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HtheB's Avatar
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seems like a driver issue to me. try it on a different usb port or a different pc
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Tried a different laptop (Win XP) and it worked, thanks.

Then I had another problem when during the installation uploading of files freezed and after some time IO error was displayed. I tried to reflash like 10 times or so, once it freezed even before uploading kernel and after that reflashing did not work, plus the battery discharged and was empty.

When I understood that I'm in trouble I used our friend google and tried cold reflash which didn't work either due to discharged battery (usb was not enough to charge). So I extracted battery (lucky me to have a screw driver that just fit) and charged it manually (placed to the friend's nokia 5530 battery terminal). After that I tried cold reflash again and it worked like a charm.

The final command is
flasher.exe -F img.bin -F emmc.bin -f -c
Funny thing is that flasher did not detect device on my minimalistic Gentoo PC nor Ubuntu 12.04, when I had been installing PR1.2 I used my Gentoo without any problems.

Do I need to make any other steps after cold reflash?

P.S. PR1.3 seems to work just great and super fast
P.P.S. Guess there is no such a thing as "bricked N950" as long as you have not burnt any hardware inside it. And one always can charge the battery manually.
jflatt's Avatar
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I always have to use the older version of flasher, dont know why, but the newer one never seems to recognize any of my devices
EIPI's Avatar
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I kept it simple. I Downloaded the bin file for N950 PR1.3. Used the one-click flasher (Linux version) to wipe it clean and install official PR1.2 (rootfs and emmc) Then used the command:

sudo flasher -F DFL61_HARMATTAN_40.2012.21-3_PR_LEGACY_RM680-OEM1-916_ARM.bin -f
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Last edited by EIPI; 2012-10-11 at 03:36.

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Posts: 30 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Nov 2010 @ Nagercoil, India
Originally Posted by EIPI View Post
I kept it simple. I Downloaded the bin file for N950 PR1.3. Used the one-click flasher (Linux version) to wipe it clean and install official PR1.2 (rootfs and emmc) Then used the command:

sudo flasher -F DFL61_HARMATTAN_40.2012.21-3_PR_LEGACY_RM680-OEM1-916_ARM.bin -f
I tried with this command and i am getting the following error
sh: sudo: not found

I already copied the bin file on the N950 using the mass storage mode.

Any help please.
Posts: 1,067 | Thanked: 2,383 times | Joined on Jan 2012 @ Finland
Originally Posted by binu_ji View Post
I tried with this command and i am getting the following error
sh: sudo: not found

I already copied the bin file on the N950 using the mass storage mode.

Any help please.
You are not supposed to copy it to N950, but to run the flasher from your desktop machine.
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Last edited by rainisto; 2012-10-27 at 08:45.

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Schturman's Avatar
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Can someone share again this PR1.3 via torrent. The torrent from PTB looks like dead (no sources)

EDIT: started download, probably a problem in my home network

Last edited by Schturman; 2012-11-06 at 20:57.
Schturman's Avatar
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Successfully flashed with:
flasher -F img.bin -F emmc.bin -f --erase-mmc=secure
leaked PR1.3 (img.bin) + extracted emmc.bin from OCF for windows

When I got my device the the LPS not show me the clock. And now after reflash to PR1.3 it still not show me clock. What can be problem ?
HtheB's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Schturman View Post
Successfully flashed with:
flasher -F img.bin -F emmc.bin -f --erase-mmc=secure
leaked PR1.3 (img.bin) + extracted emmc.bin from OCF for windows

When I got my device the the LPS not show me the clock. And now after reflash to PR1.3 it still not show me clock. What can be problem ?
The problem is:
The N950 doesn't have LPS... LOL!
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Originally Posted by HtheB View Post
The problem is:
The N950 doesn't have LPS... LOL!

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