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Posts: 549 | Thanked: 502 times | Joined on Feb 2008 @ Bowling Green Ohio (united states)
Ubuntu-N8x0 2.2 (ubuntu jaunty (9.04) for the Nokia Internet Tablets


Stskeeps - for providing helpful advice with base system components
Johnx - for providing advice with X11
neatojones - for providing an awsome port of e17 for both ubuntu-n8x0 and mer
AndrewFBlack - for providing an awsome host server
Z4CHH - for pointing out bugs
XNT - for beta testing the new sys-env system

This is an updated version of the previous port of ubuntu that includes major base system changes. This version takes full advantage of the new sys-env package system witch will make installing ubuntu on the tablets 90% easier by automating the install prosess through apt. (Similar to Deblet's nit-env system)

I am not responsible for what you do to your tablet. Dispite the fact that this insallation method is faster/safer than the previous port, following theas instructions incorrectly could lead to a non-functional system leading to a reflash.

What's new:

*Bootstraping the base system is no longer needed (optional)
*Better/faster installation method with sys-env
*Slightly faster boot time
*Base rootstrap image is only 75mb in size (compressed)
*Automated installation/configuration prosess through apt

What works:

*Screen diming
*Simple compiz visual effects (libgl-mesa-sw-x11)
*Power management
*Usbnet emergency talend
*Right click

What needs work:
*Usplash (as a replacement for omap-fb-splash)

This installation prosess requires the following to be installed on your system:

*easyroot / rootsh / becomeroot
*e2fsprogs (installed by default in Diablo)


Step 1 ~ partitioning your memory card

Assuming that you want to partition your internal memory card (mine is mmcblk0), as root run the following in a terminal; this will create a 312mb FAT32 partition, a 200mb swap partition, and the rest as LINUX83. (note: you might need to reboot after doing this)

umount /dev/mmcblk0p1
sfdisk -uM /dev/mmcblk0
Step 2 ~ Formatting your partitions

As root, run the following, this will format your first partition in vfat, yoou second partition in swap, and your last partition in an ext3 format for your rootfs.

umount /dev/mmcblk0p1
mkdosfs /dev/mmcblk0p1
mkswap /dev/mmcblk0p2
mkfs.ext3 /dev/mmcblk0p3

Step 3 ~ Installing the base system

First, we need to create our target directory and mount our partition to extract the base system. You can run the following as root to do so. (note: ignore any errors that may come up - they're harmless)

mkdir -p /mnt/jaunty

insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/`uname -r`/mbcache.ko
insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/`uname -r`/ext2.ko
insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/`uname -r`/jbd.ko
insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/`uname -r`/ext3.ko

mount /dev/mmcblk0p3 /mnt/jaunty -o noatime

Next, we will cd into our target directory, wget -c the rootstrap image and, extract the base system. Run the following as root:

cd /mnt/jaunty

wget -c

tar -zvxf ubuntu_9.04_n8x0-2.2_rootfs.tgz

rm -f ./ubuntu_9.04_n8x0-2.2_rootfs.tgz

Then, we need to mount any nessasary directorys, chroot into the extracted rootfs and, set a root password:

mount /proc /mnt/jaunty/proc
mount /sys /mnt/jaunty/sys
mount /dev /mnt/jaunty/dev
mount /dev/pts /mnt/jaunty/dev/pts
mount /tmp /mnt/jaunty/tmp

chroot /mnt/jaunty

passwd root

Last we need to install sys-env-* to finish the installation of the system, there are currently two options:

*sys-env-base - a verry minimal bootable preconfigured system with usbnet emergency talend, raw console on framebuffer, and ubuntu-rescue-menu, dsme, hal, and wireless

*sys-env-x - (installed on sys-env-base) a system with full blown X11 (xserver-xorg) and support for gnome, kde, e17, xfce4 and, lxde

(comming soon)-

*sys-env-ubuntu - a full-blown ubuntu-desktop gnome system with right-click support, software-rendered OpenGL, Gimp, FireFox3, Xarchiver, Adobe-Flashplayer 9, Compiz, Abiword, wifi-radar and, screen diminig.

*sys-env-kubuntu - a full blown kubuntu kde system with similar features that sys-env-ubuntu provides - with the exception of right-click support - sorry

*sys-env-xubuntu - a full-blown xubuntu XFCE4 desktop with similar features provided by sys-env-ubuntu but with the advantage of being lighter-weight

*sys-env-lxubuntu - a full-blown lxubuntu LXDE desktop with similar features provided by xubuntu but with the advantage of also being a light-weight environment.

*sys-env-e17 - a full-blown enlightenment e17 environment that's light weight and user-friendly on mobile devices.

Assuming you've chosen sys-env-x, run the following while chrooted in ubuntu. (note: this may take quite a while, so go grab some coffie )

su root
export LC_ALL=C

apt-get install sys-env-x

apt-get clean
And you're done!!
To unmount the system run the following while still in the chroot:
umount /proc
umount /tmp
umount /dev/pts
umount /sys
fuser -m /mnt/jaunty -k
umount /mnt/jaunty/dev
umount /mnt/jaunty

Tweeking & costomising

This section is entirely optional and may verry depending on your installation setup.

