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Posts: 196 | Thanked: 169 times | Joined on Jan 2011 @ Bosnia /Sarajevo
hi @karam
sorry for the noob question
Although I had previously installed, before these last two updates, ate only need to accept this new scripts and install them all again or do I have?
I used google translate sorry for that
Posts: 856 | Thanked: 1,681 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Aleppo ,Syria
You only need to install the tools/packages wich you know how to use
And the once you need them

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Posts: 617 | Thanked: 338 times | Joined on Mar 2011
Nice guide , I would like to see a video of you using these hacks .
Posts: 856 | Thanked: 1,681 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Aleppo ,Syria
well i can't make videos right now

But i'm looking forward to make tutorials and guides to use these tools
it will take a while until i'm done

i wish someone can do that for me or give us links to the guides
this will save a lot of time
BTW : the tools usage in N900 are the same as using them in PC (same commands ....etc)

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Originally Posted by karam View Post
UPDATE 18/6/2011
Fixed dsniff and it's dependencies (download and install them from attachments)

Hello Everybody this is my second thread after the script+tweaks to speed up n900

I got a lot of requests and pms about uploading some binaries for n900
such as (cowpatty,genpmk,mdk3,.....etc)

So here we go

Update all catalogs :more info at to activate testing and devel go to

part 1:

sudo gainroot

apt-get install python-scapy libpcap0.8 nmap iptables iproute aircrack-ng libgif4 icedtea6 xterm python-twisted-web conch libpcre3 python-openssl iw

apt-get install wireshark tshark # if you wanna have wireshark
apt-get install kismet # if you wanna have kismet

Now download karam.tar.gz
Then put in MyDocs and :
tar xzvf karam.tar.gz
To have all needed files

part 2 :
Now some deb i got dsniff with it's dependencies(Download from attachments) and libjpeg (for driftnet) as a deb files
install them directly

UPDATE : Thanks to superdump he ported THC-hydra
Download it and install it from attachments with
dpkg -i hydra6.3.deb

sudo gainroot


cd MyDocs/karam
dpkg -i dsniff.deb libjpeg.deb libnet0.deb libnet1.deb libssl0.9.7.deb

arpspoof (included in dsniff) doesn't work on maemo5 only on easy debian
but you can replace it with ettercap
Dsniff contains multiple files (msgsnarf urlsnarf dnsspoof...etc)

part 3:
Now some tar.gz archives
1-)sslstrip Download it from attachments and put it in MyDocs then:

sudo gainroot


cd MyDocs/karam
tar zxvf sslstrip-0.9.tar.gz
cd sslstrip-0.9
python ./ install

Note when running it you need to enable the ip forward and iptables to forward to a custom port (i'm not gonna paste a tutorial about them you can search for tutorials in the net)

2-)ettercap-ng now this one is realy awesome app
ettercap-ng.tar.gz :



cd /home/user/MyDocs/karam
mv ettercap-ng.tar.gz /opt
cd /opt
tar xzvf ettercap-ng.tar.gz
chmod +rwx -R ettercap/
rm ettercap-ng.tar.gz
cd # maybe not required
ln -s /opt/ettercap/lib/ /usr/lib/
ln -s /opt/ettercap/bin/ettercap /usr/bin
ln -s /opt/ettercap/bin/etterfilter /usr/bin
ln -s /opt/ettercap/bin/etterlog /usr/bin

then try :
ettercap -G
if you got an error about too many symbolink then

rm /usr/bin/etterfilter
rm /usr/bin/ettercap
rm /usr/bin/etterlog

and then repeat the steps but replace (root) with (sudo gainroot) OR (sudo gainroot) with (root)
Note that i have modified the configuration file to solve the iptable problems

3-)SET social engineering toolkit
Hmm well this is currently not needed if you don't have metasploit3
i will post a tutorial for it later also for metaploit3 and it's full functions

part 4:
Now binaries.tar.gz
it includes (mdk3,genpmk,cowpatty,driftnet,grimwepa-n900.jar)

1-) moving and giving permisions and untaring
and installing cowpatty genpmk driftnet mdk3 grimwepa-n900.jar (gui for hacking wireless)

sudo gainroot


cd MyDocs/karam
tar xzvf binaries.tar.gz
cd binaries
mv mdk3 /usr/bin
mv genpmk /usr/bin
mv cowpatty /usr/bin
mv drifnet /usr/bin
mkdir /opt/grimwepa
mv grimwepa-n900.jar /opt/grimwepa
chmod +rwx /usr/bin/mdk3
chmod +rwx /usr/bin/genpmk
chmod +rwx /usr/bin/cowpatty
chmod +rwx /usr/bin/driftnet
chmod +rwx /opt/grimwepa/grimwepa-n900.jar
echo "java -jar /opt/grimwepa/grimwepa-n900.jar" >> grimwepa
mv grimwepa /usr/bin
chmod +rwx /usr/bin/grimwepa
cd ..
rmdir binaries

NOTE: grimwepa in icedtea6 maemo version may crash from time to time so when you launch grimwepa you can hack only 1 wifi
relaunch it to hack another one (if you want stable then install easy-debain)
But you need to do this inside easy-chroot
apt-get install openjdk-6-jre-headless openjdk-6-jre openjdk-6-jre-lib openjdk-6-jre-zero openjdk-6-jre-headless xterm aircrack-ng

NOTE : if you are using enchased busybox then do :
apt-get install procps #ONLY IF YOU ARE HAVING THAT BUSYBOX!!!!!!!!!

Simply copy and paste the codes i provided but make sure you write root or sudo gainroot before pasting

part5 : some very useful TMO links

1-)This one is an automated MITM attack script (all details are in it's thread) Thanks to Unhuman For alerting us to it and vi_ for modifieng it and all others involved

PS if you followed my instructions you should have all the dependencies of it

2-)This one is an automated WEP hacking script(all details are in it's thread) Thanks to vi_,torpedo48 and all others involved

Now we are Done here after doing everything correctly you should have a nice hacking small device
For usage of these tools use google

ONLY FOR Pentesting DoN't HaRm PeOpLe
You are so greatful !!!
It runs quite smoothely in interface wlan0, but when I try gprs0, it crashes
Nokia-N900:~# ettercap -G
ettercap NG-0.7.3 copyright 2001-2004 ALoR & NaGA

ERROR : 9, Bad file descrip

libnet_init(LIBNET_LINK_ADV) failed: unknown physical layer type 0x335
Posts: 72 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Sep 2010
does it work with WPA\WPA2 ?
Posts: 489 | Thanked: 404 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Originally Posted by Dragoss91 View Post
Nice guide , I would like to see a video of you using these hacks .
Attack with YAMAS:

Cracking WEP with Wifite:

Cracking WEP with Aircrack-ng suite:

The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to torpedo48 For This Useful Post:
Posts: 856 | Thanked: 1,681 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Aleppo ,Syria
of course it will crash if used gprs0 because you can't spoof the whole country as there is no local ip


yes it does


thanks for the videos

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Posts: 72 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Sep 2010
Originally Posted by karam View Post

yes it does

so , why it didn't work with me ?
Posts: 856 | Thanked: 1,681 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Aleppo ,Syria
Hmm if you was trying to hack WPA you have to do it with a dictionary attack
this attack is known as useless
and it takes too much time specially on n900 (600mhz)
there is another way
but it is complicated
and i can't post it here
illegal blablaba.....

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dangerous, hacker edition, i iz hax0r, karam2hacker, noobs-cant-read

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