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So after owning the N900 since launch day, I must say it is still epic. My co-workers both have Android OS phones like the HTC Evo and Samsung Captivate and they still envy many of the things the N900 does.

Of course we're all IT professionals so they "get it."

I must say the overclocked kernel + Swappolube makes the N900 fly.

I know most don't give a crap about this, but I was playing with the N900 last night and it suddenly hit me just how fast and responsive the N900 is after watching a coworker browse around on his brand new Captivate.

If you don't know how to check your N900's uptime, you probably shouldn't own it.

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ossipena's Avatar
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exactly. and it is really shame. is the speed of epic device evolution frozen?

and n900 is unfortunately last of its kind. hopefully meego will have enough headroom for modding the system but it probably is at least harder...
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Posts: 323 | Thanked: 116 times | Joined on Jul 2010
I'm loving my n900!

I work with it day and night!

Meego-Devices will not be the same.
They're not debian based.
It will be much more difficult to adapt them.
There will be an atempt to impose commercial software on the open meege system.
volt's Avatar
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I have this worry too, but I don't think it'll be as locked down as it could have been. Android has an clear advantage in the market (perception) and MeeGo has to bring something that can compete with that. Qt is just a platform, not a reason to buy it. So, I think they will have to keep it highly modable. After all, if they don't, what would then be the difference between MeeGo and Symbian^3? Different GUI colours? MeeGo is supposed to be the top end alternative, over Symbian^3.
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One of my concerns about Meego is the DRM "security" layer built into the platform.

It really depends how far they are willing to lock-down the handset (at the request of mobile operators).
I like cake.
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when i use qtirreco (not sure what app that uses n900 as remote for tv's) to kinda scare my co-workers at lunch time (you know, tuning channels without the tv's remote). what they said is "man! you are a very dangerous person holding a wicked device!"

i even showed them the VNC thing......trying to make a printer work on a laptop. (the only problem was the electric connections though) and yeah......lots of awesomeness!!!!
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"The best way to break a Spell is to prevent it from being cast in the first place"

N900: 1000/1150mhz; sampling_rate 15; up_threshold 150000;

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Posts: 152 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on Nov 2009
yeh its pretty much been an year, i think i got mine on the 25th?(not too sure about the date) here in new york nokia store. on the second day of launch. wow its almost been an year and its been with me for 5 different countries, hours of net, hours of calling, countless photos and videos and lot of exciting things and fun things.. all for 620 bucks lol.
Posts: 1,729 | Thanked: 388 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Canada
Originally Posted by Viny View Post
yeh its pretty much been an year, i think i got mine on the 25th?(not too sure about the date) here in new york nokia store. on the second day of launch. wow its almost been an year and its been with me for 5 different countries, hours of net, hours of calling, countless photos and videos and lot of exciting things and fun things.. all for 620 bucks lol.
i'd say its a big bang for a buck
if i did help you, just click "Thanks" on the lower right of my post. thanks!

"The best way to break a Spell is to prevent it from being cast in the first place"

N900: 1000/1150mhz; sampling_rate 15; up_threshold 150000;
Posts: 1,179 | Thanked: 770 times | Joined on Nov 2009
Got mine day after black Friday so been almost a year. Unfortunately we have been apart the last three months due to faulty usb port issue but looks like I may finally get an N900 back in my hands next week.

Is there a real benefit in overclocking and swappolube on PR 1.3? Many people say 1.3 has made the device very snappy without any mods. And is 1.3 stable enough (saw a lot of bugs being reported) or should I just stick to 1.2 and overclock plus swappolube. I don't think 1.3 introduced any new features and so if all it achieves (increased responsiveness) is surpassed in 1.2 with overclocking and swappolube then I think I would rather just stick to that. Unless it is even more responsive on 1.3 when you add those.
Dave999's Avatar
Posts: 7,075 | Thanked: 9,073 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Moon! It's not the East or the West side... it's the Dark Side
epic device, epic threads. Cant wait for the n9 pre-order thread. Just love long and useless threads as well as great phones. Pre-order n9 thread is a 2011 event according to Elop. Cant wait...hope the thread is as "open" as before

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