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Originally Posted by slimjim010 View Post

I was able to fix my app by modifying file "/opt/pyRadio/libpiano/".

Change line 295 from
reqUrl = self.base_url_lid %( self.rid, self.lid, "getFragment" )
reqUrl = self.base_url_lid.replace("https","http") %( self.rid, self.lid, "getFragment" )
this did the trick perfectly. Super thanks
Btw, just back after 3 months with Android. Missed my lost N900 so much that I bought another one
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Originally Posted by lvlonkey View Post
well what i did was use leafpad to open and modify the file. if you dont already have leafpad, install it. then in xterm as root type
"leafpad /opt/pyRadio/libpiano/"
this will open the file in leafpad. you can use the leafpad menu option of jump to to get to line 295. after you're done just save and exit.
Thank you so much for your help

I was able to open from x-terminal and put the code in, but when I hit save(in leafpad), it asks me for a location to save, where do I save it to?

Thanks for your time.

Ps, recorded the steps I took: h t t p://


Last edited by IsraelPerucci; 2012-01-21 at 22:13.
Posts: 4 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Apr 2011

This is a video of what I did to put the code in, I know i did something wrong(because it didn't work), so please tell me what I did wrong.

Posts: 11 | Thanked: 21 times | Joined on May 2010
You want to overwrite the original, so save it to the same location you read it from. (/opt/pyRadio/libpiano/

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I appologize for being absent. I didn't intend to completely abandon you guys but real life gets in the way sometimes.

Slimjim has requested to be a co-maintainer of the package and I approved. I am working with Jim to get him up to speed on how to submit package updates and make changes for you guys. This is definitely a better solution than having me do it anymore since I no longer know when it's broken since I don't use it, and it doesn't impact my life like it used to making it a higher priority.

Just know I'm not completely gone, and I will be helping slim with whatever he needs to keep pyradio working for you guys. If he can't figure out a problem he can reach me and I will help him out. No matter what, I will make sure pyRadio lives on for you guys but updates will be much further between and not near as fast a turn around as before from me - hopefully getting slimjim on board will remedy that.


If I've helped you or you use any of my packages feel free to help me out.
pyRadio - Pandora Radio on your N900, N810 or N800!

The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to fatalsaint For This Useful Post:
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Originally Posted by fatalsaint View Post

I appologize for being absent. I didn't intend to completely abandon you guys but real life gets in the way sometimes.

Slimjim has requested to be a co-maintainer of the package and I approved. I am working with Jim to get him up to speed on how to submit package updates and make changes for you guys. This is definitely a better solution than having me do it anymore since I no longer know when it's broken since I don't use it, and it doesn't impact my life like it used to making it a higher priority.

Just know I'm not completely gone, and I will be helping slim with whatever he needs to keep pyradio working for you guys. If he can't figure out a problem he can reach me and I will help him out. No matter what, I will make sure pyRadio lives on for you guys but updates will be much further between and not near as fast a turn around as before from me - hopefully getting slimjim on board will remedy that.


This is great news. Thank you both!
Posts: 4 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Apr 2011
I fixed! my PyRadio works again!

Thank you guys for all your help!

the mistake I made was I wrote in the command line: opt/pyRadio/libpiano/pandora/py ... man! that was a massive mistake!
is not pandora/py but

Live and learn
Posts: 11 | Thanked: 21 times | Joined on May 2010

Here's a copy of the authentication error that I was having problems with. I think I didn't start having a problem with this until I uninstalled and reinstalled the app. Then, I would get this error every time I ran the app with the config file in place. If I deleted the config file, it would run correctly (prompting for user/pass), but if I closed the app and then re-opened it (using settings from config), I would receive this error. Oddly enough, I opened and closed the app nearly a dozen times today in rapid succession trying to capture the error, and it only happened once.

~ $ /opt/pyRadio/ 
PANDORA: Loading key from file "/opt/pyRadio/libpiano/key_in" 
PANDORA: Loading key from file "/opt/pyRadio/libpiano/key_out" 
Error calling slot "auth" 
Traceback (most recent call last): 
File "/opt/pyRadio/", line 211, in auth 
authenticated = self.player.auth( self.c.user, self.c.password ) 
File "/opt/pyRadio/", line 87, in auth 
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'sync' 
('found new MAFW renderer %s', 'Mafw-Gst-Renderer') 
using MAFW Gst-Renderer 
MAFW PROPERTY RECEIVED 5877792 volume 6582432 <ctypes.LP__GError object at 0x4479ce90> 
volume 28 
Radio Started. 
~ $
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check file. Line 33 has self.pandora = None and line 38 has self.pandora = Pandora( self.format, self.protocol_version ).

Go ahead and remove line 33, and put line 38 in it's place. So, line 33 will be the Pandora(..) line and line 38 will be the start of an if statement.

If that's too confusing I'll PM you the full changes.

Tell me what happens when you do that.
If I've helped you or you use any of my packages feel free to help me out.
pyRadio - Pandora Radio on your N900, N810 or N800!

The Following User Says Thank You to fatalsaint For This Useful Post:
Posts: 68 | Thanked: 26 times | Joined on Nov 2011
i already uninstall reboot install..still not working..i already change a line http/https but still not working.. help

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