or even some of the existing ones, lose the thumbnail and the summary in the main page. Also the font of the name lose the bold.

If I click on the damaged series to enter in the details page, all the information is shown properly, including thumbnails of the different seasons.
Last version works fine and new features are really nice, though I still have the same issue with shows not properly shown in main screen.
Posts: 13 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ Strasbourg, France
Originally Posted by ivgalvez View Post
Last version works fine and new features are really nice, though I still have the same issue with shows not properly shown in main screen.
This is being handled here :

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Why that? Can't add new series anymore. Updating existing series seems to work but when trying to search for new series it hangs and I have to kill it. Running from commandline (just "seriesfinale") doesn't give any additional output. Will try to deinstall and reinstall it, hope that will fix it ....
oKtosiTe's Avatar
Posts: 47 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Jul 2010
Originally Posted by x-lette View Post
Why that? Can't add new series anymore. Updating existing series seems to work but when trying to search for new series it hangs and I have to kill it. Running from commandline (just "seriesfinale") doesn't give any additional output. Will try to deinstall and reinstall it, hope that will fix it ....
I just installed for the very first time, but I get the same symptoms.
Posts: 1,283 | Thanked: 370 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ South Florida
How do I stop an update without losing everything?

I added a number of shows last night. I clicked update all, and it's been "busy" now for about 9 hours. Not really DL'ing much, just showing busy. My experience in the past is, if I kill it, it will lose the shows I set before the last successful close.

Is there anyway to avoid losing everything?

Anyway to avoid this problem?
Posts: 539 | Thanked: 165 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Berlin, Germany
Originally Posted by oKtosiTe View Post
I just installed for the very first time, but I get the same symptoms.
Forgot to clear that out: that was related to a (planned) downtime of the tvdb website. Now working again, but still some covers missing even after doing several "update all".

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