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Depending a LOT on who you are and what you want to do with your device. For some, yes, for some no.

Me, I'm just sitting here grinning like an idiot while SSH:ing in to the 770 from my main workstation so I can run tools in it remotely. How freaking awesome is that?
Posts: 14 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jun 2006
I picked up the Nokia 770 as a replacement for a Tungsten T3... I was looking for BT and wireless in one and so far I have been extremely happy. I was able to use the GPE PIM tools and import my calendar and my contacts (very important).

All I am really missing follows:
Some form of database program (I use JFile on the Palm), a Port of GtkSQL or something similar would be extremely nice using sqlite.
Better Mapping software. I use my GPS ALOT and downloaded maps, mapopolis or something like that would be slick and allow me to dump my Palm completely. Integrates with my GPS just fine.

NOt a long list but the Nokia 770 has everything else I need and more.

Posts: 18 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jun 2006
Country: USA
Purchased From: CompUSA
Purchase/Arrival Date: 5/2006

Likes: Greatest. Hackable. Handheld. Ever. Always full of little surprises, this thing...

Dislikes: It's GNOME-based. Bleh. Give me straight X11, and let me decide what to put on there!

Favorite apps: MaemoMapper.
Posts: 46 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Jul 2006
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Posts: 19 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Aug 2006
Haven't Gotten One Yet but will soon
Saw one at CompUSA
Austin, TX

Favorite apps: Opera with the zoom feature, Internet Radio, World Clock, iTris (downloaded and tried at store)

Pros: The afore mentioned zoom feature (Even works in mail messages and note taker)
Cons: No voice recording functionality. Also the size limitation of the rs-mmc means that it won't replace a laptop or ipod since I have more than 2 gigs of music.
Posts: 13 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Apr 2006 @ Seattle, Washington USA
Country: USA
Purchased From: Fry's Electronics, Renton, WA
Purchase/Arrival Date: April 2006

Likes: LINUX on a Handheld Device. Better Security than Palm OS 5!

Dislikes: Difficulty porting my Linux programs.

Favorite apps: GoogleTalk, GAIM, Music Player (plays Shoutcast!), Most of the other software.

As a Veteran Linux user (since 1997), I keep my installed programs to a Selected Few. In other words, I only install programs that I currently use. I am running IT2006 and have not have any crashes.
MirandaSoft! USA and MirandaSoft! Philippines
Seattle, Washington USA + Manila, Philippines
Posts: 188 | Thanked: 90 times | Joined on Sep 2006
Country: Switzerland
Purchased: August 5th

runs linux - Free Software / Open Source, hackable, extensible, open, all the cool stuff, etcetera
great screen scharpness / resolution, better than PDAs for webbrowsing
wireless - got it before my AP arrived, could easily use neighbour's ... Using my own now, hidden wpa-psk... (here the subscriber is supposedly fully responsible for any and all downloads...)
Webbrowser - great viewing control
I actually bought it to be able to control my linux music server, but it has rarely left my hands since I got it.

screen isn't evenly lit - well visible gradient for instance when opening a new webpage, and shows the mentioned grainy speckles
browser crashes quite often
no info on links before clicking
no easy usb host mode/use
mmc card - why not sd (mini / micro) which I could also use for my digital cam and plenty of other devices....?
minor: no IR

Favourite apps:
browser, vncviewer, meamo mapper, kismet, xterm, plenty of games
Posts: 4 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Oct 2006
Purchased From:Ebay, odd story, Guy bought his whilst in the U.S. as the villa he was staying in had free Wifi, he came back and realised he had no use for the 770 beside his other 5 computers, so virtually new 770 for approx 3/5 the cost (not counting uk mains adapter for charger)

Purchase/Arrival Date: arrived wed 20/09/06, won on ebay 4 days previous (fast delivery)

Likes: Linux *(I am NEW to linux, but I like the ideas, the freedom and the more I tinker the more sense it makes to me than windows), Hackable (software and *hopefully* hardware, IF someone lets the rest of us know what that pin header next to the battery is for).
Bluetooth (I think the standard AND the profiles still have tremendous possibilities). The layout (Well thought out, very approachable even for the computer illiterate),
The design (c'mon, with their phones, what did you expect from nokia?), Ease of Wlan connection/profiling (Great fun for warwalking, plus there are an amazing number of unsecured AP's near my favourite haunts)....... and yes, I LOVE the screen as well.

