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Posts: 148 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on May 2006
Hi. There's this Maemo ogg-vorbis support in garage but when trying to install it comes this incompatible package message. How this is meant to be installed? I'm totally confused about these N800 packages which can not be installed but are meant for the N800! This is not the first one.
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Same problem here.
Posts: 874 | Thanked: 316 times | Joined on Jun 2007 @ London UK
No consolation, but it helps me not to feel all alone.

I already have ogg-support installed, is this causing a conflict preventing the maemo-ogg installation, do you think?
Posts: 370 | Thanked: 443 times | Joined on Jan 2006 @ Italy
As posted in kagu thread, just enter red-pill mode before installing - it works!
Posts: 874 | Thanked: 316 times | Joined on Jun 2007 @ London UK
Thanks for posting the suggestion. Trouble is that I am in red pill mode already and it doesn't work.
Posts: 370 | Thanked: 443 times | Joined on Jan 2006 @ Italy
Huh, the incompatible package message is given because no 'user' flag had been set in the .deb. Did you try to remove all old ogg packages? Mine installed right after deleting the old package and switched to red-pill mode. Started working after first reboot, though.
Posts: 148 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on May 2006
Okei, I have been using red pill mode and in settings there is this "show all files" unmarked and when I did checked it these packages did install just well. Could it be that if you have this option app-managar won't install all packages? I have it unmarked because app-manager is faster to use this way, if I choose to show all files app-manager gets very slow, very very slow.
Posts: 874 | Thanked: 316 times | Joined on Jun 2007 @ London UK
My Application Manager/Tools/Settings/ Have all items marked. So that was not the issue for me.

When I uninstalled Ogg-Support then MaemoOggVorbisSupport fully installed. However both Kagu and UKMP crash.

So I have uninstalled MaemoOggVorbisSupport, reinstalled Ogg-Support and UKMP runs again as normal.

Kagu of course does not recognise my ogg files which is why I had hopes for MaemoOggVorbisSupport.
Posts: 370 | Thanked: 443 times | Joined on Jan 2006 @ Italy
Rebski, What happens if you try to start kagu/ukmp from xterm? And what's reported in appmanager logs?
Markku, it was an issue of mogg package, don't bother too much about it, you can just turn red-pill mode off after installing - it's better, for the safety of your NIT!
Posts: 874 | Thanked: 316 times | Joined on Jun 2007 @ London UK
All I can say is that UKMP loaded and scanned the files, when I selected an Album/Track it froze, locked up the device and required a reboot.

Kagu began by scanning the files and, when finished, closed itself down.

I am very sorry but I know nothing about xterm, it is not installed on my device. I assume it is a console but I never type cli instructions.

Having said that, however, if my experience is helpful to you in resolving the issues then I shall give it a shot and report back the results you request. A word of warning, I do need serious handholding in order to do so.

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