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efekt's Avatar
Posts: 422 | Thanked: 320 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Israel
Uh I see. Thanks, I'll give it a shot
ndi's Avatar
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It it just my version, it it doesn't switch unless call is in progress (connected)? Switching when a call is outgoing but not connected is a good idea, otherwise once connected it takes a full two seconds to switch as needed, especially with keyboard switch.
N900 dead and Nokia no longer replaces them. Thanks for all the fish.

Keep the forums clean: use "Thanks" button instead of the thank you post.
jaeezzy's Avatar
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Ok now as it seems PR1.2 is yet not around the corner and despite suffering the dependency problems due to the excitement that dragged me to update scratchbox, I've still uploaded the latest version 0.1-8 in my #1 post here. Please find the changelog and the installation info under the UPDATES as always. It can't be installed via Application Manager so x-term is your only friend I guess. So:
1) Open xterm
2) sudo gainroot (Assuming you have rootsh installed)
3) cd to where you downloaded the file
3) dpkg -i --force-depends psswitcher_0.1-8_armel.deb

Due to these limitation, I'ven't yet uploaded to devel but will do as soon as PR1.2 hits public. Hence, for now you can only download the file from my #1 post.
And as always, 'll look forward for the feedback. Thanks
jaeezzy's Avatar
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Originally Posted by efekt View Post
I'm not quite sure anyone else is having this problem - I searched this thread and found nothing... When I answer a call, sometimes the call screen gets minimized and switch orientation to landscape mode. When my call is ended, I have to maximize the call window again and then wait another second or two in order it will switch back to portrait mode so I could press the "END" button...
Is there anything you can do about it jaeezzy? Maybe something is "stealing" the focus from the call screen, and forcing it to minimize?
This is because the "Open dashboard when turning on speakers" checkbox is enabled by default. So, you can uncheck it in the settings. But doensn't the call window close automatically when the call ends and open up the Phone app?
hawaii's Avatar
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I'll be testing on it soon.

Thanks for all your hard work on this!

EDIT: Newest update works great for bluetooth.

Last edited by hawaii; 2010-04-21 at 23:02.

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Any updates planned for this?

I have a strange issue with bluetooth. Before making a call I switch on my bluetooth headset and my N900 pairs with the device just fine.

I then attempt to make a call, The call screen comes up with the "Headset" option enabled, or Blue. Then as soon as the call starts (I hear the ringing sound), the headset option turns to grey and I get that popup that says it is handing over to handset. If I press the grey headset option it then works with bluetooth.

Any ideas??

For the record I have my phone in a cradle in landscape orientation - I have tried both with keyboard open and closed and get the same results both times.

Oh also I am doing all my testing making skype calls to the skype echo service, but I doubt that is causing the problem.
hawaii's Avatar
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Doesn't sound like an issue caused by pss. As far as I know, pss doesn't make any changes - it simply reads the value for attached devices and decides based on that.

I've been using it since we added the bluetooth detection, and have never encountered this. Ever. Uninstall and see if the problem persists.

Jay, can you either provide the source for 1-8 or increase the delay selection from topping out at 4, to 10? Also, 1-8 is ready to be pushed to devel for PR1.2

Last edited by hawaii; 2010-06-01 at 05:22.
Posts: 90 | Thanked: 47 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Sydney Australia
Ok as suggested I uninstalled PSS - tried to use my headset and it worked flawlessly. Reinstalled PSS 1.8 and as soon as I make the connection it switches me from headset to speakers.

Jaezzy - is there any log that I can provide?
jaeezzy's Avatar
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@atunguyd: Which version are you using? 0.1-7 in devel doesn't support bluetooth headset. You have to manually download 0.1-8 from the #1 post of this thread which supports bluetooth headsets. It was coz of PR1.2 thing . Sorry it doesn't log anything .

@hawaii: I'm working on it. Hopefully, I'll release 0.1-9 soon and push it to testing.

NWZ, thanks for the feedback guys.
Posts: 90 | Thanked: 47 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Sydney Australia

Definitly using 0.8 that I installed via the #1 post. As I said before too I removed it and reinstalled it. While it was removed bluetooth headset calls worked fine, but as soon as I add pss then it switches to speakers every time I try to make a call and my headset is paired.

I have tried every setting in the PSS application but cant seem to get it to work. I will try my wife's headset and see if it is in some way related to my headset. Otherwise I can provide any debug you might want from me.

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