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Let me say first, I HAVE SEARCHED this site and and everywhere to no avail.

Now that I have that disclaimer out of the way, this whole MPLAYER thing is driving me nuts. In order to use UKMP or other video programs I need MPLAYER installed. With much searching I located what I thought was it only to find it wouldn't install either as it was the wrong version or "other" files were needed. Isn't there a simple file out there with everything needed bundled together that I can install? I was told to get "1.0rc1-maemo.23.n8x0" so I searched and found a thing called "Testing Maemo Extras" (whatever that means) and it says right on there it includes "1.0rc1-maemo.23.n8x0" in the "package." So I try and install it and it says it cannot install as it needs a few other wackie files. Can someone post a link that has the OS2008 MPLAYER and whatever else it needs to insall MPLAYER?

Thanks in advance.
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Posts: 356 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Jun 2006 @ Madrid, Spain
Search the repositories for OS 2008
(there is a search feature build into webpage, make sure OS2008 is selected)

This will advise which additional repository you require and it provides a one click install in order to include repository in your application Manger list of repositories.

Then you just need to update packages in application manager and mplayer should be available for download. (note warnings about the repository you are installing on the device)
GeneralAntilles's Avatar
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Hint: maemo extras-devel

(Which you really should've been able to find if you browsed through any of the dozen or so threads on the subject)
Posts: 62 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Nov 2007
yet another unhelpful post. what is that, what does it do and why would I want it? I already found "Testing Maemo Extras" and had no idea what it was either.
Mara's Avatar
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WFT: The two post above refer to repositories, that you should load into your application manager. Normally when you set up the correct repositories to your application manager, and after you refresh the application list, you can browse installable applications. You should see then Mplayer then as installable application. Once you click and install that, it should download the necessary files from the repositories and install the application for you. (That's how I have installed my Mplayer. I did not have any problems on doing so.)

I hope this is the part on your puzzle you have been missing...
GeneralAntilles's Avatar
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A google search for "maemo extras-devel mplayer" gets me this in the second result.

Another search for "mplayer n810" finds this in the first result.

Yet another search for "mplayer os2008" gets me this , also in the first result.

A search on these forums of all three of the above queries gets me another set of useful threads which almost all mention the extras-devel repository (several of them specifically how to to install)

A search of would've pointed you directly to the repository you needed to install, too.

Call it whatever the hell you want, but I'm just trying to point you in the right direction, and certainly gave you enough info to get you started if you had been willing to put forth a little effort.
Posts: 62 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Nov 2007
If you spent a quarter of the effort actually answering the question posed -- Like Mara was able to do -- and not googling "maemo extras-devel mplayer" (whatever the heck that is) this would be a more useful site. Mara was able to explain -- in clear English no less -- and even did so without the cute use of the word "hint."

I suspect a rock is out there somewhere waiting for you to crawl back under it.
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Posts: 356 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Jun 2006 @ Madrid, Spain
Originally Posted by WFT View Post
yet another unhelpful post. what is that, what does it do and why would I want it? I already found "Testing Maemo Extras" and had no idea what it was either.
You have lost me, in what way was my post unhelpful, you did say that you had found the repository but that when you installed mplayer it did not work.

All I can say is I installed mplayer with no problems using the method I described. Also if as you say mplayer refuses to install, there is usually a view "details" for why, if you read these details it will give you BIG clues on file(s) that are missing. Go back to search for the named file(s) in the 2008 repositories to find the repository with the missing file(s), make sure that repository is included in your list. (Use and understand "how to use" application manager on OS 2008)

Then hopefully mplayer will install and also pull down the missing files it needs. Hope this is additionally helpful, Merry Christmas

Have you got it working now, that's better than taking additional "pots" at someone where you can easily cause the what me situations which start all the silly flames in forums.
Do you Stream? You BET I Stream!

Last edited by MikeL; 2007-12-18 at 19:17.
Posts: 62 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Nov 2007
MikeL: not you -- I was referring to "the general."
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Originally Posted by WFT View Post
MikeL: not you -- I was referring to "the general."
Well, I'm glad to have wasted my time.

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