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zerojay's Avatar
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Hi everyone.

I wanted to know if the community had some ideas for widgets that they would like to have on their N900s. Because widgets are generally smaller, you can bang them out quite quick with the right people working on it.

We'd like to see all the widgets being created carry a similar style so that they won't look out of place next to the default widgets as well as next to each other.

If you've got ideas for widgets or you would like to help with their creation, please let me know by posting below. I'll make a list of widgets and people working on them and we'll work on coordinating our efforts. I'll keep this post updated with the latest info.

So... what do you want/need?

Widget Requests
Cellular data use monitor - Done, testing
IP address monitor - Code works, awaiting icon
Countdown Timer - Done, testing
Gmail Inbox/Nokia Messaging monitor
Mobile Banking
Post-it notes
Show recent photos/sketches/notes/apps
Memory Use
CPU Load
Remember The Milk
Battery monitor
Recent Calls
Favorite Events
Webcam monitor
Stock market
Doppler radar image
Location-Based GPS alarms/reminders
Package/Delivery tracking
Tip calculator
Recent topics on
Dual LED flashlight
Local Search
Moon Phase
Photo frame/slideshow
Tide tables
Sports Scores
Web slice
Zip Codes
Repository Monitor

Last edited by zerojay; 2009-10-06 at 10:52.

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Gmail inbox feed widget

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zerojay's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Peter@Maemo Marketing View Post
Gmail inbox feed widget
I assume you mean not just showing you how many e-mails you have in your inbox, but the subject as well as sender?

Good idea.

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Originally Posted by Peter@Maemo Marketing View Post
Gmail inbox feed widget
I would like one like this too. Does Nokia Messaging include anykind of widget showing inbox unread messages or something like that? Since Messaging supports Gmail too, so if this is the case, Messaging widget would suffice?
That that doesn't kill you, is going to hurt like hell. Or leave a scar.
I am not a coder, not a tablet heavy user, N900 is first one for me.
My only asset in here is cool head and common sense.
Stupidity is the thing I hate the most.

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I submitted a brainstorm proposal for a Mobile Banking Widget.

Here's the brief:

I think it would be really useful to have a widget on the desktop which shows an overview of your accounts and their balances, maybe updated once a day or on demand, or something. I figure it would be a simple text output:
CHQ1 $160.54
SAV1 $1401.76
RENT $600.00
BILLS $55.02

Most banks and credit unions these days supply a SMS based mobile banking system, where you text say, "bal all" (balance all) to their 5 digit (in north america) sms number. They then return a message like (example from vancity):

BAL1: $xx.xx
BAL2: $xx.xx
BAL3: $xxx.xx

Up to 6 in one message.
Theoretically you could have the device parse the incoming message and store the data for the widget. A timer could be run to send a "bal all" sms message to the specified number once in a while to retrieve new data. As most people have extremely high text plans (1000+) this shouldnt be an issue.

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My first project will probably be a postit note widget similar to the one I wrote for android (without all the crappy android widget issues). I am a forgetful guy and need the ability to put little bits of paper virtually all over my screen

The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to Bratag For This Useful Post:
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Originally Posted by Bratag View Post
My first project will probably be a postit note widget similar to the one I wrote for android (without all the crappy android widget issues). I am a forgetful guy and need the ability to put little bits of paper virtually all over my screen
Would be cool if this would use Conboy as backend Maybe we could work together there?!

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recent photo/sketch/note/app

the recent photo is obvious and with a single click you can bring up the photo you took last time, the others work the same
they each require collaboration with the app developers themselves -
ie conboy could be used to show the notes,
liqbase or xournal for the sketching, and something within hildon to store/recall the most recent app.
would be nice to perhaps allow more than one, but the idea is there to quickly redo your history.

would be even nicer to open up into a graffiti wall type effect showing full history.

there are also the usual monitoring apps - cpu/memory/load/uptime - lots of techs like them.

how would a live map work?

the gmail one would be better suited looking at the inbox itself because then it integrates with multiple services
liqbase sketching the future.
like what i say? hit the Thanks, thanks!

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I've heard the Fremantle calendar doesn't currently sync to Google Calendar. Would it be possible to get a widget that shows upcoming Google Calendar Events (similar to the home widget for the N8X0s - I believe it's called mgCal). It may work on Fremantle, but I don't know if the style matches the Fremantle style.
whaleyboy's Avatar
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A few of widgets I'd love to see:
  • Google Calendar
  • Google/YouTube Search
  • Remember the Milk

I'm sure I'll think of more soon!

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fremantle, requests, widgets

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