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Will Skype and OS2008 on the N810 support video calls?

zerojay's Avatar
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At the moment, no. Gizmo is working on it.
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As mentioned, Skype does not support video. It's just audio and chat. Very nice audio quality, mind you.

Gizmo supports video currently with other Gizmo users. So far, good quality, but could be even better by final release time. Internet video through gtalk is also quite nice.
DataPath's Avatar
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Skype has been very slow in bringing video support to Linux.

They just released v1.4 for Linux, and they're promising video support in the next release (scroll to the paragraph that starts with "we're still committed").

It would likely be the IT OS update after the next skype linux release that we get video.
Posts: 117 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ USA
Thanks for the info. My N800 arrives tomorrow and I use Skype a lot. I had assumed that the camera would work with it. Now I'll know so I won't panic.
Posts: 54 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jul 2007
Yes, I thought too when I bought my N800, that it would support Webcam with Skype, but I am waiting now so long, that I think that with IT OS 2009 we get an application, except camera, that will be useful on N800

Last edited by Ar-ras; 2007-10-22 at 08:39.
MoridinBG's Avatar
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Probably they don't want to reinvent the wheel for NIT Webcam support and then again for the PC.
Skype for MAC doesn't do video too (But it has tabs. TABS!!!). And the situation with video input devices in Linux is far from perfect.
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Did Skype opened their Protocol? I dont think so. So everything must be reversed...
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To get video into Skype I don't think it's really a question of opening up the Skype protocol, it's more a question of getting an open API (application programming interface) in place for the tablet video camera[1]. Then it would presumably be easier for Skype (and any other video-capable application) to program tablet video support into their application.

[1] or, improve what's there, as necessary
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Skype isn't open source. That in mind... what would Skype (Ebay) win if they added video to the tablets? They make their revenue from SkypeIn and SkypeOut, which doesn't need video. Ebay has stated that they are actually disappointed with the earnings from Skype in general and are viewing it as a flop.
So the only thing that _might_ get them to add video (if hardware on the tablets permits) is if some other company makes it (Gizmo, Gtalk) and they see a significant migration in their actual customers who use SkypeIn/Out to the other programs (Gizmo, Gtalk, w.e.) because of the video feature.
And before all that even happens there has to be general support for video in linux, or a _really_ easy way for them to add it to the tablets.

What Nokia would win if the video actually works on the tablets as intended is pretty obvious I guess.

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