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Well, if you're right about that, I would be satisfied with the support cycle length. Not so much with other things, I guess.
Posts: 103 | Thanked: 50 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Chicago
All I want for Christmas (from PR 1.4) is:

Integrated spellcheck
A decent email client
Improved Ovi Maps (turn-by-turn, etc.)
Posts: 343 | Thanked: 165 times | Joined on Sep 2010
A GPU accelerated hildon desktop would be nice. GPU Accelerated flash as well. Why do we even have a GPU anyway? Nokia added it and completely forgot about it. Adobe, well, 9.4 didn't have hardware acceleration at the time, they're off the hook.

Forget java, it's slow and bulky. I'm glad I own one of the only modern phones/smartphones/tablets that comepletely excludes java.

Last edited by mattbutsko; 2010-11-18 at 16:07.
Straycat's Avatar
Posts: 218 | Thanked: 59 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ spain
In this time I only wish to have a decent PIM application.

Pretty much like the ones on old windows mobile platform.

Is it so much to wait for??

Yes, I can launch continental rockets from my N900 but I simply can't take all required information from my customers, for example. I used before a XDA Flame running windows mobile 6.x ligth years away for this kind of use.
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Posts: 172 | Thanked: 160 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Sweden
Originally Posted by slender View Post
I just made a userscript for greasemonkey, it's only a few lines of code and can be greatly improved easily but i just made a proof of concept.
Posts: 86 | Thanked: 54 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Originally Posted by mhamza View Post
For me this would be:
3-Access shared network drives
Wizard mounter (available in one of the repos) works well for this.

For me, I would say the only things I would want are:

1. better portrait mode w/portrait QWERTY keyboard

2. Ovi navigation

Posts: 32 | Thanked: 24 times | Joined on Sep 2010
Originally Posted by Armand360 View Post
best phone to date? in that case;

1. portrait mode (i read somewhere that it is possible, but hard to create)

Already done I think.

CTRL + Shift + R on the keyboard then sliding the device closed and rotate it to change the screen orientation.
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very minor bugfixes and a small Qt version bump and it would be perfect. Oh wait...
Posts: 2,829 | Thanked: 1,459 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Finland
Originally Posted by antezz View Post
I just made a userscript for greasemonkey, it's only a few lines of code and can be greatly improved easily but i just made a proof of concept.
Improve it, make thread and write little guide + share script, get thanked

I bet that there was enhancement request report about back button missing somewhere in bugzilla.
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Posts: 508 | Thanked: 130 times | Joined on Sep 2009
1. Fix mediaplayer widget (for godsake!)
2. Fix phone app still not responsive or after 10 seconds when call come sin.
3. Fix crashing alarm when going off no responsiveness.
4. flash 10!!!
5. Descent support for IM in contacts MSN and others with ability to block unblock people send files. Current im about msn arent working half of the time. server error on different operators and different connections.
6. USB on the GO. integrated
7. MMS integrated
8. Virtual keyboard overlay, so no seperate textbox where text is loaded in but actually typ directly in to the textbox of a webpage or some similar
9. Email fix that doesnt make my email app crash to desktop and after 20 minutes all of a sudden pops up.
10. camera app that has a function to delay making pictures.
11. descent video and photo editing
12. manually make playlists, name them and add music.
13. the picture and file scrolling while uploading or some similar, is a pain. with scrolling through 1000's of photo's
14. portrait keyboard in webbrowser and conversations (atleast!!!)
15. function build in to the calendar to automatic always view month mode
16. ability to stop n900 from searching wifi when A2DP bluetooth headset is connected. or maybe slow down wifi and give A2DP headset priority.
17. fixing stuttering interface when music is playing
18. built menu's and especially the photo album to kinetic scroll at atleast 30 ~ 60 FPS.
19. status icons for voip and chataccounts per account in the status bar. so you can see wich one are connected.
20. voip and chataccounts status changing per account.
21. showing icons behind a contact for each voip and chataccount so you can see with wich account that person is online.

Maemo is far from finished... i really dont understand why they stop supporting it and start building an allready doomed project called "MeeGo"

The Following User Says Thank You to sygys For This Useful Post:

mmm nice & pert, pert 1.4 mmm, pr1.4, will save the, world

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