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Posts: 839 | Thanked: 3,386 times | Joined on Mar 2009
Roguelike called Brogue on extras-devel.


This is the first game on repository using libtcod (, which seems to work pretty well on SDL-mode.

Game has support for mouse (but needs keyboad also).

[EDIT] New version seems to be very stable

After installing, run
chown -R user /opt/brogue
(Older versions it was /opt/brogue/save)

Start game from terminal
cd /opt/brogue ; ./brogue
I'm not sure yet is ESC-key needed and is 'mapped ESC' working or not (SDL issue).
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Last edited by AapoRantalainen; 2012-07-23 at 18:10. Reason: tuned saving folder place for 1.6. added wiki-address

The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to AapoRantalainen For This Useful Post:
Posts: 2,076 | Thanked: 3,268 times | Joined on Feb 2011
This game is lots of fun. Bit unstable so backing up is recommended. The only problems so far (except segfaults when performing dangerous actions) are with '>' as I have it mapped to right arrow and SHIFT getting stuck. Remapping '>' to a letter fixed it (strangely enough this doesn't work in A Quest Too Far). I created special mapping for brogue (xkbcomp trick from wiki, all required uppercase letters to FN+something) which helps with the SHIFT issue and gets loaded at start and unloaded after exit/crash (cping all files from save to backup folder and vice versa, so whether it was saved or crashed its covered). Seems to work so far. Thanks for another great game Aapo!
Posts: 101 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on Aug 2010
Apart from the random initial crash, the game is working great
Will it be possible to change the key mapping in game itself for movement to -

The conflicting keys can be remapped to the others?
Posts: 2,076 | Thanked: 3,268 times | Joined on Feb 2011
This game supports VI keys and xkbcomp works, so no need to hard remap/recompile. You can create your own mapping for it (step by step instructions in wiki) and then use this script to fire it up:

cd /opt/brogue
xkbcomp server-0.xkb :0

It will also reset you keyboard back to default layout when closing.

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to szopin For This Useful Post:
Posts: 839 | Thanked: 3,386 times | Joined on Mar 2009
New version, changes:
* Fixed sticky shift.
* Fullscreen
* number of MESSAGE_LINES from 3 to 6
* game area from 100x29 to 100x34
* Recordings works.
* End game text ="Press space to start a new game"

*highscore loading/showing
*remap <>
*remap ESC (is esc needed?)

I can't run game on my computer, so I do not know which of my modifications relates only for Maemo version.
Posts: 101 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on Aug 2010
The VI keys are not really intuitive on the N900 due to slightly different keyboard layout.
I have remapped the keys to have q - c for movement and moved the conflicting keys to other values.I have also remapped <> to the Up and Down arrow keys as they wont be used for movement.

The complete new remap -
// Keyboard commands:
#define UP_KEY 'w'
#define DOWN_KEY 'x'
#define LEFT_KEY 'a'
#define RIGHT_KEY 'd'
#define UP_ARROW '<'
#define LEFT_ARROW 63234
#define DOWN_ARROW '>'
#define RIGHT_ARROW 63235
#define UPLEFT_KEY 'q'
#define UPRIGHT_KEY 'e'
#define DOWNLEFT_KEY 'z'
#define DOWNRIGHT_KEY 'c'
#define DESCEND_KEY 63233
#define ASCEND_KEY 63232
#define REST_KEY 'b'
#define AUTO_REST_KEY 'B'
#define SEARCH_KEY 's'
#define INVENTORY_KEY 'i'
#define EQUIP_KEY 'p'
#define UNEQUIP_KEY 'r'
#define APPLY_KEY 'u'
#define THROW_KEY 't'
#define DROP_KEY 'l'
#define CALL_KEY 'n'
#define FIGHT_KEY 'f'
#define HELP_KEY '?'
#define EXAMINE_KEY 'j'
#define EXPLORE_KEY 'J'
#define AUTOPLAY_KEY 'A'
#define SEED_KEY '~'
#define EASY_MODE_KEY '&'
#define ESCAPE_KEY '\033'
#define RETURN_KEY '\015'
#define ENTER_KEY '\012'
#define DELETE_KEY '\177'
#define TAB_KEY '\t'
#define PERIOD_KEY '.'
#define SAVE_GAME_KEY 'S'
#define NEW_GAME_KEY 'N'
#define NUMPAD_0 48
#define NUMPAD_1 49
#define NUMPAD_2 50
#define NUMPAD_3 51
#define NUMPAD_4 52
#define NUMPAD_5 53
#define NUMPAD_6 54
#define NUMPAD_7 55
#define NUMPAD_8 56
#define NUMPAD_9 57

Can you use this file in you next build?
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Posts: 2,076 | Thanked: 3,268 times | Joined on Feb 2011

You can achieve all that easily with xkbcomp. Changing the code of actively developed roguelike to a non-standard set of keys is tricky at best. You would need to check it every time a new version is released (also changing help screen and if any additional keys have been mapped there) and could create more problems in the future. Instead of hard-coding this one can use xkbcomp to alter keymap for the duration of playing (which also helps if another player decides that he would prefer t,y,u to b,n,m).
VI keys btw are not intuitive on any keyboard. But as many roguelikes use them learning those is beneficial.
Posts: 101 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on Aug 2010
@ szopin - I will try xkbcomp

@AapoRantalainen - I upgraded to the latest version and the upgrade process removed This seem to be bug in packaging.
Posts: 839 | Thanked: 3,386 times | Joined on Mar 2009
Originally Posted by szopin View Post
Changing the code of actively developed roguelike to a non-standard set of keys is tricky at best.
Generally this is good idea. But really actively developed game can merge Maemo's modifications (maybe not that non-standard key setup)

Originally Posted by TimusEravan View Post
I upgraded to the latest version and the upgrade process removed
How you done upgrading? "apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade" worked for me, no side-effects. Did it remove package libtcod or only remove file
Let see what happens with next upgrade.
Posts: 2,076 | Thanked: 3,268 times | Joined on Feb 2011
Update/upgrade through fapman worked flawlessly for me.

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