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Discuss Canola2 beta experiences, problems, and suggestions here.
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I wonder if this is only an OS2008 release?
Posts: 54 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on Nov 2007
I think it's supposed to run on 770's so probably not.
Posts: 140 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on May 2007 @ US
probably at night in Brazil
still more than 24 hours to wait...
will still probably check throughout the day on Wednesday...
Posts: 51 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Aug 2007
Can't wait - I grabbed an 8gig SDHC card just to use with this program. Thanks in advance to the Canola team - it really looks great from the previews!
Posts: 55 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Sep 2007
likewise, i have a kingston 8gb sdhc card still in the packaging waiting to be loaded with goddies for canola!
pycage's Avatar
Posts: 3,404 | Thanked: 4,474 times | Joined on Oct 2005 @ Germany
I still remember the first Canola release last year. That was a long night...
handful's Avatar
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Hi everyone, That's nice. This will be then the official place for the critics, bugs suggestions as we know there will be a lot of them. Please don't forget it's really a beta =) and we will improve it very fast but there will be of course some rough edges that only users are able to help us find.

Another thing :
It's was tested with :
Nokia 770 (with Gregale or OS2006) It seems that Etrunko is fighting to know what's happening on hackers edition
Nokia N800 (With Bora and Chinook)
Nokia N810 with Chinook

So we really believe that those will be the supported devices, although it's possible that we will focus support on Bora and Chinook first. But as Gregale seems to be working quite nicely no problems should be specific for that version.

@pycage. Don't even tell me we were already sleepless on the office since the day before and I only left the office 10hours after the launch at 00:15 if I'm not mistaken. This time we plan to make it earlier at 10pm brazilian time (Recife time zone)

Another tips, that I was going to write in the blog: Of course the maemo device can load big images, but as you have seen in canola sometimes to improve navigation we load 3 big pictures so take care while using 6mega pixel photos =) canola will for sure sweat. But please do test with those big ones. We want to see how it will react in out of memory cases.

2) The thumbnail generation can take a little time on the first time you enter the photogallery so don't be afraid if takes a little while.

3) Some menus can take a slightly (very subtle) time on the first usage.. then it's quite fast. (maybe it's gone in the last build)

Main menu : The main menu will look quite "empty" in this first beta as some of the features are not ready (like more video features, more picture applications and so on) so please excuse us for this ugly situation in the beginning. I know some people will say
"Why not put everything in a grid in the main menu?" but it's because we are actually prepared to have more and more icons that only a simple grid would not hold. So today will be 4 (5 if you install Media share support) but fast it can be 10.. and the home screen can hold 10 items and more 8 in each submenu, in the end the second level is just to avoid list menu for the second level.

so think that this is a empty menu =) when it's full will make more sense when it's full =)

Developer support is almost there, and once we release it, fix the important bugs we will write the whole documentation, open one big plugin and give everything that is need for plugin development.

We will try to keep a open roadmap so users knows what plugins we want to develop to avoid cross work (but of course our plugin can be limited by something so feel free to do anything, if you want)

Also I posted that, it would be quite good if you could shot a video of the first usage, and send to us via youtube or (can be private of course) I have users in both applications ( shoreserenity in youtube and handul - marceloeduardo on )

So =) in a couple of hours we close the build, do a lot of testing, finish the website and do whatever is possible to keep the 10pm deadline.

Just one possible bad news: theres a serious issue that can hold us from releasing it today. I'm not talking explicit about it because I really believe it's not going to happen, but if so you know that is not about being done or not done.. but something that is bigger than us. (but don't worry, we are very optimistic about that)

See you later, and thanks in advance just for testing it!

Remember: if you have canola1 you must uninstall and reboot first. It sucks but then it's gone this reboot thing (it was about time).

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Can't wait
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ERR.. what time is it in brasil?
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