What's in the package
1x Nokia N900
1x Original headphones
1x Original battery
1x Replacement battery
1x Original EU charger
1x UK microUSB charger
1x MicroUSB to Nokia charger dongle
1x AV cable
1x Carrying case
1x GameGripper
?x XtreamGuard Screen Protector (one already applied)
1x Chinese Case replacement
1x Piece of history original box
All in perfect working condition maybe with exception for batteries(or not, don't remember the proper time), last time I used it, it was barely enough for single day.
What's in the package
1x Nokia N900
1x Original headphones
1x Original battery
1x Replacement battery
1x Original EU charger
1x UK microUSB charger
1x MicroUSB to Nokia charger dongle
1x AV cable
1x Carrying case
1x GameGripper
?x XtreamGuard Screen Protector (one already applied)
1x Chinese Case replacement
1x Piece of history original box
All in perfect working condition maybe with exception for batteries(or not, don't remember the proper time), last time I used it, it was barely enough for single day.
Payment Method: PayPal
Asking price: 110USD
Shipping from Israel: ~20-25USD
Not interested in partout.
Active Sailfish/Maemo developers may ask for lower price, as my appreciation for their work.