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debernardis's Avatar
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For those who happen to use on the NIT, there's a simple command to shorten its startup time.

The command
debbie ooffice -nologo -nodefault
preloads parts of openoffice - it will steal you one or two second for its execution and some 23 megs memory.

From my experiments on my freshly booted 810, starting "ooffice" without this preload needs about 30 seconds, which scale down to 15 seconds after the preload.

I still have to fiddle with the booting scripts to determine the best way of autostarting the thing.
Ernesto de Bernardis


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I think it would be nice to bundle some if not all of your speedup tips into a future version of the easy chroot; I've just bundled the /tmp resize trick and it has done wonders; suddenly I can open complex documents in OpenOffice (before, it would just silently drop pictures, etc), print to PDF, print via CUPS properly, etc, etc...

Could you re-post your other OpenOffice optimizations here?
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Last edited by qole; 2008-07-29 at 06:26.
debernardis's Avatar
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OK :-)

Here are some reposts - other goodies will be posted here when available. Though I don't think you will be able to default the chroot to these, unless you hardcode the openoffice preferences which go into the /home/user personal space.

Another trick to shorten startup. Fire up an openoffice instance (ex. writer), go to tools / options, then in the list look for and memory. Change "use for" to 30MB and "memory per object" to 2MB. Seems to work in my hands albeit I did no measures (placebo is enough for me :-).
Taken from which is a very interesting source of speeding advices.

This is to be able to open openoffice documents from the file manager.

dbus-switchboard allowed me to associate .odt files with openoffice writer.
In defaults.list put "application/octet-stream=hildon-dbus-switchboard.desktop" as stated by pipeline for files unknown by hildon.
In .dbus-switch-apps.cfg add
Oowriter,cli,debbie oowriter "%params%"
(double quotes were needed in my hands to allow filenames containing spaces).
In .dbus-switch-xref.cfg add
This was enough. Other ooo file types work similarly.

Managing the "restoring files" window in

This particular window, when shows, is too high for the 800x480 NIT screen and its buttons lay behind the visible area - plus, there's no way to move the damn'd modal window and to push the OK or CANCEL buttons, except that tabbing and hitting return in a blind way. Luckily, there is a cure.
In Openoffice tools/options menu, go find the "view" screen and on top you'll find a field which controls the scaling of the user interface widgets. Scale down it to 80% (or experiment with other values) and you'll see the restoring files window is going to enter comfortably into your screen - plus, all the toolbar icons will be visible.
Ernesto de Bernardis

Last edited by debernardis; 2008-07-29 at 07:43.

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qole's Avatar
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I stumbled across this in the /usr/bin/startlxde file. I ran OpenOffice under LXDE but couldn't see any difference, however. Any ideas?

# Enable GTK+2 integration for, if available.
EDIT: More info here. I wonder if we should go a step further and force desktop detection to "Gnome" by using OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP="gnome"

EDIT2: That page suggests a couple of variables that might speed things up a bit...

If set to nonempty value disables synchronous printer detection. This can help on startup e.g. if your CUPS server is very slow.

Disables usage of OpenGL if set to "true".
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Last edited by qole; 2008-09-10 at 23:06.

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I'm curious about this; I'd like to see some results.

If you're willing to (perhaps) drain your battery a bit more in order to get more performance out of OpenOffice, you might gain some speed by setting your processor to "performance" mode. lcuk does this with his liqbase, it might really help OpenOffice, too.

Make two little scripts, one called "cpu-perform" and one called "cpu-ondemand" (or whatever you want) and then run them as root (eg, sudo cpu-perform)

echo performance >/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
echo ondemand >/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
(don't forget to chmod +x cpu-perform)
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debernardis's Avatar
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Wow! This seems to work, definitely, just at the first test! Makes OOO much more usable. Now I wonder how much battery-time I lose by having this on while I use my tablet (and off when it's in my pocket).
qole's Avatar
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Great, I'll add these scripts to Easy Debian.
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debernardis's Avatar
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If I were able, I'd modify the slidelock package (which I always use on my n810 - and also on my n800 after pushing the secret button which makes its secret sliding keyboard slide out) to set performance when the slide is open, and ondemand when it's closed. I'm going to ask Jgallen23 (the developer) to include this in his next version.

EDIT: I was able indeed. It's just a minor modification in /usr/lib/SlideLock/ The modified version is as follows:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import dbus,gobject,time,os
from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop

def main():
	slidestatus = '/sys/devices/platform/gpio-switch/slide/state'


	bus = dbus.SystemBus()

	tklock = bus.get_object('','/com/nokia/mce/request')

	def msg(id,obj):
		f = open(slidestatus,'r')
		status =
		if status == "closed\n":
			os.system("echo ondemand >/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor")

		if status == "open\n":
			os.system("echo performance >/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor")

	loop = gobject.MainLoop()

if __name__ == "__main__":
Now let's see how many Coulombs does it burn
Ernesto de Bernardis

Last edited by debernardis; 2008-10-08 at 17:31.

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(qole looks all over his N800 for anything that could be called a "slide", doesn't find anything, shrugs, and goes back to his virtual keyboard)
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The external memory card slides out :P

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