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I'd just like to share some recent work done on porting SailfishOS for Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505 LTE:
This particular port is based on cyanogenmod 12.1 and there are still two major issues to fix:
- outgoing calls
- cameras
For outgoing calls, attempting to make a call results in slow UI response changing to the dialing screen (more than 20sec at times) and the call failing with with a couple of beeps and sometimes even a 3 tone signal.
Curiously enough, incoming calls work just fine and sms sending/receiving also works properly, along with mobile data.
I have collected logs from both successful received call event and failed outgoing call attempt: >> received call >> outgoing call
Using as the latest stable release, phone calls work fine, both making and receiving.
I have found issues online regarding just the outgoing calls even for cyanogenmod, but no actual solution... If anyone has any suggestion on how to fix or debug this issue, please let me know!
Thanks in advance!