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i wonder if the android/iOS forums have similar departure speeches; love or hate it, but you got to admit the n900 has evoked some strong feelings from its owners, past and present.

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I have seen some rather epic "I'm leaving Apple" and "**** you Steve Jobs" posts at some Apple iPhone forums - including the official Apple forums, which in a lot of cases got deleted.

The reaction to the "You're holding it wrong" was pretty damn bad in a lot of forums too. So yes... seen it before. I'm just now getting into the Android forum circuit and so far, I've seen some drama there too. I've helped a couple of folks with the same exact problems as I've seen on my Captivate - they were talking about throwing their phone out of the window.

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Originally Posted by frostbyte View Post
i wonder if the android/iOS forums have similar departure speeches; love or hate it, but you got to admit the n900 has evoked some strong feelings from its owners, past and present.
not sure about android forums, but apple forums delete thsi kind of stuff pretty quick
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Holy ****. I just found it - here.

Wow. I mean, qwerty12 was a hero, a developer, got stuff done, answered questions. And people want to deny that something isn't wrong!?

Wow. I'm... actually speechless a bit.
Dont agree with you, great to get rid of one whinners in the Maemo/Meego community.

I dont give a **** what good he have done before cause I am so sick of whining this doesnt move the community forward!!! Nokia will not be more open cause of all whinings of people who doesnt know a shiut how bussines work. Ttere is NO hardwarecompany that has released all drivers as open source!

The fact is Nokia may decide to be more closed source and drop Meegoproject instead at the end and start using crappy windows mobile OS on highend instead, and thats not what I want as a Linux user/developer :-( :-(

Its insane how stupid people sometimes seems to be? Instead of whine about closed driver and shitty flash, just ask yourself this:

What is the altenatives if you want opennes and expremienting with the hardware?

Android? yeah right controlled by Google and HTC. How many totally open Android are there?!?

Ofcourse many thinks "Android is the best they have more apps and latest flash blablblabla" but as an european I dont want a big American company take control everything I do on the Internet Dont get me wrong Google has done alot good stuff for the OSS community but if they is the only its very bad at the end. Btw. There are plenty of people here that are angry cause the lack of payapps cause its not supported in northeuropean. And also flash has been discussed for several months so this is not only a problem in Maemo!!

So again is there othere alternative open?

Winmobile? I dont think so. Maybe the future for all windows fanboys but hell I will never use such crap OS.

Not talk about Iphone...
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The problem with all this flaming goodbye post are that they are generally based on rumors or misunderstandings (normally cause the writer was lazy). Like this...

It's like saying that someone believed that you where able to play Crysis on the telephone and get's annoyed when it can't. They often base their thread on what other have said falsely in other goodbye posts. To motivate their goodbye. Like that of the MeeGo not coming to the N900.. well it will.

So if ppl still want to continue flaming the forums... then they should try to start consider facts rather than rumors and learning about their m***f***ing device. Or go quietly. I fully understand and sometimes support ppl getting mad about this type of posts. And it is not always fanboyism. These posts are often false and based on garbage.

I am no fanboy of Nokia but i love this device and the community for what it have thought me. I might not go Nokia next time.. but who knows. The one who have the device that suits me best will be my next buy.
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Originally Posted by JulmaHerra View Post
As far as I know, Nokia never promised Ovi Maps with navigation for N900. It was just our sincere hope, which is not necessarily dead yet, although there is no such thing in sight at the moment. Nokia to blame of demise of Maemo?

I think they promised it....many people is still waiting for nothing?
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These types of threads should be taken to's forum. They'll more likely notice them there.

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Originally Posted by Andy69 View Post
I think they promised it....many people is still waiting for nothing?
For maemo, yes, but at the time Harmattan was still going to be Maemo 6. If I remember correct, milestone for turn by turn navigation was already set for Harmattan and not for Fremantle. Later some Nokia executive said that it would come with MeeGo but N900 version was not on the table at the moment, adding that this doesn't necessarily mean N900 wouldn't eventually get it. This is as much as I know about it and as much as I miss this feature, I cannot really blame Nokia. As I have said many times before, I knew the limitations of the new device and I knew it was an early adopter device (yet I'm still happy with my device...). I do believe that Nokia will ease our suffering with full featured navigation for N900, in fact they really don't have any good reason not to do it. It's likely that the new version is developed with Qt, so porting should be trivial if they haven't messed it up too badly. Also, I guess it's the only way Nokia can make it up to some extent the grief we share about MeeGo not being supported on N900.

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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Be it Maemo 6, Harmattan or MeeGo Community Edition; go back and look at the way it was phrased. It will not be a supported OS despite the N900 being the current way to develop for MeeGo.
I've never said MeeGo, Maemo 6, Harmattan, or any other post-Maemo 5 release would be officially supported on the N900.

You posted:
Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Maemo 5 had only 6 months (before the MeeGo announcement) to "grow old". 6 months...
I questioned whether the MeeGo announcement had made any difference. Prior to the MeeGo announcement, we knew Maemo 6 was due on new hardware late this year, and Nokia had only hinted in the negative regarding the question of the N900 upgrading to that new Maemo revision.

In this area, the MeeGo announcement brought only attention. It didn't bring change.

It's 3/4ths through 2010; nothing supports what you're saying.
I rather suspect you think I've said something far removed from what I've said.
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For me Nokia has let all end users down in the biggest way by allowing OVI store to be so poor its amateurish. the content is non exsistent... You have angry birds and maybe one or two other worthwhile pieces of software and then there is nothing.... that is proof of NO support for people who have paid top dollar for a device.. How can they not offer voice navigation for N900? ridiculous.... I both love and hate th N900 equally! as it does many things well, after 9 months of ownerships I conclude that Nokia are just sloppy/not interested and this is felt by end users.... including me.

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