, 18:21
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Joined on Nov 2009
@ Cambridge, UK
, 18:24
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Joined on Jan 2010
@ United Kingdom
Disable the extras repository and run "apt-get install libsdl-mixer1.2=1:1.2.6-5+0m5"
'apt-get install mp-fremantle-generic-pr modest-providers-data'
in root it finds the package and unpacks it.
However, I now have the problem that I seem to have some corrupt dependencies in my distribution as the error message that now comes up is:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
mp-fremantle-generic pr: Depends: libsdl-mixer1.2 (= 1:1.2.6-5+0m5)
E: Broken package
So, I'm guessting a previous attempt to use apt-get to update my distribution has broken something and is preventing the upgrade.
Is there a way to repair the above package, or am I looking at a reflash?