is Nokia not being afraid to be accused of dumping price policy practices under WTO Agreement, charging a much lower price for a good in a foreign market than one charged for the same good in a domestic market (i.e. EU)
in competition with iPod touch by Apple ?
I got recently my 8G iPod touch and still wonder why should I pay twice its price for N810 in EU.
As far as I can tell, consumer electronics goods in europe are generally more expensive. Some of this may be due to stronger consumer protection laws, such as return/warranty minimums. Other reasons would be higher reseller margins to cover higher sales tax (15-22%), transportation fuel cost (150-250%), import tarrifs (?) and wages (?).
The price difference is much different for some products than for others. You can compare N800 prices between and for an example. A commodity item like a hard drive shows less of a spread.
It seems like european companies are selling at lower margins in the USA to compensate for the extremely weak dollar. The Federal Reserve Bank and Treasury Department are listing inflation at ~2%, which is a fraud. Real M3 monetary supply growth is tracking 14% per annum right now (, and the US Dollar is beginning to reflect this extroadinary inflation.
is Nokia not being afraid to be accused of dumping price policy practices under WTO Agreement, charging a much lower price for a good in a foreign market than one charged for the same good in a domestic market (i.e. EU)
in competition with iPod touch by Apple ?
I got recently my 8G iPod touch and still wonder why should I pay twice its price for N810 in EU.