Installing ubuntu-desktop:

apt-get install ubuntu-desktop tablet-gdm-autologin
Installing kubuntu-desktop:

apt-get install kubuntu-desktop tablet-kdm-autologin
Installing xubuntu-desktop:

apt-get install xubuntu-desktop tablet-gdm-autologin
Re-configuring /etc/fstab to your system setup. (note: this is based off of the partition setup provided at the top of this page)
rootfs  /       rootfs  defaults,errors=remount-ro,noatime,nodiratime   0	1
proc    /proc   proc    defaults        0       0
/dev/mtdblock4  /mnt/rootfs     jffs2 defaults  0       0
/dev/mmcblk0p2  swap  swap	defaults	0	0
/dev/mmcblk0p1 /media/mmc2	vfat defaults	0	0


more screenshots are available on my gallery

If you have any suggestions, questions, or would like to be involved, feel free to tell me here or poke me on IRC at on #maemo if you want to do a live chat with me
I'm an advanced user and a bit of a modder.
I am involved with Mer, Deblet, and NITdroid.
My ports/creations/hacks: GNOME (for Deblet), Cdeb2», Ubuntu, playable flash games in the "Get Started" app, DBS, ect...

enhanced fedora port has been canceled in favor of NITDebian (TBA)

Last edited by b-man; 2009-11-03 at 04:12. Reason: typo

The Following 43 Users Say Thank You to b-man For This Useful Post:
Posts: 607 | Thanked: 296 times | Joined on Jun 2008 @ Finland
Big thanks for the how-to b-man!!!

Re-configuring /etc/fstab to your system setup. (note: this is based off of the partition setup provided at the top of this page)
rootfs  /       rootfs  defaults,errors=remount-ro,noatime,nodiratime   0	1
proc    /proc   proc    defaults        0       0
/dev/mtdblock4  /mnt/rootfs     jffs2 defaults  0       0
/dev/mmcblk0p2  swap  swap	defaults	0	0
/dev/mmcblk0p1 /media/mmc2	vfat defaults	0	0
Note that this is working configuration for you, but is not working configuration for all tablets.

Example, for me the internal card is mmcblk0 in maemo, but in ubuntu/mer/deblet it always appears to be mmcblk1.
Touch Book .. do not waste you money on it.

The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to meizirkki For This Useful Post:
Guest | Posts: n/a | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on
b-man: I tried out Kubuntu shortly after you left IRC the night you were finishing up sys-env. It wasn't really useable at the moment. That said, I think *KDE* could work, but kubuntu-desktop made my tablet cry.
Posts: 25 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Feb 2009 @ Venezia
Need to try it as soon as I can...
Many many thanks

The Following User Says Thank You to fabbro For This Useful Post:
Posts: 607 | Thanked: 296 times | Joined on Jun 2008 @ Finland
Originally Posted by jaem View Post
b-man: I tried out Kubuntu shortly after you left IRC the night you were finishing up sys-env. It wasn't really useable at the moment. That said, I think *KDE* could work, but kubuntu-desktop made my tablet cry.
Disable Nepomuk (Systemsettings > Advanced > Desktop Search). Then it will not make you tablet cry. Remeber to use swap too
Touch Book .. do not waste you money on it.
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Originally Posted by meizirkki View Post
Disable Nepomuk (Systemsettings > Advanced > Desktop Search). Then it will not make you tablet cry. Remeber to use swap too
I couldn't get that far in the GUI, but I know how to turn it off in the chroot. I hadn't thought about that. How useable is it after disabling Nepomuk?
luca's Avatar
Posts: 1,137 | Thanked: 402 times | Joined on Sep 2007 @ Catalunya
Even if I don't currently have a spare card to try it (though I'd like to), I have a couple of (probably dumb) questions: how do you boot it? (or you just boot maemo and run from the chroot?) and is the vfat partition really necessary?
Posts: 25 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Feb 2009 @ Venezia
no: even if i've not finished the whole installation, i'm sure you don't need the vfat partition. but if you own an n810 it could be usefull to exchange datas through usb with your peecee.
also, once the installation is finished, the only thing you have to do is to boot your device from the proper memory card/partition.
if you don't know what i mean, you will find good tutorials googling the internet.
here are a couple:
(in the second one you will find another reason for the first partition to be vfat).
be brave and enjoy
dcarter's Avatar
Posts: 229 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on May 2006
Hello, and thank you for your work and development!

I have gotten through the steps just fine until here,
"Assuming you've chosen sys-env-x, run the following while chrooted in ubuntu. (note: this may take quite a while, so go grab some coffie )

su root
export LC_ALL=C

apt-get install sys-env-x

apt-get clean

at which point I cannot seem to install sys-env-x...
I am wondering if, since I never installed a method to boot Ubuntu, I might be missing something....Like, how would I start Ubuntu once all is installed..

I apologize in advance for this newbish post!


Munk's Avatar
Posts: 229 | Thanked: 108 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Sacramento, California
How is the performance of this on the NITs? I sometimes think that the performance of the default OS can be somewhat stinky and wonder if this would just create larger swap files with an even larger performance hit.

However, saying all of that, I am so very curious and anxious to try this. Plus, it looks completely incredible.

Any thoughts?

gnome, kde, ubuntu

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