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gerrymoth's Avatar
Posts: 125 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ Bellshill, UK
I bluetoothed a jpg over to my N800 and it stored it in the 'Image' folder, but when I try to use this image in Pidgin I can't seem to find where this folder is?

I thought it would be in the HOME folder as this is where everything in my Ubunut PC ends up, but I've searched and can't seem to find where it is?

Posts: 49 | Thanked: 64 times | Joined on Apr 2007 @ Victoria, BC, Canada
It's a hidden folder:

Posts: 238 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on May 2006 @ New Mexico, USA
Run Filemanager and look on either the internal SD card or the external card... should find the "Images" folder on one of those.



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