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How do one control the aspect ratio on the N8x0/chinook or Diablo, or, what is the equivalent option for this, -vo nokia770, on the N8x0?

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"-aspect 16:9"

-vo omapfb

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In fact it should be the same in 770... Serge changed it in the newer mplayers (maybe 26+).
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More help please.

I added "aspect=16:9" to the /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf, instead of stretched to fill the whole screen, it shrinked to give me 4 borders. Is there any option to scale the video to fill the whole screen or having borders only at the top or bottom?

I think aspect ratio is NOT what I want. I think I want x-scale to scale the x dimension to fill the border on either sides of the screen. So what is the command line?

Edit: I think ace has the solution,
For wide videos (i.e. 16:9):
"mplayer -vf crop=$((height*15/9)) video.avi"

For tall videos (i.e. 4:3):
"mplayer -vf crop=:$((width*9/15)) video.avi

You'll have to substitute the video dimensions in the appropriate places.

can somebody translate that into a command line to use with the mplayer option?



Last edited by bunanson; 2008-10-05 at 07:15.
Posts: 503 | Thanked: 267 times | Joined on Jul 2006 @ Helsinki
Originally Posted by bunanson View Post
More help please.

I added "aspect=16:9" to the /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf, instead of stretched to fill the whole screen, it shrinked to give me 4 borders. Is there any option to scale the video to fill the whole screen or having borders only at the top or bottom?
Just using default options should make mplayer use correct aspect ratio already and add borders only at top/bottom or only at sides if needed.

I think aspect ratio is NOT what I want. I think I want x-scale to scale the x dimension to fill the border on either sides of the screen. So what is the command line?
Aspect ratio of the screen in the device is 15:9 (800x480). If you have video that has aspect ratio 16:9 and it is displayed correctly, it will have borders at top and bottom.

If you transcoded your video to something like 400x240 and want it to be scaled to fill full screen, you can use '-noaspect' option in mplayer in order to disable aspect ratio correction.

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Originally Posted by bunanson View Post
I added "aspect=16:9" to the /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf, instead of stretched to fill the whole screen, it shrinked to give me 4 borders. Is there any option to scale the video to fill the whole screen or having borders only at the top or bottom?
The "aspect" setting overrides the aspect ratio of the video file. Setting it to 15:9 will stretch videos to completely fill the screen, but they'll be distorted.

A video shouldn't have black borders on all four sides. The only way I can see that happening is if their are black borders encoded into the video.

If the video has black borders encoded into it, mplayer can crop them off. Run "mplayer -vf cropdetect video.avi" from a terminal. The terminal's output will show the appropriate crop parameters for that particular video.

If you want a video to fill the entire screen with no black borders and no distortion, you'll need to crop the video to 15:9. But I don't know any automagic way to do that with mplayer. The following code works, but not automagically.

For wide videos (i.e. 16:9):
"mplayer -vf crop=$((height*15/9)) video.avi"

For tall videos (i.e. 4:3):
"mplayer -vf crop=:$((width*9/15)) video.avi

You'll have to substitute the video dimensions in the appropriate places.

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Originally Posted by ace View Post
...If you want a video to fill the entire screen with no black borders and no distortion, ...
Fill the entire screen at the expense of mild distortion is what I want. I am trying those suggestions. I prefer to fill the screen than to have back border on either sides.

And yes, I am streaming video using kmplayer as frontend, so, they are in the situation as described by Serge, i.e., they are encoded correctly, so they play on the tablet with 4 borders. I would like to get ride the border even at the expense of mild distortion,

Thanks Ace and Serge,

Edit: I am using kmplayer, so I can only modified the config file. I tried


and kmplayer will NOT play.

I also tried aspect=15:9 and it has very minimal distortion and looked great, but with all 4 borders. I think I need to add, "mplayer -vf crop=:$((width*9/15)) video.avi" will get what I what, how to add that as an option on the config file.............? TIA,


Last edited by bunanson; 2008-10-05 at 15:01.
Posts: 4,030 | Thanked: 1,633 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ nd usa
Apparantly it is from kmplayer that gives the border. With aspect ratio set to 15:9 and xterm/mplayer mms://, it filled the whole screen with acceptable distortion. Now I will get back to my partner koos to fix kmplayer for the WorldTV99. I love to see without border. Of course, if one can crop either side to maintain aspect ratio without video deteriotion, that would even better.

