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Forgive me if I havent read this somewhere else, but when is the Nokia Tablet going to show up in major retailer stores? I have seen it at Compusa (where i bought both my 770 & N800), but never came across it at Best Buy or Circuit City.

Reason I even think about this, is my friend brought it to my attention that he had never seen another person with a Nokia tablet. That made me realize that Id never came across a person with a Nokia tablet either. Its a great product, but people just dont know about it.

I take the time to explain it to everyone who asks "oh is that a phone?", but Im sure having the product in major retailers for the holiday would bring it GREAT SUCCESS! Any plans?
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When the price dips below $200, I'm going to advise my computer-challenged friends to buy them. For lots of people, $200 is the impulse buy pricepoint. I've never seen anyone besides me with an N800 either.
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When it (the 810) is sold as an in-car GPS mapping system that also happens to be a great in-car video and music player.

The Internet stuff is there so that when you stop for coffee you can check your email and do a little light browsing.

That is how I would market it anyway - especially after spending $8B on a mapping company.

Unhappily, it looks like Nokia are going to miss this year's Christmas sales. Judging by the flyers I get in my mailbox it looks like a lot of GPS mapping systems will be sold this year for about the same price as an 810. These things do not do all of the extras that the 810 can do.
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Originally Posted by dont View Post
Unhappily, it looks like Nokia are going to miss this year's Christmas sales. Judging by the flyers I get in my mailbox it looks like a lot of GPS mapping systems will be sold this year for about the same price as an 810. These things do not do all of the extras that the 810 can do.
It will be released just in time (late November) -- whether Nokia can get its marketing act together for the tablet is another question.

Is the tablet being promoted better in Europe? Nokia ads are not that prominent in the States, but when I was living in Britain I used to see Nokia advertisements pretty much before any movie screening.
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Loads of adverts for Nokia phones over here (mostly print/posters, AFAICT). Never seen a non-web advert for the N800, though.
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nokia could benefit greatly with just a little viral marketing on facebook or myspace.
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Don't be too sure. Nokia's done viral marketing. But I think the internet is innoculated against it.
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the only offline place I have seen the n800 advertised was an ad in wired, and I suspect a lot of their readers already know about it
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I have never seen advertising for the internet tablets... in any of my travels, in any language. Ever.

If they actually advertise the N810, I'd be surprised.
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Well i've seen the N800 advertised on the ticket barriers at Victoria Station it was in conjunction with BTs new openzone wifi project.

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