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I have a few videos on my N800 right now, which are in the 4:3 aspect ratio. They play correctly in mplayer, but when I try to play them in Canola, it'll stretch them, in both fullscreen and windowed modes. Is anyone else getting this or is it something weird with how I reencoded them?
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Originally Posted by jhoff80 View Post
I have a few videos on my N800 right now, which are in the 4:3 aspect ratio. They play correctly in mplayer, but when I try to play them in Canola, it'll stretch them, in both fullscreen and windowed modes. Is anyone else getting this or is it something weird with how I reencoded them?
Unfortunately this happens in window mode, yes, but we didn't expect that for fullscreen.

The problem with windowed mode is that we have a 15:9 window, and Mplayer automatically stretch to fit this size. We need to figure out how to have mplayer to keep aspect ratio even if output window is different (both KMplayer and other said this is impossible) or detect video as 4:3 and create the window in the correct aspect.

sorry about that :-(
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Actually I have 2:35 videos and they are stretched vertically in both full screen and window mode when using Canola. If playing them with mplayer, they display properly...
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Here's a workaround I found that allows to use mp4 files via the os2008 media player with Canola instead of mplayer and has the huge benefit of not stretching the video any longer :

Go to home/user/.atabake, edit config and change general = mplayer to general = oms. Works like a charm.
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it doesn'tt work for me :/
it's the same like before - video stretched.
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I've found reason already I was opening an .avi file.
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Originally Posted by barbieri View Post
Unfortunately this happens in window mode, yes, but we didn't expect that for fullscreen.

The problem with windowed mode is that we have a 15:9 window, and Mplayer automatically stretch to fit this size. We need to figure out how to have mplayer to keep aspect ratio even if output window is different (both KMplayer and other said this is impossible) or detect video as 4:3 and create the window in the correct aspect.

sorry about that :-(
I spent some time on researching this issue for MediaBox, and eventually got it working quite reliable (sometimes a race condition messes this up, but very seldom).

When loading a video, mplayer will tell you about the width and height of the video before playing. Now compute the aspect ratio and send
  switch_ratio <ratio>
to mplayer. Also be quick to resize your display window to match the aspect ratio, or the aspect ratio will be messed up for the rest of the video.
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.24 of mplayer has resolved the stretching issue with Canola. No more stretching for .avi files.
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I using mplayer 1.0rc1-maemo.2.4.n8x0 and my video is still geting streched horzontaly.
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Well at least it's not getting stretched vertically for me. Movies that are 2:35 used to be stretched to 16:9 ratio before. I don't use 4:3 so I wouldn't know.
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