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Well, as I also mentioned in another post, it isn't just the applications but the usage itself. Maybe I'm not going through the same steps as those experiencing these crashes. Maybe I never do; just user habits that differ from one to the next. But I have run this thing through the wringer, that's for sure.
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I just contacted my friends at Nokia:
Hi Ari and Sari,
I hate to contact you both directly on this one, but I'm in the middle of an argument on InternetTabletTalk forums. The big crux is that people are viewing the outsourcing of OS2007/770 "Hacker Edition" as an abandonment of the open bugs in IT2006. It would really help the community if there was some announcement that open bugs in OS2006 are still being worked on. If that's the case, we'd really like to hear it.

Thanks again,

Sound right?
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Originally Posted by Invicta View Post
Same logic applies only if you forget meaning of applications to Internet Tablet and to its sale, Nokias role of attracting application developers to platform and using them to create its usefullness and success or finally moving them to the new OS. See (or don't) - you can't really compare cars and computers and in the case of Internet Tablet you can compare even less, as the manufacturer have tied its enviroment so close to itself.
Oh come on Invicta-- you can compare or contrast just about anything in some form or fashion. It's just that it's inevitable when someone draws any sort of analogy there'll be people eagerly willing to focus more on the contrasts and poke holes in the comparisons.

This is just hair splitting. So... what did we accomplish by it?
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Originally Posted by thoughtfix View Post
Karel: Actually it's both hardware and software. Distributed brake force systems are both So are the OS2007 improvements: code optimized for hardware. Where'd you learn that Nokia cut resources to OS2006?
I really don't care much about ITOS2007 on the 770; I only want a stable ITOS2006 on it; that's why I think the criticism is justified.

iFrank wrote about the resources here:

in a reply to my question whether Nokia was going to maintain and fix ITOS2006.
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Originally Posted by Karel Jansens View Post
I really don't care much about ITOS2007 on the 770; I only want a stable ITOS2006 on it; that's why I think the criticism is justified.
The criticism is entirely justified, but perhaps premature. If there has been any actual news saying that IT2006 is no longer in development, I missed it. That's why I asked Nokia in my last post: We need to know so we can put this argument to bed once and for all.
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What do people think about the latest post from Ari's blog:

"As agreed, we are working on getting N800 software running on 770 – not a final product image but an engineering release that’ll help developers to bridge the gap between N800 and 770. OS2007 770 Hacker Release"

I for one would like to see stability and bug fixes for the 770. Should we give up all hope that the 770 will still have bug fixes by Nokia? Instead we get the 770 hacker edition :

"It’s less than alpha. No Q.A. was done on it and who knows what it might do. It should not brick your device but then again, we can’t be totally sure of that either."
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Texrat: Reading all your posts makes me think of one thing someone once said on this forum (I'll start being less vague now); that pre-release tablets, along with the first batch, were probably the most stable hardwarewise. Maybe Nokia screwed up when it scaled up production. Maybe one of the manufacturers did. All I know is that mine (WSOD currently) was made in Germany and Opera did shut down at least once a day. I learnt to live with it, but it also sometimes closed my session on me clicking a link. I used the tablet for every possible site I could think of, and my only problem was this browser business. It reduced somewhat in frequency when I added loads of virtual memory (I think 48 mb), so it may be memory related. Who knows? Will we ever know?
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There's some possibility to that convulted, yet on the flip side, it's usually not until after production that many hardware issues even show up. It shouldn't be that way, and it makes my job very difficult, but due to business pressures it happens a lot. But I'm with you: who knows, and will we ever?
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
Well, look at it from my standpoint: given that I haven't experienced all these bugs, I'm surprised you guys have! Opera will occasionally stall on me, but crash? maybe once or twice, and as I noted before, the websites were more to blame.
The browser *crashes* and the *website* is to blame? Whoa there! A badly coded webpage could/should cause some rendering issues but crash the browser? I don't think the browser /crashing/ can be anything other than the browser or the operating system's fault'.
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
It applies equally to those demanding backporting of the OS itself. Same logic involved.
I am not demanding backporting of the OS itself, per se.

What I am demanding is application compatibility. To give a concrete example of what I'm talking about:

I went in to the local CompUSA to play with an N800 and see if it was worth getting. I tried installing one of the apps I normally use - VNC. (Note that VNC was listed in the default repositories in the OS 2007 install!) The install failed. Since other test installs worked, that presumably means VNC needs updating for OS 2007 compatibility.

The problem is that - as I understand it - once VNC has been updated for OS 2007, that build will not work on OS 2006. So to have a version that works on both the 770 and the 800, the developer will have to maintain two separate codebases. This is not an application that uses 800-specific hardware; it worked fine on the 770 before. Any incompatibility is caused only and exclusively by software/API issues.

Do you honestly not see the problems inherent in this situation? How many developers are going to be willing to maintain two separate releases for the two platforms? If bug-fix updates are the only thing the 770 will receive going forward - i.e. no further extension or evolution of the OS - then I don't see much motivation for developers to do this, since the 770 will effectively be a dead-end platform and all the improvements will be taking place on the 800.

I don't expect Nokia to do a complete back-port of OS 2007. I do expect them to make some kind of end-user OS release for the 770 that is API-compatible with OS 2007 (within reason), so that at the very least, developers who have to update their apps for OS 2007 don't have them break on OS 2006 as a consequence.

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