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chemist, sorry to say but you're a poor excuse for a moderator. Schizophrenia is officially spelled with a ph, and not an f. Simply using the old language card on me doesn't work, at all. Nice attempt at trying to defend your community. Not all words have their own spelling.

How about actually researching before making assumptions? It's not hard to spot that you're making up rubbish. Unless you are talking about a completely different language, other than English, then to be honest you're a complete idiot.

English is the universal language, and official spelling of words resides with English. That's like someone from China attempting to spell hello but spelling it Ni Hao instead. Hello is the correct spelling, but Ni Hao means essentially, the same thing.

Judging by your spelling in your post where you shared your opinion, you can't even correctly punctuate your own sentences, let alone grammatically correct them. I don't know, maybe you're from Fiji or the Cook Islands. I'm not racist, but don't try and correct me on my own language. Adapt, or don't respond - at all.
Posts: 120 | Thanked: 24 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Brisbane, Australia.
Originally Posted by Rauha View Post
Why are you waiting?

Just go and buy a WP7 phone right now, if you like them. Plenty of options on the market. Is the Nokia logo really gonna make any difference?
So you buy a phone solely based on its brand? Obviously I haven't purchased a WP7 as I feel Nokia manufacture quality phones. My brother's Samsung lags and I am too young for a HTC.
Posts: 3,664 | Thanked: 1,530 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Hamilton, New Zealand
WM7 hmmmm Nah I'd rather selling my soul to Google Android if I'm buying a new phone. And my N900 will always be my trophy phone. Good luck with WM7
Posts: 120 | Thanked: 24 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Brisbane, Australia.
Originally Posted by maxximuscool View Post
WM7 hmmmm Nah I'd rather selling my soul to Google Android if I'm buying a new phone. And my N900 will always be my trophy phone. Good luck with WM7
Omg that is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me in this forum. Thank you Maxximus
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Originally Posted by johnel View Post
And thus it is proven that given enough time, monkeys and keyboards the entire works of William Shakespeare can be produced.

Alas, in this case this little monkey got lost and started this thread - oh well you must admire his massive 2-digit IQ.
Nice work johnel - using the old off-topic statement to accompany your insult. I wouldn't even start talking about my IQ, when you have gone completely off-topic. Not only did you fail to contribute anything to this post, you directly insulted my intelligence.

This is a major sign of your insecurity.
Posts: 120 | Thanked: 24 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Brisbane, Australia.
Also a forum mod named Reggie asked me how I was related to Dion_ddc. Let me make this clear. We are not trolling, we are both excited about Nokia announcing WP7 phones. We just want to hear the Maemo community's thoughts on it. And don't ask personal questions without manners, please goes a long way. Furthermore I do not know you, I have made it apparent that Dion_ddc and I are not the same person.
Banned | Posts: 3,412 | Thanked: 1,043 times | Joined on Feb 2010
HAHAHA this thread is sooo funny how the heck did it not get closed by now but never mind.

Wrong topic OP for this forum you need to take it elsewhere because your now a hated commodity here
Posts: 341 | Thanked: 607 times | Joined on Dec 2008
Originally Posted by blipnl View Post
This will go into the offtopic section soon, merged with Asian's "wp7 f yes!" thread.

For other readers, these threads are actually very interesting. It shows a remarkable picture of the average consumer in mobile electronics. Reading some of the posts here clearly reveals how the interests of these people as well as their intelligence have a nice consistancy to it. Marvellous, really.
Are you serious? This troll / these two trolls are as far away from the "average consumer" as you and me are.

The "average consumer" is not any dumber than us either, but chances are they are using their phones in-between brain surgery and planning the first manned Mars landing.

Busy != Stupid.
Posts: 68 | Thanked: 19 times | Joined on Sep 2010
You can set contact specific ringtones on the N900. Search for custom ringtones in the repo's.
mart 5.1
Posts: 120 | Thanked: 24 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Brisbane, Australia.
Originally Posted by abill_uk View Post
HAHAHA this thread is sooo funny how the heck did it not get closed by now but never mind.

Wrong topic OP for this forum you need to take it elsewhere because your now a hated commodity here
I'm sorry, but does this thread not appear under Competitors?
Furthermore I am not a commodity as I am not traded in a market.

bad troll, brainwashed, dork bot, idiot, just say f no, microtroll, popcorn anyone?, steve ballmer, troll yer boat, wait for the w8, wankers

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