Edit: I sometimes like to copy mplayer video output to post. How/what software can I use to capture mplayer output? I think something like change the video output using X11? Any suggestions? Thanks,


Last edited by bunanson; 2008-10-05 at 15:36.
Posts: 4,030 | Thanked: 1,633 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ nd usa
This is the mplayer output when streaming with the above mms:// using aspect 15:9. Can Ace/Serge help me to figure out the crop parameters please? thanks

MPlayer 1.0rc1-maemo.27.n8x0 (C) 2000-2006 MPlayer Team
Internet Tablet OS version: RX-34+RX-44_2008SE_2.2007.51-3_PR_MR0
Menu inited: /etc/mplayer/menu.conf

Playing mms://
Resolving for AF_INET...
Connecting to server[]: 1755...
file object, packet length = 1444 (1444)
stream object, stream ID: 1
stream object, stream ID: 2
data object
mmst packet_length = 1444
Cache size set to 300 KBytes

Cache fill: 0.00% (0 bytes)
Cache fill: 2.67% (8192 bytes)
Cache fill: 8.00% (24576 bytes)
Cache fill: 8.00% (24576 bytes)
Cache fill: 8.00% (24576 bytes)
Cache fill: 16.00% (49152 bytes)
Cache fill: 16.00% (49152 bytes)
Cache fill: 16.00% (49152 bytes)
ASF file format detected.
VIDEO: [WMV3] 320x240 24bpp 15.000 fps 0.0 kbps ( 0.0 kbyte/s)
Clip info:
name: NTDTV
author: NTDTV
copyright: NTDTV
comments: NTDTV
[omapfb] Nokia N800/N810 hardware detected
[omapfb] tearsync is enabled
================================================== ========================
Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family
Selected video codec: [ffwmv3] vfm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg M$ WMV3/WMV9)
================================================== ========================
================================================== ========================
Trying to force audio codec driver family dspmp3...
Trying to force audio codec driver family libmad...
Opening audio decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg/libavcodec audio decoders
AUDIO: 16000 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 20.0 kbit/3.91% (ratio: 2500->64000)
Selected audio codec: [ffwmav2] afm: ffmpeg (DivX audio v2 (FFmpeg))
================================================== ========================
[AO SDL] Samplerate: 16000Hz Channels: Stereo Format s16le
AO: [sdl] 16000Hz 2ch s16le (2 bytes per sample)
Starting playback...
VDec: vo config request - 320 x 240 (preferred colorspace: Planar YV12)
VDec: using Planar YV12 as output csp (no 0)
Movie-Aspect is 1.67:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
VO: [omapfb] 320x240 => 400x240 Planar YV12 [fs] [zoom]
[omapfb] ARM JIT scaler (quality=2): 320x240 YV12 => 320x240 YUV420
A:3284148.5 V:3284147.8 A-V: 0.678 ct: 0.000 1/ 1
A:3284148.5 V:3284147.8 A-V: 0.640 ct: 0.007 1/ 1
A:3284148.5 V:3284147.8 A-V: 0.640 ct: 0.013 2/ 2
A:3284148.5 V:3284147.8 A-V: 0.852 ct: 0.020 3/ 3
A:3284148.5 V:3284147.8 A-V: 0.852 ct: 0.027 4/ 4
A:3284148.8 V:3284148.0 A-V: 0.730 ct: 0.052 5/ 5
A:3284148.8 V:3284148.0 A-V: 0.794 ct: 0.077 6/ 6
A:3284148.8 V:3284148.0 A-V: 0.820 ct: 0.102 7/ 7
A:3284148.8 V:3284148.0 A-V: 0.820 ct: 0.127 8/ 8
A:3284149.0 V:3284148.5 A-V: 0.448 ct: 0.127 9/ 9


Posts: 4,030 | Thanked: 1,633 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ nd usa
Apparantly mplayer has a mind of its own!

Running mplayer.29/Diablo/N800. using xterm/mplayer -playlist any.m3u

It plays in 4:3, a rectangle with borders on either sides, most of time. Yes, most of the time, not ALL the time, it flickered in and out of like 16:9 with all 4 borders on and off. Looks like the streaming signal somehow affects the aspect ratio. Since this is streaming video, from WorldTV99, I would not have known whether this is encoding problem of the original copy or mplayer decoding problem. I guess I am going to leave this to Serge or the mplayer maemo team. Is there an option to nail down the aspect ratio?


Last edited by bunanson; 2008-10-05 at 21:48.

aspect ratio, crop, mplayer, worldtv99

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