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And thanks geneven!

I need a prepaid simcard that also includes a "unlimited" 3G data plan for 30 days or fixed price, but i couldent find any info about 3G data services...or is that maybe "sidekick"? or im I misstaken?

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Shamrock: T-mobile has 3G, and use is unlimited, so the Sidekick plan should work for you, a dollar a day. Phone calls are extra, 15 cents a minute.

There are some areas where tmobile 3G isn't available -- I don't know where they are, I think there's a map.

It is possible that if you use the heck out of 3G Tmobile might object. I'm not sure how that would happen. In theory, even if that happened you could buy another Sim and start over!

After all, this plan was meant for older, less groovy phones than the N900. But it has been working fine for me.
Posts: 15 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Thanks again Geneven!

OK, so I can buy the prepaid card anywhere, bestbuy/ebay etc, and then switch to the sidekick plan.
Thats great!

Posts: 277 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Jan 2010
I'm off to NYC next week & thinking of trying this out. Whilst the hotel has wifi I'll be around the city during the day, and maps, route lookups, etc will be quite useful.

If I use the tor status applet, does everything work normally on the phone dat awise - maps, agps, IM, web? -
If I use a proxy (and the sidekick apn) similar question?

Additionally, if I buy a tmob sim for 10 USD, does this include 10 USD credit, or is that on top?

Finally I'll be staying around broadway (arriving in newark) - can I expect to just pay the regular 10 USD in any local store or is there a good place to pick up one cheaper

Last edited by planetf1; 2010-03-31 at 22:41.
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Originally Posted by geneven View Post
I am finally getting pretty good results with the Tmobile Sidekick prepaid plan. Actually, I am usually on the Pay by the Day plan, but today I decided to invest a big $1 and switch over to the Sidekick plan and give it another shot. I almost can't believe it, but I got set up very easily and I am thrilled that it is working. The key is to use Tor and don't set a proxy.

Here are some tips for others who want to duplicate my results.

1. Don't call Tmobile. On looking at your system, they will figure out you have a smart phone and will try to force you into another plan.

2. Just buy a Sim. I think I paid $5 or so for a Tmobile prepaid Sim from Amazon.

3. Follow instructions for setting up your phone from Tmobile, but never accept an option that involves calling them. If you are asked what kind of Nokia phone you have , use an ancient one like an 1100 or something.

4. You will be able to manage your account from I suggest that you start with the Pay by the Day option as I did. Get the phone working.

5. Install Tor, or rather the Tor Status application. It might be in extras-devel. The developer mentions he thinks it is optified.

6. This application puts an icon in your status bar so you can activate it. There is a site you can go to to make sure Tor is working.

7. Do NOT try setting a proxy. You can't set a Socks proxy, and you don't need one.

After I did the above, approximately, I could open a few web pages simultaneously and run app mgr at the same time, no prob.I haven't tried much else.

All this for $1!

I'll post additions, corrections when I run into them.

Edit: Web pages work fine, but some downloads don't, because the program doesn't understand that a proxy is involved. I can't download programs via App Mgr, for example. At first I couldn't use Feedingit to get rss feeds, but the developer changed his program, and now I can. The Foreca weather wouldn't work, but Omweather would.

All in all, I'm very happy with how it is working.
I cannot get it to work..."internet connection failed. Try again?"

I have installed Tor. after installation, it is disabled. I tried to enable it, it kept giving the fail statment.

I tried to use the proxy thing which I have no idea what is that. I could have changed something ... what is the internet connection settings?

Connection name: tmob
Connection type: GPRS
User name: blank
Password: blank


Use proxy: unchecked

Any suggestions?

I think my sim card was preconfigured for 2 tmobile something...Before I change the tmobile connection, I kind of remember it is 2.tmobile... something. Anybody know what is the APN for 2.tmobile something? TIA,


Last edited by bunanson; 2010-04-02 at 05:57.
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Originally Posted by Tizbad2k View Post
Ok so I could use some help, and maybe my experience can help others.

I popped in a t-mobile pay-as-you-go sim that I had from earlier. I went online to and changed my account from pay-as-you-go to sidekick.

In the internet connections settings I saw the APN as, this was the default. This would send me to a text portal no matter what websites I tried (yahoo might have worked). Then I changed the APN to, left the login and password blank. Again similar results when trying websites. Finally I installed a proxy sever on my windows PC (freeproxy) and setup my home PC IP as the proxy server.

Now I can browse to any site that I like but it is very slow. Mobilespeedtest says the value is between 80-220Kbps (slower than edge).

What am I doing wrong, why is it so slow? Under the signal bars it says 3-3.5 but I see a GPRS icon near the bars when I am accesing the net. And also on the Tmobile internet connection settings it says the method is GPRS.

Am I not getting 3G service? Is it my proxy server (shouldnt be). What can I do?
Could you, or anybody feel free to jump in, how to setup a proxy on my window machine. I tried to get this tmob going for my trip next week and is getting no where.

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1. download then install freeProxy (should install without any interaction other than choosing install path). You then need to tell it to run as a service and to listen on port x - can't remember exact procedure for that but it was pretty intuitive. when setting up the port entry bind to local IP of the host PC
2. choose a port to use - say port x
3. port forward TCP port x from your router to the internal ip of the PC running freeProxy
4. add an exception to windows firewall to allow traffic to port x.
5. on n900 goto connections/internet settings; select your Desired connection (usually your GPRS) and edit it
6. hit next until you get to 'advanced'. hit that and choose proxies
7. tick 'use proxy' and then enter external IP of your home BB
8. enter your chosen port x
9. set IP and port for both http and https entries - thats all you need for normal browsing

that should be it - select your proxied connection and go to or similar - if it has worked you will see the site display your BB's external IP instead of the one for your carrier (or public wifi etc)

all wriiten from memory, i'm away from home without access to the PC on which i set up freeProxy. Apologies in advance if that aspect is a bit vague :-)

n.b. the above should get a proxy working but it's not secure - if you intend doing anything beyond basic surfing you need to persevere with Tor or go for a VPN or soxified solution.


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Pigro: thanks for a clear step by step instructions. I still failed. Same whatever I do
"Internet connection failed. Retry?" Well, run out of trick, will put it down for awhile and try someother times. Thanks, pal.

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It sounds like you did everything right -- you are essentially saying that Tor just plain doesn't work for you.

You might ask the Tor folks.

I'll search through the Tor documentation and see what I can find. It works fine for me.

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Shamrock et al.

Before you assume too much, make sure Tor works for you. I don,t have any problem with it. There is at least one Tor Status Area Applet thread here.


Last edited by geneven; 2010-04-02 at 22:19.

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