Dislikes: Construction, though elegant and well thought out, seems a little delecate (Though perhaps there is a market for a 'ruggedised' version *HINT*),
Lack of 'device specific' accessories on the market (though I'm thinking for us hardware hackers, thats a prompt to use our imaginations, so maybe that should be in the 'likes'),
instability of certain apps (though I'm led to believe this may be improved by getting a bigger RS-MMC and extending the userspace into it).
MICROPHONE! considering the space on the underside panel left beside the USB, power and Earphone sockets, would it not have been possible to allow for the connection of an external Mic (podcasting, or at least getting reasonable quality Audio and being able to upload it elsewhere would be useful) ?
Opera does not support many of the (mostly AJAX) web apps I like to use whilst on the move (minor peeve, possibly solved by installing Minimo when I have a larger RS-MMC).

Favorite apps: Browser (obviously, though will try Minimo for better functionality?), ScummVM (I'm an #80s kid), FBreader (GREAT for travelling and there are some great classics available at, media converter.

Afterwaffle (Yes, I am longwhinded, and I do state the obvious in an overdramatic fashion, flame me at will):
I weighed my options carefully before getting the 770, I don't have mutch spare cash so I aimed to get the one device on offer that held the most possibility, my choices were a Sony PSP (there are many hacks, and its widely available) a pepperpad (Not available here in the UK), or the sony Mylo (Not available in the UK and not mutch info available), or the 770, So my only choice was really the 770. Why ?
It uses Wifi, Wifi is everywhere now (I Live in the STIX and there are still at least 5 networks on my street)
Its DESIGNED for browsing the web, and as sutch, can take full advantage of the many WEB based applications that are springing up to do things previously held in the domain of Desktop software (NOT just office stuff either).
It CAN do a fair bit more than JUST surf the net, as demonstrated by Maemo Mapper (GPS unit is a must have for me now), Emulators for games, Abiword, etc.
Improvements are still being made to the OS (unlike the 'downgrades' necessary with sony's efforts to make them do anything interesting).
Everything is Opensource (ALLWAYS an advantage).
Bluetooth, so it will have even more functionality when I get around to getting a better Phone.


Well, thats my bit, now I'm off to the game forum to reel of a ***** list of games that should have been ported allready.

Posts: 162 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jun 2006
First impressions; I only just got it in the mail, so I should probably familiarize myself with the device...before asking too many stupid questions. :-)

Still, quickie thoughts: pro...extremely cool toy, quite obviously. Con... I can tell that I have the slightly darker right side of the screen, with faint gradients right at the edge on that side. I knew this was a fairly common issue going in,and it's only bothersome when the screen is one bright color (like the startup screen with the nokia logo for instance) so I think I'll bear with it.
Posts: 14 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Oct 2006 @ CA
Well, I have had mine for 2 months now, so not quite a "first impression". I bought mine at a local store.
- Bought it for the screen, and my historic good experience with Nokia.
- I originally was looking to buy a combo cell phone / pda / wifi device, but US phone companies just don't want to sell a 9300i or 9500 in the US, so I ended up with a low end Nokia phone and a 770.
- I think this was generally a good decision

- It has very solid WiFi reception, better than my laptop card
- Browser is pretty good - no complaints
- email client is mediocre. It just mixed together the incoming emails from 2 IMAP email adr.
- I am sorry to say that the "contacts" area is a joke. I can only guess that this area is there as a google talk adv.

- I tried dejapim for a short while, but the only way to move contacts from ACT to it was to first move then through outlook. Not an outlook user, so this was not really interesting.
- Loaded the GPL PIM (version 0.55 I think) Not really had a chance to test it yet.

I originally thought that the 770 ran Opera for many functions (not just browsing) so I loaded Opera 9 on my XP laptop. Boy do I wish it really did. I am now using Opera for browsing and email.

I still need to add a larger mem card.

Not an expert, but I think it is a bit slow, and given that the RAM cannot be field expanded, it would be a low cost item to add enough for it to run larger apps, like a full version of Opera.

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