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Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
Yeah it was a pretty boring press release really, extremely light on detail & nothing we didn't know.
Where is this recent development about Tizen, can you point to an article?
got it from some twitter feed.

Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
But they've been partnered with Myriad since the begging to do the Dalvik implementation, you reckon they may have ditched them?
Myriad Is that really something that was official? Question is if theyr solution is needed cause of libhybris may do the job?

As I understand it libhybris make it fully possible to run anything related to android because it "replaces" bionic libc with wrapper api between core linux glibc etc...

means there is no need emulation the way BB has done it. It also could mean games can run direcly that way. But I can be wrong..
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Yes it was official, they plugged it quite heavily until quite recently...
Pretty sure libhybris doesn't work that way, there still needs to be dalvik emulation.

Originally Posted by ZogG View Post
When i had phone not supported by company(nokia N9), i wanted Android emulator as i wanted somehow to run applications . Today I don't want emulator, i want company to support it and push it on market, so there would be native apps. It's cheap move

It's a completely sensible move, they'd be stupid to support only Sailfish native apps.

Last edited by jalyst; 2013-09-17 at 18:41.
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Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
As I understand it libhybris make it fully possible to run anything related to android because it "replaces" bionic libc with wrapper api between core linux glibc etc...
No. libhybris is not a replacement for bioinc to run anything from Android. It's another way around. It replaces some parts of bionic in the context of certain bionic based libraries (such as GPU userspace blobs), to enable running glibc based code while using those libraries.

I.e. it works like this (if I understood correctly):

Linux Application <-> Wayland <-> bionic based blob <-> libhybris <-> glibc

That's because in normal case it would be (well in the best case it won't be a blob at all, it would be a kernel driver, but that's a different story):

Linux Application <-> Wayland <-> glibc based blob <-> glibc.

It has nothing to do with running Android applications.

Last edited by shmerl; 2013-09-17 at 20:04.

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Some information about Jolla and their Android compatibility is found here Forbes on Jolla Android Compatibility It seems like much of what we expected and perhaps a little special sauce added.
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Is this a pun?-)

If Jolla can negate customers concerns of “will it run X?”, then Sailfish OS has a chance to establish itself.

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1. How well will android apps work?
2. How easy are they to instal, uninstall and upgrade?
3. How many will feel reason to use android apks?
4. How is jolla better than an android device?

jolla make a elephant of a cat. Too much focus on this android thing...but atleast some jolla press...
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Originally Posted by john mcaleely
another way of looking at hybris is to regard it as a way to use bionic based binaries in a glibc based os.

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Originally Posted by shmerl View Post
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"pretty soon", funniest line, jolla, pipo party, sailfish, tmo red

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